No Images? Click here ![]() AUSTRALIAN PARLIAMENTARY CALL FOR FAIR TREATMENT OF PALESTINIAN CHILDREN ![]() Editor's note: Today, 49 Australian parliamentarians signed a statement calling on Israel to stop its military abusing Palestinian children in a campaign initiated by the Australia Palestine Advocacy Network (APAN). Some even posed for photos with posters (see below). We would be grateful if you could take a moment and thank them on their Facebook pages for taking a stand. We the undersigned Australian Federal parliamentarians, call for urgent action to end the ill-treatment of Palestinian children in the Israeli military detention system. Israel is the only country in the world that automatically prosecutes children in military courts. And only Palestinian children. Up to 700 Palestinian children are arrested each year by the Israeli military, and this number is increasing. UNICEF reports that ill-treatment of Palestinian children is “widespread, systematic, and institutionalized throughout the process”. Children as young as 11 are detained by the military. According to well documented research, almost all children have no parent or legal counsel during interrogation; 75% report physical violence; a quarter are made to sign documentation in Hebrew, a language they do not understand; 60% are transferred into prisons in Israel meaning family usually cannot visit. Military courts have a 99% conviction rate for Palestinian defendants. We call on the Israeli Government to comply with its obligations under the Convention on the rights of the child and to not arrest or detain Palestinian children unless this is a last resort, and if they are detained, to immediately institute protections for those children including that their safety and best interests are prioritised, and that they are permitted a fair trial. Signed by Dr Anne Aly MP Federal Member for Cowan Mr Adam Bandt MP Federal Member for Melbourne Hon Linda Burney MP Federal Member for Barton Hon Mark Butler MP Federal Member for Port Adelaide Ms Terri Butler MP Federal Member for Griffith Senator the Hon Doug Cameron Senator for New South Wales Ms Lisa Chesters MP Federal Member for Bendigo Ms Sharon Claydon MP Federal Member for Newcastle Senator Sam Dastyari Senator for New South Wales Senator Richard Di Natale Senator for Victoria Senator Patrick Dodson Senator for Western Australia Mr Steve Georganas MP Federal Member for Hindmarsh Mr Andrew Giles MP Federal Member for Scullin Senator Sarah Hanson-Young Senator for South Australia Mr Ross Hart MP Federal Member for Bass Mr Chris Hayes MP Federal Member for Fowler Mr Julian Hill MP Federal Member for Bruce Mr Stephen Jones MP Federal Member for Whitlam Senator Skye Kakoschke-Moore Senator for South Australia Ms Justine Keay MP Federal Member for Braddon Ms Susan Lamb MP Federal Member for Longman Dr Andrew Leigh MP Federal Member for Fenner Senator Sue Lines Senator for Western Australia Senator Gavin Marshall Senator for Victoria Senator Nick McKim Senator for Tasmania Mr Brian Mitchell MP Federal Member for Lyons Senator Claire Moore Senator for Queensland Ms Cathy O'Toole MP Federal Member for Herbert Mr Graham Perrett MP Federal Member for Moreton Senator Louise Pratt Senator for Western Australia Senator Lee Rhiannon Senator for New South Wales Senator Janet Rice Senator for Victoria Ms Michelle Rowland MP Federal Member Greenway Ms Rebekah Sharkie MP Federal Member for Mayo Senator Rachel Siewert Senator for Western Australia Senator Lisa Singh Senator for Tasmania Hon Warren Snowdon MP Federal Member for Lingiari Ms Anne Stanley MP Federal Member for Werriwa Ms Susan Templeman MP Federal Member for Macquarie Hon Matthew Thistlethwaite MP Federal Member for Smith Senator Anne Urquhart Senator for Tasmania Ms Maria Vamvakinou MP Federal Member for Calwell Senator Larissa Waters Senator for Queensland Senator Murray Watt Senator for Queensland Senator Peter Whish-Wilson Senator for Tasmania Mr Andrew Wilkie MP Federal Member for Denison Mr Josh Wilson MP Federal Member for Fremantle Senator Nick Xenophon Senator for South Australia Mr Tony Zappia MP Federal Member for Makin
An Australia Palestine Advocacy Network initiative ![]() ![]() |