Message from the Principal
Image: With compliments of Kennedy Baptist College "Through the Lens" Camera Club
Dear Parents
The strategic planning for Kennedy includes addressing the learning needs of all individuals and we are currently implementing further strategies to ensure this priority is achieved.
Firstly, the Learning Support team at the College will be expanded to include an additional full time Education Assistant, to provide further care in classes, in addition to a part time Support Teacher to develop strategies in our upskilling programs. The addition of supplementary staff provides expansion of the learning options for students requiring academic support.
Secondly, the Curriculum Administration team has developed a new program to address the needs of students requiring academic extension and enrichment. Known as the Kennedy Extension and Enrichment Program (KEEP), this program provides the opportunity for prospective Year 7 students to be identified through our testing program. These students will engage in a modified curriculum as a separate cohort group and progress through to extension classes in further years. In the past this process has been completed informally in Year 7 classes, however, commencing next year a KEEP class will operate with a formal extension program designed to challenge all members of this class.
Stage 3A Building Program
Over the next 2 weeks, Firm Construction will commence stage 3A of our campus building program. This will include the development of new Music studios and classes above the Café which will then be followed by new studios for Visual Art, Dance and Drama facilities. We will endeavour to minimise the disruption to surrounding classes whilst refurbishment takes place. We are currently working with our architects on development plans for new Science laboratories and our new Sports Centre.
Mr Mark Ashby
I have had one of those weeks where life takes on a clarity not known before. Where, as an individual, the big, important questions come into focus, such as, “Why am I here?” and, “What is the purpose of my life?” To know that place which is near to the heart of God.
Many organisations have a mission statement, which succinctly states the reason for their existence. Kennedy Baptist College has such a statement, consisting of 18 words – “To provide educational opportunities of excellence in a Christian context, addressing the needs of individuals for lifelong learning.” Such a statement not only gives us a reason for what we are doing, but also sets us a number of goals, such as educational excellence and lifelong learning. It is also inclusive, in that every person, staff, students and guardians, are included in the statement.
So, as I was asking the ‘big’ questions, I began to wonder, how would my personal mission statement read? I eventually came up with this. “My mission is to inform, encourage, and challenge all those I serve, as to their potential in Christ.” Each time I read this I get an internal, “Yes.” It’s me. It is the reason I left New Zealand and moved to Australia. It is the reason I have spent years in study and it is the reason I am here today. I fully believe that we all have a God defined purpose in life, and to the same degree I also believe that in finding our divine purpose we also find fullness of peace and joy. I am going to finish with one of my favourite quotes from one of my heroes of the faith, Augustine (350 CE-430 CE), “Thou hast created us for Thyself and our heart is not quiet until it rests in Thee.”
Winners of 13th Annual Atwell Youth Awards
Back Row from left : Megan Mak, Claudia Lock, Ashleigh Donjerkovich, Jasmine Millea and Grace Russell
Middle : Lauren Callahan, Chelsea Hanham, and Tamila Andreeva
Front Row: Brigette Portelli, Blake Hattrick and Phoebe Dibbin.
Absent from photo: Jack Hockey, Dylan De San Miguel , Kathryn Hill and Ellena Udo
Thursday 11 June was an exciting night for our Year 9 Art students at The Atwell Gallery. Our talented artists were announced the Year 9 winners of the 13th Annual Atwell Youth Awards.
The work that the students created were individual pieces. Approximately 15 cats were put together to create a community of 'crazy cats'. Each cat had a different pattern, scale and sense of humour.
The class came up with a design, fabric was cut and sewn and plaster of paris poured into the fabric cast, creating the cat statues/caricatures. The students then developed patterns and designs and painted these onto the cats.
The Artist statement that was submitted with the piece read:
"We tried to create a small community of ‘crazy’ cats. Inspired by the work of Romero Britto, we used interesting patterns and bold colours to capture the imagination and introduce the world to these crazy cats. Nestled in their kitty litter trays, they turn the mundane into the exciting, the crazy"
Congratulations and well done.
