Message from the Principal
Photo above: Year 12 students celebrating their last day at Kennedy.
Dear Parents and Families
It was wonderful to celebrate two milestones at Kennedy last week.
Year 10 - 12 Awards night provided a great opportunity to acknowledge the hard work of all students and a wide range of awards were presented across all curricular and co-curricular aspects of the College. It was great to see so many families join us for this celebration. We now look forward to our Year 7-9 Awards Night on Tuesday 20 November where similar celebrations will take place.
Our Year 12 students’ last day allowed us to honour them and reflect on their significant contribution to Kennedy. It was not surprising to see tears from students, parents and staff as the College farewelled this special group of students. Kennedy prides itself on the care and support it provides, and this was certainly reinforced by the heart felt messages delivered by teachers to their students. Our final opportunity to farewell the Year 12 students will occur on Friday 16 November at their graduation night. This too promises to be a great occasion.
Year 11 Examinations and 2019 preparation
As the weeks of Term 4 pass quickly, examinations for Year 11 students are rapidly approaching. These students have only three weeks of formal classes before examinations commence. I would encourage a well organised study program as Year 11s prepare for these important assessments. Achieving the best possible grades now will certainly help to ease any pressure next year.
All Year 11 students have been informed that they are expected to attend classes on Monday 26 November immediately after exams. This will provide staff with an opportunity to review Semester 2 results and provide students with preparation packages for 2019. Our goal is to prepare all students for Year 12 as best as possible.
Mr Mark Ashby
Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the
days of my life, and I will live in the house of the LORD forever.
Psalm 23:6 NLT
When you think of ‘going home’ what comes to mind? I love ‘going home’ at the end of my work day, where I relax and unwind; I also love ‘going home’ to New Zealand, where I also tend to relax and unwind. The word translated house in this verse has that same range of meaning. It could refer to something that was very defined, as in a building or something abstract, as in this poem. The house of God is not some building “up there” – David, the author, had a totally different concept of the world than we do. His Scriptures spoke of the whole of creation as being the Temple/House of God (Genesis 1). This world is God’s dwelling place, and this is where we enjoy his protection, his hospitality and his presence.
What is so incredible is that God actively wants us to be in a relationship with him. It is not about how many prayers we have prayed; or how many pilgrimages we have completed; or how much we have denied ourselves; here we read that it is God who pursues us; he chases after us – not to tell us to work harder or to do more, instead he wants us to know what it is like to be part of his family. To relax and unwind in his home, all day, every day, beginning today, yet secure for all eternity.
Year 7 Report
Term 4 is well underway and with it we have a new Year 7 Councillor team. I would like to thank Gabrielle Anthony, Bree Lewandowski, Sienna Hatch and Ferguson Porter who were elected as Year 7 Councillors at the beginning of the year. They have worked hard and were committed to the task and it was a pleasure working with them. We now have a new team of Councillors who will go into Year 8 next year and I welcome them to the College Council. They are Amie Hugo, Ella Ford, Jordan Pescud and Ferguson Porter, who continues in the roll.
Last Friday the College farewelled the Year 12 students as they leave to prepare for their WACE exams. The Year 7 students were part of the send-off on the Oval when the Year 12s arrived through the ‘guard-of-honour’, handing over pens and photo cards as well as throwing streamers at the end of the ‘count-down’. Next year as Year 8s the students will attend the assembly and be part of the Guard-of-Honour.
This week we enjoyed another fun time in our Forms classes having competitions involving wrapping someone in toilet roll, sorting M&Ms into colours while blindfolded, making a group jam sandwich using only one hand, solving puzzles and making a tower out of spaghetti and marshmallows. These activities were organised by our new Councillor team who also helped Pauline, our College Chaplain, make pancakes for the whole year group. The aim of these activities apart from having fun is to help the students work together cooperatively and make connections with other members of their Form.
Photos above: Year 7 Extended Form.
Year 8 Report
Students this term have been encouraged to focus on their well-being and resilience in preparation for the forthcoming exams and for Year 9. The focus has been in the form of work in Extended Forms and examines the idea of stress and ways positive to deal with stress when it arises. Ensuring that difficult situations are dealt with positively enables students to develop skills that will help with the stresses of life in general – well beyond their time at College. We encouraged students to examine their self-talk and look at positive ways to deal with situations they feel stressed in.
