No images? Click here July/August 2020 Simon says...
We’re 11 weeks away from the EER visit and activity is starting to ramp up, so it’s a good time to set out what will be happening between now and October, and how you can be involved. The timetable for their visit will be confirmed in the next week or so. At this stage we expect a visit that is about 40% face-to-face and 60% online, but that could change if COVID intervenes. We’re working with IT to ensure the best possible connectivity for online panel sessions. The visit will begin with a pōwhiri in the morning on Monday 19 October 2020. Face-to-face sessions are planned for all student groups, a number of stakeholders such as our Board, Rūnanga and Fono, and for a Waitākere campus visit. Our ‘Self-Assessment’ document is under construction now. This forms the basis of our evidence to the NZQA panel and will be sent to them at the end of August. Our Self-Assessment explains how well we are performing against the Key Evaluative Questions and Tertiary Education Indicators. It also describes what we’ve done since the last EER, including how we’ve responded to NZQA’s recommendations. Many people are contributing to this significant piece of work and we'll share it more widely in early September. Ngā mihi Simon Nash
Support teams A number of Support teams will also be asked for some documentation in the next week or two, to contribute to our Self-Assessment document. The EER evaluation extends to things like our legal compliance, financial sustainability, staff capability, and systems for enrolment and reporting, so I’ll be seeking a range of information from teams. All teaching teams As outlined before, EER is an all-Unitec effort. Your ongoing commitment to student success and academic quality are highly important contributors to
a strong EER result. A good outcome is as much about our business-as-usual work as it is about the specific focus areas. Thank you to everyone for your efforts, particularly with supporting students during lockdown. For updates on all the work that’s underway, here is our Academic Quality Action Plan Update. This provides an overview of our approach to academic quality and our response to the 13 NZQA recommendations from the 2018 EER. Click on the image below to see an overview of our Academic Quality Action Plan You can also view the Academic Quality Action Plan - Full Project Update which details all activities. |