Students at Work
On Monday 8 June, the Year 11 Politics and Law students joined Mr Ilchuk on a discovery of Law-making in Western Australia.
They started the day with a coffee on St George’s Terrace, discussing the differences between Statute Law and Common Law whilst watching the many people in suits walking up and down the terrace.
At Parliament House, each student took on the role of a Member of Parliament, sitting in their seat and debating changes to the Liquor Control Act in the Legislative Assembly. The member for Bateman, Matt Taylor MLA, gave further insight into what life was like for him as a Member of Parliament and the reasons why he choose to stand for parliament in the first place.
After a tour of Parliament, the group went to the District Court in order to see the Common Law System in action.
After observing various court cases, the group had lunch in the city followed by a brief stop at the Supreme Court of WA.
This excursion enabled the students to practically understand how the Legislative and Judicial function arms of Government work together to ensure a Political and Legal system that is representative, just, and accountable.
Mr M Ilchuk
Politics and Law Teacher
Back Row: Mr Matt Taylor , Mr Manuel Ilchuk
Front Row: Dylan Williams, Daniel Elhaj, Jesse Stewart, Matilda Steel, Lachlan Kay, Andrew Rutty, Joshua Reid, Ryan Simcock
On Friday 12 June a Year 10 Extension Science and a Year 10 Advanced Science class attended Murdoch University to take part in the ‘Be a Metallurgist for a Day’ event (a metallurgist is a scientist who processes ores and minerals to produce metals and mineral products).
The day began with an address by two academics at the University who described the importance of science, maths and particularly metallurgy to the people of Australia. They discussed the impact these areas have had on Western Australian’s lives and the wealth of opportunities it offers students in terms of further study and careers.
The students were then split into five groups and completed four various activities throughout the day. These activities included:
• sampling and statistics – which involved extracting iron from sand and analysing sample data
• mineral processing – involving the froth flotation separation of copper sulfide ores and microscopic examination of various sands
• metallurgical chemistry – which comprised of analysing the tin content in a brass sample using atomic absorption spectroscopy
• hydrometallurgy – involving the analysis of copper in a malachite ore sample using techniques that included leaching, cementation, electrowinning and colorimetry
• pyrometallurgy – which involved smelting tin and producing ingots and observing the highly spectacular thermite reaction.
The day was highly informative and exposed the students to a range of opportunities that the fields of mineral science, chemistry and mathematics can offer them in their further studies and careers. We would like to thank Rio Tinto and Murdoch University (particularly Mr Graeme Thompson) for organising a very engaging and enjoyable event.
Mr Rick Cricelli
Science Department
Extra Curricular Activities
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Founded by Isabel Yap in 2013 and backed by the immense support of Mrs Campbell and Mr Wilkins, “Through The Lens” aims to inspire the young people of Kennedy Baptist College to take up the art of photography.
Through The Lens, originally named the ‘Photography/Camera Club’ until a new name was decided by the ever growing members, has come far from its early days. Since its inception, Through The Lens has captured many of the memorable moments of the College, including events such as the World’s Greatest Shave, Open Days, Swimming Carnivals and Sports Carnivals.
More than just learning the mechanics of a camera, Through the Lens encourages the discovery of inner creativity and its expression: the elegance of painting a photograph. Members are motivated to keep creating something better at Through the Lens, where rewards are occasionally given for impressive demonstration of creative skills.
New members are welcome to attend. For more details see Mrs Campbell or Mr Wilkins.
The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is the world’s leading achievement award for young people, bringing together practical experiences and life skills to create committed global citizens and equipping young people for life.
Kennedy Baptist College is an Award Unit of this internationally recognised Award for young people. Coordinated by Ms Melissa Rasmussen, the Award enables our young people to take full advantage of the diverse opportunities offered by Kennedy Baptist College. The Award is designed to be an individual challenge based on the unique interests of each participant in the areas of Physical Recreation, Skill, Service and an Adventurous Journey. More
College Events
Our Beedawong volunteers hit the cinemas last week to enjoy a movie.