Several Year 8 students were involved in the inaugural community service event partnership between Kennedy Baptist College and Opal Murdoch where our students go to the aged care facility at St Ives in Murdoch to engage with the seniors residing there. The incursion by our students was very well received by the residents with many discussions between junior and senior about school, the world and life as a young student these days. This was a very successful event and will be replicated numerous times next year.
Students are reminded that Term 4 is an exam term which presents an opportunity for students to improve their grades and demonstrate their knowledge. We would encourage all students to create a study plan that they can adhere to. In this plan should be the subjects that are examined, when students are going to study for them and the main areas they need to focus on. Teachers will be releasing revision guides presently which details the areas that require study. Prior to this, students should be already focussing on their studies and revising the information learned both in this and last term. Achievement does take effort and students will need to work at this, but the payoffs are great and benefit students well into their future.
Photos above: Year 8 students enjoying games overseen by Nations Church during Extended Form.
Year 9 Report
The term is flying past and exams are three weeks away. As much as we look forward to the Christmas season, this time of year often seems to be a bit hectic.
Year 9 exams will commence in Week 6, with the revision week being Week 5. New work will continue to be covered until the end of Week 4 and all work done since the exams in Term 2, will be examinable. Please note that we do not retest any work examined in Semester One.
Our Year 9 Community Service event was recently held at St Bartholomews House. It was very well attended and highly successful. Students prepared and served meals to 40 homeless men. This event allows us to help others in need as well as gain a new appreciation of how fortunate we actually are. See below for some photographs.
Our Extended Form activities have included opportunities to build relationships and an understanding of one another, guest speakers to help equip the students for some of the challenges they might face (such as drugs, alcohol, online dangers etc) and fun activities with Nations Church.
The tip for the month is ’Stay Connected.’ It is so hard in our busy lives to find time to spend together talking. I love to encourage parents to create a routine of face to face time to help you understand what challenges your child is experiences each day, to help build a trusting relationship with them.
Lastly, I am very pleased with how the Year 9 students are progressing and growing. I have noticed improvement in their maturity occurring across the year group and I am proud of them. My best wishes to all families as the exams and the end of year approach.
Photos above: Year 9 Students at St Bartholomew's House.
Year 10 Report
Term 4 has come around again, and it brings with it an excitement about the end of the year but also a realisation that there is still a lot of work to do. The final exams of the year are in Week 6 and students should be starting their own revision plan as they prepare for these. If you would like some assistance for your child in preparation for these exams, then please contact me at the College and I can assist in getting them some help.
Recently, the Year 10s went through the process of being selected for our 11/7 Mentors program for next year. In this role our students will help the incoming Year 7s during Orientation Day and be involved in helping their transition to high school for their first five weeks of next year. Thank you to all who applied for the position and congratulations to those that were selected. I know they will do a great job in helping the incoming students feel safe and welcome at Kennedy.
Tonight we will be having our biggest social event of the year, the Year 10 formal. It will be held at the East Fremantle Yacht Club and will be a great night for students to celebrate the end of Year 10 with a night of fun, food and dancing. I am really looking forward to the event and am hoping it will be a night that produces great memories for our students.
Year 11 Report
After a seemingly long winter, the warm weather is here, along with our final term for the year. I have already noticed the Christmas advertising and fruit mince pies at Coles! Before long 2018 will be history. In that sense looking back we had a very exciting Term 3. We enjoyed the Year 11 River Cruise where we had an excellent turn out with much fun, food and dancing. Now the Year 11 students are faced with tight assignment deadlines and the need to make every day count in preparation for their upcoming Semester Two examinations. The adage of how to eat an elephant applies here well. You eat an elephant one bite at a time.
Last week we had our Year 10-12 Awards Night. It was a wonderful evening and all the guest speakers delivered a few gems of inspiration and wisdom for the Year 11s. The themes of the night’s addresses explored how exploding rockets hint at the need for perseverance; the importance of deciding to not accept “no” as an answer for your dreams; that living a life of service to others is what matters. I would like to congratulate all the Year 11 students who received an award for their achievement in their studies. Moreover, I would like to encourage all our Year 11’s to persevere to the end of the year. Do not accept “no” as an answer for your academic success. Take the time along the way to support your classmates in their studies. Remember too, that you are not alone on the academic journey - please seek assistance from teachers, support staff and
parents, where needed.
