No images? Click here New topographic basemap for Pocket MapsOur new basemap allows hunters, trampers and other outdoor recreationists out in the field, away from phone reception, to combine our public access information with topographic maps offline. GIS supports a future for Te Waro BlockHerenga ā Nuku has been working with the ahuwhenua owners of Te Waro A Block to support access to a section of land that many previously thought was landlocked. The landowners, the people of Tuahuru Marae and Kaiuku Marae, and the wider community have come together to restore the area, bringing back native birds and fish. New walkways in historic Cutters BayCyclists and walkers get here by boat access to southern Whangatoetoe Bay, then climb to the existing ridgeline forestry road, which extends to a stunning headland lookout point to the south. Hug a treePeople who hug trees feel calmer and more relaxed than those who do not. Hugging (including hugging trees) increases the hormone oxytocin, which is responsible for emotional bonding and feelings of wellbeing, calmness, and trust. Snippets
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