The evening was filled with fun and laughs. The volunteers at Beedawong are a very friendly crowd and you are invited to contact Renee Anderson our Cafeteria Manager (randerson@kennedy.wa.edu.au) to add your name to the volunteer duty roster.
Front Row: Catriona Brooks, Helen Becker, Renee Anderson
Middle Row: Mary-Lou Ado, Tracey Irving, Stephen Visser, Karen Shea, Jess Shea, Mandy Lun, Natalie Simich, John Norton
Back Row: Pia Sweeting , Naomi Dorrington, Sara Frost
Recently, Kennedy Baptist College students were given the opportunity to vote for their preferred design of a new City of Melville War Memorial. This provided the students another opportunity to engage with Australia’s wartime history in this Centenary Year of the Gallipoli landings.
A total of 5,136 students from schools across the City of Melville cast a vote. Concept One “The People” was the most popular design receiving 2,937 votes.
The next phase of the project will include:
Signing of the contract with the Artist
Further consultation with stakeholders for final text and imagery to be incorporated into design
Fabrication and installation of memorial
A temporary art installation to be created from the 5,000+ coloured papers to be installed at Wireless Hill Museum
Memorial Completion April 2016 (Memorial Dedication and Anzac Day)
We look forward to seeing the completed project.
Drama Showcase 2015
You are invited to our Drama Showcase 2015. A selection of performance pieces from our Year 8 - 12 Drama students promise to provide an enjoyable evening. Details are:
• Tuesday 30 June
• 7pm start with approximate finish time of 9pm
• Admission - $2.00 at the door, unreserved seating
• Refreshments will be available during intermission
We hope that you can join us for this event.
Celebrating our Student's Achievements
Georgia Needham of Year 7 has been selected to represent Western Australia in the WA Schools Hockey 12s Team to compete in the National Championships here in Perth, from the 2 – 7 August, 2015. The event will be hosted at the Challenge Stadium Turf.
Georgia plays for Melville City Hockey Club in the Girls 7/8 A Competition. She completed a series of trials, and the final selection was made over the recent long weekend at the Bunbury Country Championships.
We wish Georgia all the best for the National Championships.
College Fees
The following deposits have been made to the College's bank account. Details are as below:
• 13/4 2588594 School Fees
• 12/5 2742008 School Fees
• 10/6 000433
If you have made any of these deposits please contact Mrs Gill Wood of our Finance Department 9314 7722 or email fees@kennedy.wa.edu.au
P&F News
P&F Dinner
The Kennedy P&F dinner this term will be held on Wednesday 24 June.There are still spaces available. Details are as follows:
Place: Himali Gurkha (17 Kearns Crescent, Ardross)
Date: Wednesday 24 June 2015
Time: 7.00pm
Cost: $36.00 per person
Numbers are limited so please let us know as soon as possible if you would like to attend the dinner (with numbers) - please email pandfkennedybaptistcollege@gmail.com
This is a great opportunity to connect with other Kennedy parents and our College Principal. We hope to see you there.
The 2014 | 2015 Entertainment™ Books and Digital Memberships have just expired. If you haven't already purchased a new 2015 | 2016 Entertainment™ Membership now is the time to do so. Plus, 20% of every Membership we sell contributes towards our fundraising.