As you are aware, examinations will be conducted in Weeks 6 & 7 of Term 4 (12 November – 23 November). It is essential that all students arrive at a reasonable time before the examinations commence and that they are fully prepared for the examination. This includes making sure they have all the equipment required and it is in full working order. Full summer uniform must be worn during the examinations and if students are attending the College for revision with their subject teachers. Students are reminded that we are here to offer any support during this time and when times of study become overwhelming, the coping strategies discussed during Extended Forms are wonderful tools to assist them. All Year 11 students are required to return to the College on Monday 26 November as they prepare for their Year 12 courses as well as go through their examination papers.
Please remember: the way to eat that elephant is one bite at a time!
Photos Above: Year 11 River Cruise.
Year 12 Report
Term 4, Week 2 was a wonderful time of celebration for our Year 12 students. Firstly, we began with the Year 10-12 Awards evening where certificates were given for outstanding academic, sporting and community achievements. We are proud of the hard work and dedication of the recipients. The Year 12 students were then provided with a special BBQ lunch, complete with Krispy Kremes from Salt Youth ministry. This was a special time as a group to share a meal and have representatives from Mount Pleasant Baptist Church pray and speak about the upcoming significant transition in their lives. Following lunch, the afternoon was spent participating in team building activities such as puzzles, soccer, team relays and a water slide.
Towards the end of the week, students spent time with their teachers, both within their classrooms and in their mentor groups reminiscing about their time at the College, getting advice on their future endeavours and praying for peace and clarity. Then the Year 12s began their last day by sharing in a buffet breakfast at Tompkins on Swan with their Form teachers and peers. It was the perfect way to lead into their final assembly. It was a very emotionally charged assembly, the highlights being Mr Ashby’s Principal’s address which reminded our students to always strive for their personal best regardless of external factors. Students were also reminded that although they now have new-found freedom, this opportunity will also entail new adult responsibilities.
It was also wonderful to have Nicholas Hui and Kayleigh Hawke reflecting on their time at Kennedy and to give their parting advice to the incoming Year 12 students. The Form teachers spoke to the cohort, encouraging each of them to remember the virtue of ‘love in action’ out in the world. We were then blessed with a musical performance by Chloe Calvert who held the auditorium captivated. At the conclusion of the Assembly, the College formed a guard of honour and cheered the Year 12s as they made their way down to the oval. Upon arriving at the oval, the Year 7 students greeted and celebrated them with decorations and confetti.
God bless to all our Year 12s and wishing you all the best for your WACE examinations. Please click here for more Year 12 last day photos.
Photos above: Year 12 celebrate their last day.
2018 French Tour
On the 14 September six Year 11 students and four Year 10 students flew to France. We were there for three weeks. The tour was split up into two weeks in the beautiful and warm area of Proven in the south of France and one week in the beautiful and big city of Paris.
We arrived in Nice on a hot afternoon and were welcomed by our host families who we were staying with for the two weeks in Provence. We were taken straight away by our host families to explore some of the beautiful towns in Provence. On the first day of at the Institut Sainte Jeanne d’Arc we were welcomed by the Principal and the teachers of English with a breakfast that included croissants and pain au chocolat. During those two amazing weeks we attended classes with our correspondents and went around the town of Brignoles where we had a tour of the old part of Brignoles, participated in some of the traditional Provencal dancing, went shopping and had a rally on foot around Brignoles. We also stayed one night at the medieval town of Carcassonne where we had a tour of the castle and a cruise on the canal.
After the two weeks in Brignoles, we had to say goodbye to our host families who had taken very good care of us. It was sad as friendships that could last a lifetime were formed. But once we were on the train we were really excited as we were going to Paris. Some of the highlights of this beautiful city was Le Louvre, Les Champs Élysees, Musée Rodin, Eiffel tower, Musée d’Orsay, le Château de Versailles and Disneyland. We also had a day trip to Bruges in Belgium where we had a cruise on the beautiful canal and we went shopping for chocolate and waffles. We also went to the town of Rouen and to Giverny to see the beautiful Monet’s house and gardens. This tour was probably the most amazing three weeks of our lives that we will never forget. We are looking forward to our correspondents coming to Australia in February
Lily Roberg
Year 11 Student
Hunger Games Food Challenge
To celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Hunger Games the Research and Study Centre ran various activities in the Centre during Week 7 of Term 3. A food challenge was set up with students being asked to donate various food items for charity.
