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2月是充滿愛的月份! 於喜氣洋洋的農曆新年,我們帶著禮物造訪久未見面的親友,互相寒暄、慰問一下。緊接著是愛意滿溢的情人節和元宵佳節,我們對愛侶送上加倍濃厚的濃情蜜意。無論是對情人或親人,我們送出愛的同時,亦會得到他們帶來温暖的祝福。dōTERRA也一樣,多年來我們用心為你研發出最優質的產品,每一瓶小小的精油中都包含著一份【情】,而能把這份【情】送到喜愛精油的您手上就是我們最大的願望。其實,情人節不在於你是否有【情人】,而在於你是不是位【有情】的人。但願在這個喜慶的月份當中,你和我都能夠成為一個稱職的有情人。

Message from General Manager

February is a month filled with love and blessings. On the joyful Lunar New Year, We bring along gifts to visit those who you haven’t seen for a long time. On the loving Valentine’s Day, we go the extra miles for our lovers to make them feel special. No matter its valentines or relatives, when we give love, we receive too.  dōTERRA HK is just the same. We keep on producing the best products especially for you. Every tiny bottle of essential oil is also full of love, and delivering this love to you is our biggest wish. No matter you have a lover or not on this Valentine’s Day, what matters most is your heart. May all of us be the best lovers to others on this merriest time of the year. dōTERRA HK wishes you a Happy Chinese New Year and All the Best.

Raymond Tsang
General Manager of dōTERRA HK



10% Off Product


只適用於 HK OTG
佛手柑精油在柑橘類精油中獨樹一幟,可促進健康,並具有鎮靜作用,經常被用於按摩療法上,為大眾所喜愛。在二月期間購買佛手柑精油即可享有9折優惠!30790406佛手柑精油15毫升 -
九折價: HK$243 (會員價: HK$270)。

For HK OTG only
Bergamot is unique among citrus oils. It helps calming and soothing aroma. Applying to skin for showering and inhale deeply to experience calming aroma while enjoying its purifying skin benefits. Bergamot is frequently used in massage therapy for its calming benefits. From 1st – 29th February, we are giving 10% off on Bergamot. 30790406 Bergamot 15ml – price after 10% off HK$243 (Wholesale Price: HK$270)。Please
 click here to download poster (Chinese Only) 


of the Month


適用於 HK OTG 及 NFR
芳香調理複方精油,一支集合多種功能, 可令你放鬆、舒緩及活絡的精油。能幫助您放鬆肌肉,並可舒緩緊張關節及促進血液循環。想帶這支多功能的精油回家? 非常簡單! 現凡於2月 15 日前達到 125PV 並成功出貨的忠誠客戶,將可獲贈芳香調理複方精油(5毫升)一支。*每個帳戶每月只能獲贈一次 「每月一物」贈品.  

AromaTouch can help you relax, release and boost blood circulation. Now seize the chance to get a FREE 5ml bottle of AromaTouch by placing a LRP order over 125PV before February 15th, and enjoy its practical usage in your everyday life!  *Each account can enjoy "Product of the Month" once per month only. Please
 click here to download the poster (Chinese only)


恭喜您, 新晉位階!
New Ranking, Congratulations!

恭喜所有在二月份晉升新位階的會員們, 特此給予表揚並衷心感謝您們的努力,  讓更多朋友一起分享我們這份[大地的禮物]!
此外, 我們亦特別恭喜Scarlet 於二月份榮升為藍鑽級領袖,祝願 Scarlet於未來日子中繼續帶領她的團隊再創高峰!
希望大家繼續努力,向着目標進發, 再創佳績!

Congratulations to our members with their new ranking in February, highly appreciated for all your efforts and would like to show our sincere recognition to you all.  Let's share this " The Gift of the Earth" to all around us!
Especially congratulate to Scarlet for her promotion and became the Second Blue Diamond Leader in dōTERRA Hong Kong in February.
Let’s work hard together and achieve the goal!


Corporate Trainings & Events Calender for February

歡迎您帶同您的團隊一起參加。有興趣人士請即致電 (852) 3197 6699 或

We look forward to your participation! Please make your reservation by calling (852) 3197 6699 or online registration on Facebook fanpage.

進入facebook 專頁/ Enter facebook fanpage


Limited Octopus by dōTERRA


萬眾期待的限量版dōTERRA獨家設計八達通現正公開發售!由2016年2月1日起,您可以親臨營業大廳選購, 每張零售價為港幣$150。想擁有設計獨特的八達通突顯身份象徵? 不要猶豫, 立即到營業大廳選購! 加上最新八達通付款服務, 以後購物可以更方便快捷! 詳情請按此

Limited Octopus by dōTERRA is now available for PURCHASE at WILLCALL with retail price HK$150. Don't miss the chance and show off to your friend with this special edition! Enjoying purchase with our new Octopus payment gateway and feel the remarkable experience!!  Click here for details


Try the dōTERRA difference




You can get a FREE product* when you bring any NON-dōTERRA oil and enroll membership at dōTERRA Hong Kong office between January 16 and February 15. 
Click here for details


7 Steps of Diamonds

由1月14日起開始, 我們於逢星期四推出一部曲, 希望藉着此機會跟黟伴們一起回顧及展望dōTERRA香港公司之轉變及創新發展,希望dōTERRA 香港能於大家心中佔有一個重要的位置!

We launched One Step on each Thursday effective from January 14, 2016. We hope to look back and look forward together with you for all the changes and innovation development  at dōTERRA Hong Kong office. We wish dōTERRA is the only one in Hong Kong and in your mind!

第一部曲 / The First Step
第二部曲 / The Second Step
第三部曲 / The Third Step