Order the 2015 Perth Entertainment Book Now
Upcoming Events
The list below shows the upcoming events for the next 2 weeks. Please visit our website for more dates and events
Thursday 18 June
3AB Politics and Law Excursion
Year 8 Vaccination 2
Sunday 21 June
Year 12 Outdoor Education Abseiling Excursion
Monday 22 June - Friday 26 June
Student Council Week
Tuesday 23 June
Free Dress Day
Year 8 Social Community Service
South of Swan Dance Festival
Wednesday 24 June
Assembly (Years10-12)
Thursday 25 June
French Tour - Parent Information Evening
Year 8 Vaccination Catchup Day
South of Swan Dance Festival
Friday 26 June
Zero to Hero Day
Year 8, 9 & 10 Rugby Incursion
Monday 29 June
Year 11 Integrated Science Excursion
Tuesday 30 June
Drama Showcase
Wednesday 1July
Assembly (Years 7-9)
Year 12 Physic Excursion - Gin Gin
Wednesday 1 July - Friday 10 July
Ski Trip - NewZealand
Thursday 2 July - Sunday 12 July
Cambodia Trip
Thursday 2 July
Term 2 Last Day for Students
After School Tutoring Times
2014 Annual Report is now available on our website
All About Parenting
Parenting WA Line- Available 24/7 for Parenting events, resources & topics
(08) 62791200 or 1800 654 432 | parentingwaline@communities.wa.gov.au
Relationships Australia 9489 6322 www.wa.relationships.com.au
Community Events
We accept notices from parents, and advertisements from local companies and businesses for a small fee and reserve the right to accept the application for advertisement to be placed in the Newsletter or Notice board. Please email news@kennedy.wa.edu.au for more information.
Semester 2 Exam Preparation
At Rossmoyne Senior High School
(Mon 6 July – Fri 10 July)
Subjects offered:
Maths Applications, Maths Methods. Maths Specialist, MAT 2CD/3AB/3CD, MAS 3CD, Year 11 Chemistry ATAR,Year 11 Physics ATAR, Chemistry 3AB, Physics 3AB , Year 10 Math, Year 4 – 9 Math and English
Intensive 5 day revision
Experienced and qualified teachers
Small class size – program individualized to each student’s needs
Structured revision notes and worksheets provided
Semester 2 Exam Preparation (Year 11)
Mock Exam Preparation for Year 12
Accelerated Programs to cater to Advanced Students
Call 9455 6808 / 0410 121 509 or visit www.scholasticexcellence.com.au
July Revision Program 2015
Study Skills – Essay Writing – Subject Revision – OLNA Preparation
For all students from Year 7 to 12
This program aims to provide students for Subject Revision, Exam and OLNA Preparation. Courses will be conducted at Christ Church Grammar School in the first week of the holidays and at Hale School in the second week.
50% discount for Kennedy Baptist College students.
For further information please contact 9486 1377 or visit
Want to improve your marks?
Join our Weekend Help or Master Classes. Available for all year levels.
Yr 11 & 12 WACE and ATAR Master Classes
Classes available Sundays and afternoons after school
Be inspired by expert subject specialist teacher who will give you fresh insights into course concepts and learn how to achieve maximum marks in your exams.
Yr 11 & 12 WACE and ATAR Weekend HELP Classes
Various classes available Saturday and Sunday from 9am up to 3pm
Receive weekly help in your areas of need in your courses from experienced WACE and ATAR teachers. In the class you can ask questions about your school work and get one-on-one help to strengthen your understanding.
Yr 7, 8, 9 & 10 Weekend HELP Classes:
Various classes from 9am up to 1pm every Saturday and Sunday
Experienced teachers work with students to build their skills and understanding in Maths, Science or English in a small group environment.
Venues: Churchlands SHS, Rossmoyne SHS, Perth Modern School and our Applecross Office.
For a brochure visit www.academictaskforce.com.au or speak with your Year Coordinator.
Enrol: www.academictaskforce.com.au
Email: learn@academictaskforce.com.au
Phone: (08) 9314 9500
Master Class flyer attached.
During the July school holidays, the Uproar Holiday Program gives high school students the opportunity to go on a variety of excursions including Rock Climbing, BOUNCE, Bowling, Master Chef and Rollerskating. For more information or email Nathan uproar@lifestreamscc.com
Sportsplus Camp
Students interested in basketball, soccer, netball, footy and tennis. Why not come along to a 6-day residential, specialist sports coaching camp for young athletes (school years 7-12), who love competitive sport and want to explore the Christian faith. It will include top level coaching in your sport, various sporty team challenges, Kennedy PE teacher Mr Miles as one of the leaders of the camp and plenty of fun sports banter.
When: 5 July to 10 July. 1st week of the school holidays.
Where: Guildford Grammar's sports facilities
For more information and sign up