On behalf of the Research and Study Centre I would like to thank parents and students for their generosity. All items have been donated to Manna Kitchens. This organisation feeds the homeless, three square meals a day and relies mostly on the generosity of the community. No person is turned away and recently they have started providing meals for some schools in their vicinity. Their motto is ‘Bridging the gap with a helping hand’. This is what our community has demonstrated and once again thank you.
Mrs Valme Batley
Christian Education Teacher
Year 10 - 12 Awards Night
Last Tuesday was a wonderful night celebrating our Year 10 - 12 students at the Awards Night. It was also a great opportunity to share an encouraging message with our families. We congratulate all students and acknowledge their hard work and achievements throughout the year. The following is a list of special Awards received:
Year 10 Dux - Prempal Singh
Year 11 Dux General - Tomislav Kovacevic
Year 11 Dux ATAR - Emma Patman
Year 12 Dux General - Tara Godin
Year 12 Dux ATAR - Callum Peterson
Year 10 Long Tan Award - Faith Kee
Year 12 Long Tan Award - Joseph Petrus-Kasim
Year 12 Caltex Best All Rounder - Mitch Thomas
Year 12 Sportsperson of the Year Award - Claire Jacobs
Year 12 Community Leadership Award - Nikita-Rose Hart
Year 10 Parents and Friends Excellence Award - Mikaela Spires
Year 11 Parents and Friends Excellence Award - Joshua Cicolari
Year 12 Parents and Friends Excellence Award - Rhys Holmes
Click here for more photos.
Sideffect Australia Educating Young People
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As part of our Pastoral Care Program at Kennedy we had guest speakers address the issue of synthetic drugs with our Year 8 - 11 students on Wednesday morning during Extended Form.
Our guest speakers, Mr Hobbs and Mr Bridge from Sideffect Australia (sideffect.org.au). Sideffect was originally started by Mr Bridge following the death of his son after taking a synthetic form of LSD during a school ball after party. The Sideffect organisation focuses on educating young people on substance use and thus empowering them to make informed decisions, with the help of parents, teachers, and their community. Various College staff including all our Form teachers, Heads of Year, Chaplain Mrs Pauline Burgess, Psychologist Mrs Jessica Plenty and Protective Behaviours Coordinator Mr David Orr attended and will still be available to assist any students should they need it. We look forward to the positive results
and benefits this presentation will bring to our students.
Mr Wendell Pether
Deputy Principal of Pastoral Care
Drama Performances
Term 4 is an exciting term for all our Drama students as they have three performances planned.
On Tuesday 23 October 100 Year 8 Drama students participated in performances which showcased the skills students have acquired throughout the year, including Children’s Theatre, Realism and Theatre Sports. The thrilling Theatre Sports games required students to put into practice their Improvisation skills in order to score points and entertain the audience at the same time.
On Tuesday 30 October at 6.30pm in the Drama Rooms, the Year 10 students will perform a variety of monologues, duologues and small group work. Students have taken on the roles of Director, Designer and Actor in preparation for the upcoming Performance Evening.
Also, on Tuesday 27 November at 6.30pm in the Auditorium, our students will perform two of William Shakespeare’s famous tragedies. The study of Macbeth and Romeo & Juliet opened the Year 9 students’ eyes to the genius Shakespeare was. Students contributed ideas towards costume and set design for this upcoming Performance Evening.
Mrs Liezl Breytenbach
Drama Teacher
Photos above: Drama students.
You Are Invited - Pop Up Museum
This year on Friday 9 November the College will be commemorating Remembrance Day. All parents and guardians are invited to attend our Remembrance Day service on this day, which will begin promptly at 10:50am in the turning circle.
Adding to our commemoration this year will be a pop up museum of artefacts and memorabilia from the College community which will be on display for the day in the Research and Study Centre.
We would like to display in the museum a collection of material from the College community that records the military, peacekeeping and national service of College family members. If you have any photographs, letters, diaries or other items that are a part of your families service history that you would like to have displayed please send them in to the College with your child from Monday 5 November onwards, ensuring the item is dropped off at the Research and Study Centre and is accompanied by your name and a brief description of the item’s history. All items will be available for return at 3:30pm on Friday 9 November from the RASC.
All parents and guardians are invited to view the pop up museum at either Recess (11:00-11:25am) or Lunch (1:05-1:30pm) on Friday 9 November.
