No images? Click here 18 February 2020 ![]() AGC e-NewsDirector's MessageMany of you are again well underway with your research studies and the AGC has also been very busy in the new year. The vast majority of admissions and enrolments occur in January to March and this is the first major period that the online enrolment form is being used and it is working very well. The mid-year round for international scholarships is now closed and the outcomes of almost 600 applications are expected in mid-March. Our CaRST team is ready to go and the first activities will start in two weeks. There have already been 60 research degree completions in January, so things look positive for 2020, and we hope we can top last year’s 402 completions. Another early highlight for 2020 is the release of the updated Research Student Handbook which is now available online. ![]() The new year has certainly started with its challenges, first the devastating bushfires across Australia and then the outbreak of the novel coronavirus. The University is closely monitoring the coronavirus situation, and its response is shaped by the latest advice from Australian health and foreign affairs authorities. An FAQ for staff and students has been prepared, and will be updated as the situation changes. Nevertheless, if you are personally affected or know of someone who is, please do not hesitate to contact us directly via email or by phone +61 8 8313 5882. We are here to assist and support you no matter where you are right now. Dr Doreen Krumbiegel Postgraduate Scholarship OpportunitiesThe Adelaide Graduate Centre maintains a searchable database of available scholarship opportunities (both full scholarships and supplementary scholarships), funded by both the University of Adelaide and external funding bodies. While the majority of available scholarships are awarded as part of the standard admission and scholarship rounds for domestic and international students, some are awarded at different times throughout the year, and may have a separate application process. Visit the Postgraduate Scholarships Website regularly for up to date information on current scholarship opportunities. ARC – PhD Scholarship – Coarse Geometry: a novel approach to the Callias index and topological matter (applications close 5 March 2020, or until filled) This scholarship is supported by an Australian Research Council Discovery Grant, DP200100729, and the successful student will be supervised by Prof Mathai Varghese and either of Dr Peter Hochs or Dr Guo Chuan Thiang. Topics include: index theory, geometric analysis, noncommutative geometry, mathematics of condensed matter physics, coarse geometry and topology. To be considered for this scholarship, students should be eligible to enrol as a commencing student in a full-time PhD research program in Pure Mathematics. This opportunity is available to both domestic and international students. More information is available on the scholarships website. National Heart Foundation of Australia Health Professional Scholarships (AGC closing date 16 March 2020)The Health Professional Scholarships are open to health professionals to undertake a PhD in an area of cardiovascular research, commencing 2021. Please note that applications must be reviewed by the Adelaide Graduate Centre prior the external closing date. Applications must be submitted by Monday 16 March so that AGC staff can review prior to final submission. You may require a Confirmation of Enrolment (or intention to enrol) from the Adelaide Graduate Centre (AGC). Please allow sufficient time when requesting this for inclusion with your application, well before the internal closing date. Please visit the scholarships website for detailed information about eligibility, the application process, timelines, and a link to the external application form. Faculty of Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences scholarship opportunities (applications close 31 March 2020) There are several scholarships available for students in the Faculty of Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences. Applications for each of these scholarships close on 31 March 2020. Please click on the links below for detailed information on each scholarship, including rules, eligibility criteria and application instructions: Nicholas Baudin Program: “Internships in France” initiative (applications close 15 April 2020) Launched as a pilot program in 2017, the Nicolas Baudin Program: “Internships in France” initiative offers students from participating Australian universities the opportunity to undertake a research internship at a French host university in collaboration with an industry partner. The program is open to both domestic and international students. Note that recipients must retain their student status for the entire duration of the internship. Other eligibility requirements may apply to specific internship programs. For more information, including a list of internship opportunities, eligibility requirements, Frequently Asked Questions, and a link to the online application portal, please visit the scholarships website. School of Humanities PhD Scholarship in Philosophy (open until filled - successful candidate must commence by 1 May 2020) The scholarship is supported by the Faculty of Arts (Divisional Scholarship) and is part of an Australian Research Council Discovery Project, DP200100190: Everything in its Place: Location, Persistence, and Change (Chief Investigator: Dr Antony Eagle; Partner Investigators: Prof Cody Gilmore, and A/Prof Shieva Kleinschmidt). The ARC project focuses on the metaphysics of persisting objects and related issues in the philosophy of physics. CI Eagle, who will be the primary supervisor of the successful candidate’s research, is interested in metaphysics, philosophy of physics, philosophy of logic and language, and epistemology/philosophy of science. The PIs will be involved as co-supervisors of the successful candidate’s project. More information is available on the scholarships website. Archie McArthur Terrestrial Arthropod Systematics Scholarship (applications open) Applications are invited for the Archie McArthur Terrestrial Arthropod Systematics scholarship. The supplementary scholarship is provided by the South Australian Museum to support and encourage PhD students at the University