TAF progress on scaling up low-carbon solutions. No Images? Click here TAF E-NEWS | NOVEMBER 2019 Replacing the make-up air unit at Trethewey Tedder Apartments, which saved energy while greatly boosting the fresh air supply for residents. THIRD RETROFIT CASE STUDYToday we publish our third case study about energy efficiency retrofits we undertook on Toronto Community Housing buildings. This case study is about Trethewey Tedder Apartments, where we:
At the deep retrofit site, reviewing thermostat programming options. DEEP RETROFIT BEGINSConstruction has begun on our first deep retrofit, where we’re aiming for 40 per cent energy savings. As Keith Burrows, our Low Carbons Building Manager, writes, this is not your average retrofit. PROPOSED WATERING DOWN OF EWRBThe Government of Ontario is proposing to water down the Energy and Water Reporting and Benchmarking (EWRB) regulation. Owners of buildings under 100,000 sq.ft would be exempted from benchmarking and reporting energy and water use as well as carbon emissions. TAF is disappointed by this. Benchmarking helps owners improve energy efficiency while providing critically needed data for designing climate policies and programs. If this proposal goes ahead it will be a step backwards in the fight against climate change. Responses to this proposal are due December 12. TRAINING OPPORTUNITY: PARTNERSHIPSBuilding collaborations, especially among diverse stakeholders, is far from easy. Management of diverse partnerships requires expertise, guidance and resources. Leveraging world-class training capacity represented by the international Partnership Brokers Association, we are offering an opportunity for practitioners to gain partnership brokering training. LC3 PARTNERSHIP PROGRESSINGStrategy and Partnerships VP Mary Pickering writes about how Low Carbon Cities Canada (LC3) work is taking off.... and taking her away from TAF for a bit.