No images? Click here ![]() Tuesday 03 August 2021 Tēnā koutou katoa Exploring pathways to restore, strengthen and formalise the relationship between Te Tiriti partners has been at the forefront of ongoing kōrero with māngai (representatives) of Te Rōpū Mataara (Unitec's Māori staff collective) and Te Tira Kāpuia (Kaumātua Rōpū Whakaruruhau). Following the Hui Whakawātea on Friday 26 March 2021, led by Te Rōpū Mataara in Te Noho Kotahitanga Marae, we have come together in the spirit of Te Noho Kotahitanga to find a positive way forward. Working alongside Professor Jenny Lee-Morgan and Director of Māori Success Toni Vaughan to advance progress on this kaupapa has been a privilege and we’re committed to working together. We recognise this is an opportunity to exemplify a Te Tiriti based co-leadership model that could be the first of its kind in a tertiary institution in the world. Maintaining respect for Te Noho Kotahitanga and MIT values has guided discussion and been central throughout this process. This work is intended to be transformational and gives clear effect to requirements outlined in the Charter and the Minister of Education’s Letter of Expectations sent to Te Pūkenga in 2020. Over the past four months various pathways have been explored and one particular model is emerging at this stage which will be developed further and presented to wider Unitec/MIT staff and communities for consultation. How can you find out more?This is an extremely important piece of work and we want to engage authentically with our staff, students and communities to ensure we provide opportunities for discussion and feedback. A number of co-leadership engagement hui across Unitec and MIT will begin this week. Unitec Co-leadership Engagement Hui Tuatahi (first meeting) Thursday 05 August, 3:00 - 4:30pm Unitec Co-leadership Engagement Hui Tuarua (second meeting) Thursday 12 August, 12:00 - 1:00pm Unitec Co-leadership Engagement Hui Online
Links to the online hui will be provided soon. I encourage you all to attend the hui where possible. For those of you unable to be there in person we are recording the first hui (in Ngākau Māhaki) and we will share the recording and further information across our platforms. We will also provide a range of opportunities for all staff and students to share feedback and ask questions in confidence. Consultation and guidance on the proposed leadership models will include Te Rōpū Mataara, MIT Rūnanga and kaimahi Māori, tauira Māori, Waikato Tainui, Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei and Iwi of Tāmaki and Māori communities. Once this work is complete, our agreed recommendations will be presented to the Board for approval and we’re confident the collaborative effort in this space will provide a compelling case for consideration. As work progresses, we will establish regular, clear, and transparent updates through our internal and external platforms. We seek to honour our responsibilities to Te Tiriti, and in doing so become world leaders in this space. Unitec and MIT are now in a position to lead by example and give effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi through the implementation of a meaningful co-leadership model. We look forward to the potential and value a Te Tiriti based co-leadership model can bring to the success of our learners, our staff, and our communities. We look forward to sharing more details with you at the upcoming hui. Nāku noa Gus Gilmore
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