of Adelaide in the study of Terrestrial Arthropod Systematics, increase awareness of and enhance the Museum’s research and Terrestrial Arthropod Collections. Full details are available on the scholarships website. School of Social Sciences PhD Scholarship in Politics and International Relations (open until filled - successful candidate must commence by 1 June 2020) The scholarship is supported by the Faculty of Arts (Divisional Scholarship), and is part of an Australian Research Council Discovery Project: The Proscription of Terrorist Organisations in Illiberal States. The appointee will also be affiliated with Professor Lee Jarvis at the School of Politics, Philosophy, Language and Communication Studies at the University of East Anglia. The HDR candidate’s project is expected to be in the field of Politics and International Relations (though students with a cognate background in Law, Sociology or similar are encouraged to apply). For further information, please visit the scholarships website. PhD Scholarship in theory and modelling of ice-shelf disintegration (applications open) The scholarship is being funded to support a full-time PhD student who will undertake research modelling ice shelf vibrations forced by ocean waves, and will be working under the supervision of Associate Professor Luke Bennetts. There are three topics available for this PhD project, and is appropriate for those interested in dynamics, modelling and computation, and application to Antarctic science. Applicants should hold an Honours degree in Applied Mathematics, Physics, Mechanical Engineering, Ocean Engineering or a related field, and be eligible for admission to a PhD at the University of Adelaide. More information about scholarship eligibility and how to apply is available on the scholarships website. Primary Industries AgTech PhD Scholarship (expressions of interest open until filled) The Primary Industries AgTech PhD Scholarship at The University of Adelaide is funded by Primary Industries and Regions SA (PIRSA) to support a full time PhD student who is undertaking research in a topic that will aid or improve primary industry production or profitability through the application of technology. Full details available on the scholarships website. SmartSat CRC Scholarship (applications open) The SmartSat CRC is the largest space industry-research collaboration in Australia’s history. The SmartSat CRC invites expressions of interest for higher degrees by research (Masters and PhD) scholarships commencing in 2020. Scholarships are available for Australian residents. Non-residents will be considered, subject to project-specific requirements. Applicants will need to have a First-Class Honours degree or equivalent in a related discipline. More information is available on the scholarships website. University Library Prizes and Fellowship The University of Adelaide Library offers the opportunity for research students to receive financial and scholarly support during their studies, with an emphasis on utilising our collections and services. Applications for the following are now open: The Bill Cowan Barr Smith Library Fellowship (applications close 27 February 2020)This fellowship provides financial assistance up to a value determined annually by the donor and the University (usually around $12,000) towards study for postgraduate degrees by research using the collections of the Barr Smith Library, University of Adelaide. Further details are available from the Library website. Hugh Martin Weir Prize (applications close 27 February 2020)This Prize is open to University of Adelaide students enrolled in an Honours thesis program or a postgraduate program by coursework or by research, either commencing or already in progress. Postdoctoral researchers are eligible to apply within three years of a doctoral award. Further details are available from the Library websiteTip of the MonthAll HDR students are reminded that they are entitled to take up to 4 weeks of annual recreation leave each calendar year. Taking a short break from your research is good for both your physical and mental health. It is important that you discuss your plans with your supervisors and get their approval to ensure that the timing is appropriate and you don’t compromise experiments etc. If you are an international student and intend to travel interstate of overseas you must submit an application for recreation leave so that the University knows where you are in case of a natural disaster or other event. Further information on annual recreation leave can be found on page 40 of the Research Student Handbook. Adelaide Graduate Centre Website LinksRespect. Now. Always.The University seeks to promote an inclusive, respectful and fair environment for all people whilst engaged in University-related activities. A range of services are available to assist students who have safety concerns or have experienced bullying, sexual harassment or assault. For further information, help, or to report an incident, please visit the Safer Campus Community website. As a student of the University, you can help to keep your campus safe by looking out for your own safety, and the safety of others and by conducting yourself in a manner consistent with the Student Charter. Remember that unacceptable behaviours such as Harassment, Discrimination, Bullying and Victimisation are not tolerated at the University. Free, independent and confidential Counselling ServiceDid you know that as a Postgraduate Student you are entitled to access counselling services provided to students at The University of Adelaide. To find out more information visit the Counselling Centre website. Free and confidential Disability ServiceAs a Postgraduate Student you are also eligible for assistance from the Disability Service if you have a disability or ongoing medical condition. Information about the nature of your disability is not disclosed – information obtained from you about the functional impact of the disability is shared with academic staff solely for the purpose of assisting you with your studies. Details relating to the Disability Service and the on line registration process can be found on the Disability website. Useful resources for staff can be found at the staff section of the Disability website. Copyright © 2018 The University of Adelaide. |