A round of open days have been held this month to inform people about Healthy Rivers/ Wai Ora: Proposed Waikato Regional Plan Change 1, and how they can have their say.
If you weren't able to make it along to one of the open days, we're sharing stories from landowners who did attend on our Healthy Rivers/Wai Ora facebook page. You can like our pages to receive updates and see stories from landowners in the Waikato and Waipā at this link here.
You can also see the information we presented at the open days on our new webpages here.
The clear message we received from landowners is they care about water quality in the Waipā and Waikato rivers and ensuring they have good management practices on farm, but they are concerned about the potential costs or difficulties for their businesses. Once the details were explained, many found that the proposed plan change isn’t as big a concern as they thought. Many of them have already done a lot of work and are well placed for Healthy Rivers/Wai Ora.
Submissions on the proposed plan are open until 5pm 8 March, 2017. The council has provided an extended period to allow people to understand what is proposed and make informed submissions.
You can find documents to make a submission here.
Input from the community will be vital in creating the plan's final shape. Anyone can submit on the plan and indicate whether they support, oppose or take a neutral stance on any parts of it. You can also make submission for changes you'd like to see made to the plan to improve it.
You can read a media release on the open days here.