![]() Hello Fish Fan,Welcome to the first edition of Fishy News, the newsletter of the Which Fish? campaign providing facts about species, recipes, updates on participants' activities, news about the campaign, ideas to raise awareness of the campaign and more. In other words, everything you need to run this campaign... at your zoo or aquarium! Make sure you also follow us on Facebook to stay up-to-date between two editions. PARTICIPANTS' ACTIVITIESFor a few years, Thomas Ziegler has been busy modifying the animal collection of Cologne Zoo and Aquarium (Germany) into a more sustainable one.In February, they transferred 100 fish from their 20,000 litre-tank to a French zoo. This large tank is now being used for Endangered fish species from Madagascar -among them, one the rarest fish species known on Earth, Mangarahara cichlids (Ptychochromis insolitus) received from Toronto Zoo last November and classified as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List. There are very few individuals of the species in only 4 zoos in Europe. Cologne Zoo aims at breeding them to build up a reserve population in zoological institutions. Only two months later, under the dedicated care of keeper Nathalie Frank-Klein and her colleagues, the fish have successfully spawned several times. Hundreds of young are currently reared in special breeding tanks behind the scenes of the aquarium. A great success for conservation! For safety measures (e.g. in case of a disease), it is important to keep the population in several institutions. Thirty young cichlids were thus sent to Vienna zoo (Austria). More transfers will follow to Berlin, Duisburg and Stuttgart (Germany) etc. Read the full press release. Photo © Thomas Ziegler THE CAMPAIGN VIEWED BY...Bruna Valettini, Project Manager at Acquario di GenovaWhy do you think it’s important to inform visitors about the Which Fish? campaign? The over exploitation of fish resources and the critical decrease of many fishing stocks are very serious problems, which threaten the survival of many species. Compared to other environmental problems, such as climate change or pollution, that are known by everyone, the issues addressed by the campaign are poorly known by the general public. We need to start spreading the word that although there are many fish in the sea, their numbers are decreasing fast. Thus, changes in management policies and behaviours are necessary. With a conscious consumption, each visitor can do its part. Continue reading here. Photo © merlofotografia.com ![]() WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT...The Mediterranean horse mackerel?Voracious fish, it feeds on crustaceans and small fish. It lives in the open sea up to 600 meters deep. It is not uncommon to observe it in the shade of jellyfishes under which they find shelter and protection without any danger as they are immune to the venom of their tentacles. Read the full factsheet. ![]() Photo © Acquario di Genova RECIPE: HORSE MACKEREL WITH TOMATOES, CAPERS AND SEMOLINA CRUST Ingredients (4 persons) • 4 horse mackerel • 600 g tomatoes • 125 g of semolina • 500 ml of milk • 1/2 glass of dry white wine • an egg yolk • flour, a flake of butter • chopped parsley, oregano, unpeeled garlic • a handful of salted capers • extra virgin olive oil • salt Time: 45 min Steps Bring the milk to a boil, add the semolina making it fall down in the pan like rain, and adjust the salt. When the dough comes off the sides of the pan, remove from the heat and add the egg and butter. Pour the mixture into a form, let it cool, cut into slices and grill them. In a non-stick pan, blanch the lightly floured fish on both sides with oil and garlic. Add the wine and let it evaporate. Add the diced tomatoes, the desalted and chopped capers, and the oregano. Cover and cook for 10 minutes. Serve with the grilled semolina croutons. And enjoy! ![]() EVENT OF THE MONTHFrom 26 to 29 February, Nausicaa was present at the International Agriculture Show in Paris, France.As usual, Nausicaa was involved in the Hauts-de-France stand, together with the entire seafood sector: Regional Committee of fishermen, chefs restaurants, etc. But this year, thanks to the Mr.Goodfish programme, they were in charge of making the visitors aware of the variety of seafood products fished every day in the North of France, and the importance to choose the right fish to preserve the natural resources. Co-leader of the WhichFish? Campaign, Nausicaa and its Mr.Goodfish programme encourage the visitors to make real changes in their food habits by promoting a more sustainable seafood consumption and the dissemination of best practice. About 700 000 visitors attend the Show every year, which makes it the perfect place to talk about sustainable, seasonal and local seafood products. The Mr.Goodfish team proposed animations that allow visitors to learn more about the species and good practices implemented by the fishing sector. For food lovers, there was a tasting area and a stall presenting various species, with cooking entertainment led by a regional chef who honored a species per day: black sea bream, salicornia, weever and tub gurnard. The public learned how to recognize and cook sustainable fish. The recipes will be available on the Mr.Goodfish app and the WhichFish? website very soon! Photo © Nausicaa ![]() ACTIVITY IDEARaise awareness of the Which Fish? campaign by participating to the international online song contest, www.eurofishion.com, organised for World Fish Migration Day on May 16, 2020! ![]() For more information, visit the EAZA website, the Which Fish? website, follow us on Facebook or contact us via info@eaza.net. You are receiving this newsletter because you registered to the Which Fish? campaign. Not interested anymore? 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