No images? Click here July 2021 EditionWe would like to remind parents that you can access regularly updated information from our website as well as our twitter feedCOVID QuarantineA reminder to parents that if you are planning to leave the country for a holiday, please ensure that you follow the current government guidelines with regards to quarantining upon return and ensure that you advise the Pre-School Centre of your plans to travel and the period you expect to absent for. Price IncreaseAs per the letter that was emailed to all parents on June 2nd, the prices for 2021/22 have been agreed and will be introduced from 31st August. HolidaysCan we please request that if you are planning a break/holiday and your child will not be attending the Pre-School Centre that you advise either your key person or the office so we can mark them absent and your key person will not be expecting them in or plan for activities. BabylabThe Lancaster University Babylab is one of the UK's most prominent Baby Labs. Most studies involve children between 1 month and 2 years of age as well as studies that investigate development before birth. If you are interested in being contacted for studies that match your baby's age, please register your interest with the Babylab by clicking the button below: Sunflowers![]() The children from Nursery 1 planted seeds and have carefully watered them each day. It’s very exciting watching the growth process, at 1st small delicate shoots emerged and they have continued to grow steadily at a rapid pace. The Sunflowers are thriving under the care of Gill and her team of mini gardeners, who clearly enjoy the responsibility. As they chat about the changes they observe they look in awe at how tall the Sunflowers are becoming “even taller than me”, “right up to the sky” How are you getting on with your Sunflower seed planting at home? Please could you share some images with us, so we can share them with the children and compare them with the ones grown here at Pre-School Baby Room![]() Now the nicer weather is here, our babies have been busy exploring. We have tasted different foods, enjoyed splashing in water and also gone on walks around Campus. The babies have taken an interest in everything they have seen, especially the ducks! We will continue with our adventures over the Summer and have lots of exciting sensory play planned using the herbs and plants we are growing. The children who are due to transition in September will be visiting their new rooms over the Summer period allowing them to become familiar with their new environment. Creche 1![]() Hello to all of our children and families in Crèche 1. As we are entering the new term, our focus is on children’s reading and how we can facilitate and enhance our children’s early reading experiences. We have been observing the children and how they use reading materials to create rich auditory, stimulating areas to share our love of stories. Text is provided throughout our learning environment from sensory areas to role-play, to create plentiful opportunities for reading and language. We have been making the most of the beautiful weather, developing gross motor skills and physical ability. The children have thoroughly enjoyed the physical challenges of the barefoot walk, helping to instil resilience and perseverance. Our clever children have had great fun creating their own games, which we in turn have loved to watch, such as us sledging down the hill together on various resources! Creche 2![]() Crèche 2 have been enjoying the warmer weather over the past few weeks; exploring the forest, visiting the ducks on leisurely walks and making the most of the outdoors. In the outdoor area, the children have enjoyed feeling and smelling the planted herbs and watching ants, millipedes and other insects crawl in and out of the bark. The children have enjoyed channelling their physical skills, rolling large spools across the ground, kicking balls and making lots of noise with our outdoor spoons and pans. Natural resources have been a big part of play in Crèche 2, with the use of wooden sticks for painting, vegetables for printing summery pictures and frozen petals for the children to explore. During healthy eating week, we used some fragrant herbs indoors for the children to explore, did some fruit tasting, including smoothie fruit lollies, introduced some vegetables to the home corner and made lime and lemon ice cubes for a cooler play alternative with a citrus twist. Nursery 1![]() In Nursery 1 we have been putting our physical and critical thinking skills together. We hung water balloons all over the garden and left the children to explore. We saw lots of stretching, reaching, balancing, squeezing and squashing, which worked a whole range of gross and fine motor muscles. The children also exercised their brains, thinking of lots of different ways to pop the water balloons and showed brilliant critical thinking skills, by coming up with ideas of how to burst the balloons that were out of their immediate reach. We all had lots of fun and worked as a team until all the balloons were popped Nursery 2![]() This term in Nursery 2 we have been exploring seeds, vegetables and growth. We read the story The Tiny Seed and examined seeds from inside different fruit and vegetables, we then read the story Oliver’s Vegetables, we talked about the different vegetables he grew and then proceeded to look at some vegetable seeds before we planted them. The seeds planted were courgette, tomato and pepper seeds and Strawberry plants, the children have enjoyed observing them all closely as they have started to grow. We have been developing our understanding of growth, decay and changes over time and have been showing care for living things as we water and look after our plants so as to enable them to grow big and strong. We have also been exploring the taste and smell of our different herb plants, as they are growing bigger. We can’t wait for all our produce to be ready so that we can try the different fruit and vegetables and maybe even use them to cook with!! Pre-School 1![]() In Pre-School 1 we have been exploring and talking about Pirates. The children excitedly discussed everything Pirate related and spent a lot of time creating resources to assist their chosen topic. It was agreed a treasure map was an essential item and the children created one where they planned a route travelling through various dangerous locations, including Warrior Warren and Skull Island. The brave band of swashbuckling Pirates followed the clues on map and ventured into the big garden, eventually after many adventures they were successful in finding the treasure. Avast me hearties! Pre-School 2![]() Over the last few weeks in Pre-School 2 we have been busy planting some seeds including, lemon balm, radish, carrots, chives and sweet peas. We are good gardeners very caring and nurturing we water the seeds every day, and enjoy watching them grow. We have many plans when we can harvest to add to the playdough, gloop, food tasting and lots more. We have also planted some sunflower seeds and will measure how tall they become over the Summer. Pre-School 3![]() Pre-School 3 have been exploring the outdoors and developing their physical skills. We have focused on increasing our den building skills, sharing ideas, communicating well, learning negotiating skills and taking turns. The children have been using large gross motor movements for the larger construction building and fine motor skills to ensure the smallest details are complete. We have also created a quiet space/sensory area for the children to take some time out, observe what others do within their play. We have created a space for a vegetable plot, we are planting potatoes, onions, runner beans and peas to name a few amongst a wide selection of tasty vegetables. We look forward to eating everything when it grows. Invoice Dates 5th July until 30th July 2021 2nd August until 27th August 2021 Term Dates 8th April until 27th August 2021 Closure Dates 30th August Bank Holiday Friday 1st October 2021 Staff training Day Friday 24th December 2021 -Monday 3rd January 2022 (inclusive) Wednesday 13th April 2022 - Monday 18th April (inclusive) Monday 2nd May 2022 - Bank Holiday Thursday 2nd June 2022 - Bank Holiday Friday 3rd June 2022 - Bank Holiday 2021/22 Term Dates Autumn 21:- Tuesday 31st August 2021 until Thursday 23rd December 2021 Spring 22:- Tuesday 4th January 2022 – Tuesday 12th April 2022 Summer 22:- Tuesday 19th April 2022 – Friday 26th August 2022 Undergrad Dates 2021/22Autumn 21:- Monday 11th October 2021 until Friday 17th December 2021 Spring 22:- Monday 17th January until Friday 25th March 2022 Summer 22:- Monday 25th April until Friday 1st July 2022 |