1. Multi-state Salmonella outbreak linked to wood ear mushrooms continues to grow06.10.2020. USA. Salmonella43 cases confirmed so far in a 10-state Salmonella outbreak linked to imported, contaminated wood ear mushrooms, also known as kikurage or black fungus.Source: Food Safety News2. One new ASF case in wild boar in Germany08.10.2020. Germany. African Swine FeverAn additonal case of African Swine Fever bring the total number of cases to 50; Reuters reports. Source: The Pig Site 3. 35 sick in Italy possible due to Botulism06.10.2020. Italy. BotulismBotulism suspected in Italy as over 30 people have needed hospital treatment in Cefalù, a city in northern Sicily. Source: Food Safety News 4. Hepatitis A outbreak possibly linked to imported frozen berries08.10.2020. Denmark/Sweden. Hepatitus AFollowing 9 patients with the same type of Hepatitis A virus, officials in Denmark and Sweden are investigating frozen imported berries as being the suspected source of infection.Source: Food Safety News 5. Recall roundup: Undeclared allergens and possible pathogen contamination07.10.2020. Global. RecallRoundup of recalls in the UK, US and CanadaSource: New Food Magazine 6. Cattle movement restricted in Namibia due to foot-and-mouth disease08.10.2020. Namibia. Foot & Mouth DiseaseFollowing an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in a northern region of the Angola, Namibia has temporarily banned cross-border movement of cattle. Source: MeatingPlace 7. The use of genome sequencing in multi-country outbreaks assessed by experts09.10.2020. Europe. WGSObstacles relating to whole genome sequencing (WGS) for surveillance and monitoring of foodborne diseases in Europe was discussed by experts in September. Source: Food Safety News 8. WHO, FAO plan to update RTE foods Listeria risk assessment06.10.2020. Global. ListeriaPrompted by the large, deadly outbreak of listeriosis in Africa in 2017, the World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations plan a meeting by a joint panel of experts to assess the risk of Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat foods. Source: MeatingPlace 9. Review carried out by FSAI on work relating to food safety and fraud07.10.2020. Ireland. Food SafetyThe annual report from the Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) reviews the main activities of the last year; which marks the agency's 20th anniversary. Source: Food Safety News 10. USDA look to overhaul labelling to dissuade food fraud06.10.2020. USA. LabellingFollowing numerous cases relating to organic food fraud, the USDA is looking to strengthen controls of organic production, with an aim to build consumer confidence. Source: The Pig Site At Dawn Farms we offer a full product solution for cooked, dried and fermented meat ingredients across pizza, sandwich and prepared meal sectors. We are proud to be the preferred supplier to the world's leading food brands and are considered to be the industry leaders in food safety, sustainability and insight-led product innovation. We put the customer at the heart of everything we do, which is why for your convenience all our products are fully cooked and ready-to-eat. Visit our website to discover the ingredients that set us apart. ![]()
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