Summer opportunities, AAMC virtual fair registration, and other sessions you won't want to miss! No images? Click here PrehealthNewsletterFebruary 25, 2020Welcome!Welcome to the Prehealth Newsletter! We hope to bring you information that is relevant to you in a way that is easy to read. Some information will be linked to our blog, while other information will take you directly to the topic of interest. Please click the blue boxes for more information. SUBSCRIPTION LINK: If this e-mail was forwarded to you, please subscribe to the Prehealth Newsletter here. MCAT Tips and TricksA Penn State grad will be visiting with us to share the strategies he used to do well on the MCAT! Weds. Feb. 26 at 6:00PM, 112 Buckhout Temple University's Post-Bacc. ProgramConsidering a post-bacc? Want to learn more about how one is structured? Dr. Rarig will be here to talk about Temple's programs and is available to meet one on one for anyone considering a post-bacc. Please contact us to sign-up for a 1:1 appointment. FREE LUNCH PROVIDED! Thurs. Mar 5 , 12-1PM, 210 Thomas Mindfulness Kit GiveawayHealth Promotion and Wellness is giving away a Mindfullness Kit. The drawing will take place on April 20th. This is Public Health Grad FairThis is Public Health (TIPH) Grad Fair in Washington DC on March 18th, 5:30-7:30pm. Meet over 60 representatives from schools and programs of public health.
Mortality and Modifying Human Genetic CodeA group of students in ENGL 138T is hosting a deliberation on the topic of whether it is moral, safe, or fair to edit a baby's genetic code to prevent genetic disorders. March 1, 3-4:30pm in Hyatt Hotel Lounge. Out of the ColdVolunteers NeededPut of the cold has opened a new day shelter and is looking for volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering, please email
Summer ProgramsInterested in learning more about summer programs? View our updated list of opportunities! Many new opportunities! (Virtual) Fairs, Open Houses & Info SessionsCheck our blog for regularly updated information on fairs and open houses for health professional schools. |