Thank you for your support of this project. It will be a great experience for our students to see the variety of artefacts and memorabilia that our families have which records their service.
Mr Blaire Gersbach
Head of Humanities and Social Sciences
College Notices
Term 4 Uniform Shop Hours
Monday to Thursday 8.00am to 3.45pm
* Closed for lunch 12.30-1.00pm
* Closed on Friday. For more information please email Mr Kerry James here.
Music Ensembles Night
Monday 29 October, 6.30pm to 8.00pm, there will be a night to feature Kennedy’s Ensembles - Vocal Ensemble, Guitar Ensembles, Stage and Contemporary Bands, and the ATAR and VET Bands. We look forward to seeing you there!
Year 7- 9 Awards Night
Year 7-9 Awards Night will be on Tuesday 20 November at 7.00pm in the Auditorium. For more details on upcoming events please click here.
Instrumental Music Recitals
Tuesday 6, Wednesday 7 and Friday 9 November, 5.30pm to 7.00pm, Kennedy Music will be hosting a Recital Series to feature the talents of our instrumental music students. Parents are warmly encouraged to attend these concerts.
Drama Performances
Tuesday 30 October at 6.30pm. Our Year 10 students will perform a variety of monologues, duologues and small group work. Tuesday 27 November at 6.30pm students will perform two of William Shakespeare’s famous tragedies.
Kennedy College App
The providers of the Kennedy College App, Appademic, have ceased trading. Please delete the App from your device. If you need any other assistance or information please feel free to contact the College or visit the Website.
Kennedy Parent's Connect
The Kennedy P&F have their own newsletter. Please find their newsletter from 19 October 2018 here. If you need any other information or would like to receive these newsletters, please contact the P&F Committee via email.
Students at Work
Year 11 Outdoor Education Excursion
On Tuesday 23 October, 14 Year 11 Outdoor Education students attended an excursion to the Marine Education Boatshed. Students have the opportunity to receive their Recreational Skipper’s Ticket this term in preparation for boating activities in Year 12 and beyond. The day consisted of theory sessions and practical learning on the Swan River.
Students began with a theory test which they have been studying diligently for, and were soon able to prepare their boats to go out on the water. Although there was a lot of information to process, the looks on students’ faces were a sign that they were also having fun. With the sun emerging in the afternoon and light winds it was perfect weather for practicing skills such controlled stops, securing vessels to a berth and simulating a man-overboard situation.
Although there are assessments yet to be completed in order to receive their Recreational Skipper’s Tickets, these students are capable of safely operating motorboats and are prepared for the enjoyment that boating offers.
Mr Rory Najjar
Outdoor Education Teacher
Dairy Farming Excursion
Year 11 Geography
On Wednesday 12 September and Thursday 13 September, over 60 Geography students of the College visited White Rocks Dairy farm near Harvey.
This is part of their studies in resource use and management in unit two of both ATAR and General Geography curriculum. Students got to observe the milking process and interview the dairy farmer to learn about the industry and the threats to it. I was a beautiful day with nice weather and we had a fantastic time. Students also visited the Harvey Cheese Factory and sampled cheeses and ice-cream, which all students enjoyed immensely. We then had lunch in the small dairy farming town of Harvey.
Thank you to the Year 11 students for a great day, and thank you to my collegues; Mr Liam Austen and Mr Rijk Batley for their efforts on the day.
Mr Mark Burgess
Humanities and Geography Teacher
Year 11 Outdoor Education Excursion
On Tuesday 23 October, 14 Year 11 Outdoor Education students attended an excursion to the Marine Education Boatshed. Students have the opportunity to receive their Recreational Skipper’s Ticket this term in preparation for boating activities in Year 12 and beyond. Students began with a theory test which they have been studying diligently for, and were soon able to prepare their boats to go out on the water. Although there was a lot of information to process, the looks on students’ faces were a sign that they were also having fun. It was perfect weather for practicing skills such controlled stops, securing vessels to a berth and simulating a man-overboard situation. Although there are assessments yet to be completed in order to receive their Recreational Skipper’s Tickets,
these students are capable of safely operating motorboats and are prepared for the enjoyment that boating offers.
Mr Rory Najjar
Outdoor Education Teacher
Photo above: Year 11 Geography students.
Photo above: Year 11 Outdoor Education students attended the Marine Education Boatshed.