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EUPAVE event in the European Parliament, "Tendering for sustainable infrastructure in the circular economy"

Marc Tarabella, MEP, and the European Concrete Paving Association, EUPAVE have the pleasure to invite you to their breakfast debate on “Tendering for sustainable infrastructure in the circular economy”.

The event will be held Wednesday 17 October from 7:45 to 9.30 at the MEP Salon of the European Parliament.

Address: ASP0G, MEP Salon, European Parliament
Bât. Altiero Spinelli  60 rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60, Brussels

More info and registration here »


EUPAVE Publication "A guide on the basic principles of Life-Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) of pavements" available!

Worldwide many publications on the issue of LCCA are available in different degrees of detailing. In these publications the same fundamental principles and a widely accepted procedure are used for conducting a LCCA. These principles and procedure are applicable for any type of asset.

This publication emphasizes EUPAVE's commitment to:

  • provide a general insight in the approach and good practice in conducting a Life-Cycle Cost Analysis,
  • highlight the essence of the principles and procedure in the field of pavement and this regardless of the type of pavement materials used, the highway agency or country involved.

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13th ISCR | Videos of technical tours now available!

The German “InformationsZentrum Beton”, together with EUPAVE and their partners held in Berlin the 13th International Symposium on Concrete Roads. The event took place at the Titanic Chaussee Hotel between 19 and 22 June 2018.

Alongside the 62 oral presentations and 22 posters exhibited, 5 technical tours were organised Thursday 21 June. Thanks to WWS Film Berlin and InformationsZentrum Beton, videos of two of these tours are now available for all to see.

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New Forever Open Road website launched

A new Forever Open Road website has been launched at to replace the original one which was created in 2013. This new website has a much cleaner interface and is more easily navigable, enabling users to more easily find the information they require. There is also information on the National Programmes and a new multi-media section where relevant videos and presentations will be uploaded. 

If you have a project that you think fits the aims of the Forever Open Road, or has received press attention, please send information to the Forever Open Road Programme Manager, Martin Lamb. FEHRL is particularly keen to receive video and multi-media files.



All benefits of concrete pavements put forward in EUPAVE’s new promotional video

Click on the link below or watch it on our YouTube channel.


Next events

Date: Wednesday 17 October from 7.45 until 9.30
Place: Members' restaurant, European Parliament

Date: Friday 9 November 2018 from 12.30 until 16.30
Place: Couvin, Belgium