No images? Click here 8 July 2020 CaRST eNewsletterDirector's Message Further to my previous update, I am pleased to announce that Dr Inger Mewburn will be joining us to deliver a webinar on future career prospects for PhDs in the post-COVID environment. Dr Mewburn works with PhD students and early career academics as the Director of Researcher Development at The Australian National University, where she curates and runs professional development workshops and programs for ANU researchers. She maintains the widely-regarded Thesis Whisperer blog, publishes on post-PhD employability, and has recently co-founded the job seeking app for PhDs called PostAc. Dr Mewburn will present her lecture So, you’re graduating your PhD in a pandemic – what next? for CaRST on the 21st July. In other good news, given the popularity of Intersect’s research tools and technology workshops, they are starting a new monthly webinar series covering the basics from some of their more in-depth courses. Their first one, Starting Coding without Hesitation: Programming languages showdown, is coming up on the 14th July and provides a comparison of four of the most popular programming languages used by researchers in academia. Further details about both webinars are below. Best, Dr Monica Kerr CaRST Events
Starting Coding without Hesitation: Programming languages showdown Date: 14 July 2020 Programming is becoming more and more popular, with many researchers using programming to perform data cleaning, data manipulation, data analytics, as well as creating publication quality plots. This webinar delivered by Intersect, will explore four of the most popular programming languages that are widely used in academia, namely Python, R, MATLAB, and Julia. Open to HDR students, ECRs, and research staff. More info and register. So, you’re graduating your PhD in a pandemic – what next? Date: 21 July 2020 Covid-19 presents a massive disruption to the academic workforce. PhD students and early career researchers are worried about their future career prospects inside academia and confused about their options outside the university walls. Join us as A/Professor Mewburn uses research on the post-PhD job market to enhance your understanding of the changed academic job market, increase awareness of career opportunities in industry, and help you approach the non-academic job market with more confidence. Register here. Bookings close 30 minutes prior to the session. The Imposter Syndrome Date: 22 July 2020 Why do successful people often feel like frauds? This session, presented by Hugh Kearns of ThinkWell, will explain why high performing people often doubt their abilities and find it hard to enjoy their successes. It will also show the links to perfectionism and self-handicapping strategies such as procrastination, avoidance and overcommitment. Register here. Bookings close 30 minutes prior to the session. Excel for Researchers This is a 2-part workshop. Attendance at both sessions is required. Dates: 27 July 2020 and 28 July 2020 Data rarely comes in the form you require; sometimes it can be messy or incomplete, while other times there can simply be too much of it. In this course by Intersect and CaRST, you will learn about one of the most widespread data wrangling tools, Microsoft Excel, including how to import, sort, filter, copy, protect, transform, summarise, merge, and visualise research data. While aimed at novice Excel users, most attendees will walk away with new tricks to work more efficiently with their research data. Open to HDR students, ECRs, and research staff. Register here. Other EventsLabArchives Electronic Research Notebook This session will help researchers and HDR students who want to learn how to collaborate, update, and manage research data using the LabArchive Electronic Research Notebook system. Thursday 9 July, 10:00am or Tuesday 21 July, 2:00pm via Zoom. Register. Create Your Researcher Profile This session for academics, HDR students, and titleholders will support you to find, edit, and update your Researcher Profile. Thursday 9 July, 2:00pm or Tuesday 21 July, 11:00am via Zoom. Register. News New Trove website launch Trove is Australia’s online culture and research portal and has recently undergone a makeover. Bringing together content from the National Library of Australia, State and Territory libraries, and many other Australian libraries, cultural and research institutions, Trove provides a single point of entry to national voices and stories. Further information. Visualise your Thesis Registrations are now OPEN for the 2020 Visualise Your Thesis competition! Open to Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students, this is the perfect opportunity to flex your creativity and get your research out there. Competition opens 1 June and submissions will be accepted until 26 July. Winning prize is $1000! Register online. COVID-19 FAQs for HDR Students The Graduate Centre has created a Frequently Asked Questions page (FAQs) regarding COVD-19 which is updated regularly as the situation develops. Please visit the Adelaide Graduate Centre website for COVID-19 FAQs for HDR Students. Find us on Twitter! The Adelaide Graduate Centre is now on Twitter. Follow us @GradCentreUofA for the latest research student news, events, tips and more. Social media is an important way of engaging the public, communicating research and creating impact. If you don’t have a Twitter account, create one and start tweeting today! Industry Opportunities The Industry Engaged PhD (IEP) Program and Scholarship IEP scholarships are now available to support eligible domestic and international students who undertake an industry placement (including remotely/online) as part of their PhD. The University of Adelaide’s Industry Engaged PhD (IEP) program involves participation in an industry placement of 1-3 months (FTE) in duration, together with the completion of a number of Career and Research Skills Training (CaRST) and other professional development activities. Completion of the IEP, including the CaRST credit courses, will be reflected as a statement on the academic transcript. For information about this program, including the application process, please visit the IEP website. APR Internship Opportunities Available! The University of Adelaide is working with APR.Intern to expand the range of placement opportunities available to our PhD students (including internships that can be completed remotely/online). At this time, there are lots of exciting opportunities available for SA. APR.Intern facilitates short term 3-5 month placements for students to apply their research expertise to projects while gaining invaluable industry experience. For current APR.Intern opportunities and program information, please visit their website. About CaRST Located within the Adelaide Graduate Centre, CaRST is a specialised training and development program for HDR students at the University of Adelaide. For further information on CaRST visit the CaRST website. Copyright © 2018 The University of Adelaide. |