Kia ora, we hope this newsletter finds you safe and well. Read on for the latest COVID-19 news updates and links to help resources. No images? Click here ![]() 8 May 2020Alert Level 3 updates and moreKia ora, we hope this newsletter finds you safe and well. Read on for the latest COVID-19 news updates and links to helpful resources.Please forward this email to anyone who might find it useful. Nau mai, haere mai Yesterday, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced more details about what life will look like when we move to Alert Level 2. Next Monday, the Government will announce if the country is ready to move to Alert Level 2 and when that move will happen. In the meantime, we are still at Level 3, and it is important we all keep playing our part to unite against COVID-19. Also next week, a number of young people from around Aotearoa will hone their arguments and oratory skills in the semi-finals in the Race Unity Speech Award. The focus of this year’s whaikorero is Tititiro Whakamuri, Kia Anga Whakamua – To Face the Future, Look to the Past. If there was ever a time we need a staunch youth voice and presence for unity - it is right now. Speaking of strong young people, here is a great video filmed here in Aotearoa late last year by a group of French visitors to Aotearoa. Abderrahim, Adèle, Floraine and Vincent visited 25 countries for the InterFaith Tour - an initiative to promote religious and ethnic diversity that came about after the 2015 and 2016 terrorist attacks in France. In this edition, we talk about racism, the Ethnic Communities Development Fund and how to access funding and support from your local Civil Defence Emergency Management group. Stay safe. Mauri ora Caroline Bridgland Racism is not okWe, like you, are concerned about the rise in hate and discrimination towards our communities, and in particular the recent attacks on Chinese and Asian communities. We have been updating Ministers directly on what you have been telling us. We stand alongside all ethnic communities, the Human Rights Commission, and the New Zealand Police to stamp it out. If you, or someone you know, are a target of racial discrimination or other human rights breaches, you can tell your story to the Human Rights Commission. The Commission will use this information to support its advocacy work for human rights. You can also report incidents to Police through the 10-5 number or by using the online 10-5 form. Call 111 in an emergency. It is important to say no to racism. We have a simple message for action: Stop. Think. Be Kind. For more information, see the Human Rights Commission’s Responding to Racism page. ![]() Ethnic Communities Development Fund unites against COVID-19The Ethnic Communities Development Fund is uniting against COVID-19. The priorities for the fund have been realigned to support ethnic communities while they navigate the impacts of COVID-19. We encourage you to apply if you have a project or activity that supports alternative means of staying socially connected, employment initiatives, and community resilience and recovery. We have made videos with more information about the fund and how to apply. These are available in a range of languages, and more will be added in the coming week. Civil Defence Emergency Management FundThe Government has approved a $30 million support package for the delivery of food and other welfare assistance by local authorities and Civil Defence Emergency Management Groups. If you are a food bank or community group providing essential services, Civil Defence funding may be available to meet any temporary and additional costs you face in providing food and other essential household items to people who have been impacted by COVID-19. If you are an individual looking for support with essential goods and services like food or accommodation, you can contact your local Civil Defence group directly. There are no visa or citizenship requirements needed to receive support from these groups during COVID-19. COVID-19 information updateThe Government’s COVID-19 website has detailed information about COVID-19. There is information in a wide range of languages on the translation section of the website. For information on issues relevant to ethnic communities, visit the COVID-19 page of our website. Here are some key COVID-19 resources which have been published recently:
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