Message from the Principal
Dear Parents
It was wonderful to celebrate two significant milestones at Kennedy last week. This included our Prize Night for Year 10-12 students and the farewelling of our Year 12 students on their last official day. Prize night provides a great opportunity to acknowledge the hard work of all students and a wide range of prizes were awarded across all curricular and cocurricular aspects of achievement. It was great to see so many families join us for this celebration. We now look forward to our Year 7-9 Prize Night on Wednesday 25 November where similar celebrations will take place.
The last day plans for our Year 12 students provided a great opportunity to honour these students and reflect on their significant contribution to Kennedy. It was not surprising to see tears from students, parents and staff as we farewelled this special group of students as an entire College. Kennedy prides itself on the care and support it provides for students and this was certainly reinforced by the heartfelt messages delivered by Form Teachers to their students. Our final opportunity to farewell the Year 12s will occur on Friday 20 November at their graduation night. This too promises to be a great occasion.
Year 11 Examinations and 2016 preparation
As the weeks of Term 4 quickly pass, examinations for Year 11 students are approaching rapidly. These students now have only two weeks of formal classes before the examinations commence. I encourage all of these students to have a well-organised study program in place as they prepare for these important assessments. It is timely to remind our Year 11 students that their grades this year contribute to their graduation in 2016. All students must achieve at least a “C grade” in 14 units of study in Year 11 and Year 12. Achieving the best possible grades now will certainly ease any pressure next year.
All Year 11 students completing examinations have been informed that they will be expected to be at school for the day immediately after these exams. This will give staff an opportunity to review examination results and provide students with preparation packages for 2016. Our goal is to prepare students for Year 12 as well as possible. View Year 11 Exam Timetable
Mr Mark Ashby
And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.
Romans 5
“Did you have fun?”
Since when has “fun” become the standard by which we measure the worthwhileness of an event? Whether it is attending a youth group meeting, kids' church, an educational outing, even after a day at school, this is the question often asked.
We don’t ask whether the person was challenged in any way, or character was formed, or new information was somehow embedded. Rather it is about having fun. And even if this question is simply a habit, the implication is the same. Unless fun was had, why bother putting time and effort in?
When the Bible speaks of hope, it is not a “maybe, maybe not” condition. Rather it is based on the character of God and the truth that He will do exactly what He has promised to do. We know that the things that we cherish are often those very things which are the product of consistency and hard work. Entering into a marriage, signing a mortgage document for that first home, raising children – are far more about character building and a sense of hope than they are about such a shallow emotion as ‘fun.’ When you think about it, isn’t that what we really want to impart to those we care for? That they build resiliency of character for all of those times when life isn’t “fun” as well as a vision of hope for their future?
Mrs Pauline Burgess
College Chaplain
Deputy Principal Curriculum Report
Along with a number of other staff at the College, I have attended workshops and Professional Learning sessions on the importance of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) education. This is part of an Australia-wide initiative to restore the focus on these subjects in all primary and secondary schools across the country. The Australian government has, in fact, committed an extra $12 million to this initiative. This funding will go towards four key elements:
Providing innovative mathematics curriculum resources for primary and secondary school students, focusing on inquiry-led teaching.
Supporting the introduction of computer coding across different year levels in Australian schools leading to greater exposure to computational thinking, and, ultimately, expanding the pool of ICT-skilled workers.
An innovative approach to education based on the United States ‘Pathways in Technology Early College High School’ (P-TECH) model.
Summer schools for STEM students, to increase the number of girls and disadvantaged students attending - including Indigenous students and those from regional and remote areas.
Although this initiative is partly driven by the desire to improve Australia’s ranking in international Science and Mathematics testing it also comes from the growing perception that we need to prepare our students better for an ever-changing technological world. To quote from a position paper written by Australia’s Chief Scientist, (see link below), “STEM is everywhere. Our nourishment, our safety, our homes and neighbourhoods, our relationships with family and friends, our health, our jobs, our leisure are all profoundly shaped by technological innovation and the discoveries of science.” (p5)
STEM subjects have always been a significant focus of the curriculum here at Kennedy Baptist College and we welcome the increased emphasis on this area as we strive to prepare our students for a 21st century world.
Deputy Principal Pastoral Care Report
Each year the College presents Community Service Awards to recognize the contribution of students both to the College and the wider community. These include the Long Tan Award, the Caltex Best All Rounder Award, the Sportsperson of the Year Award, and the Community Leadership Award.
The Long Tan Award is sponsored by the Australian Defense Forces and recognizes students who demonstrate leadership, teamwork, positive values, problem solving, resourcefulness and clear communication. Our two awards were won by Ashleigh Black in Year 10 and Zoe Hinton in Year 12. Both were presented by special guest Commander Teresa Blackman representing the Royal Australian Navy.
The Caltex Best All Rounder Award is presented in recognition of an outstanding student achievement in the following areas: sport, academia and community service. Megan Loh was the winner having been involved in many interschool sporting teams and carnivals, maintaining excellent grades, and completing community work both at the College through the 11/7s Mentor Program and also internationally as part of the Transform Cambodia Trip Team.
Paisley Prentice won the Kennedy Baptist College Sportsperson Award through demonstrating sporting excellence. She represented the College at every interschool carnival as well as being Open Female Interhouse Athletics Champion and Open Female Interschool Athletics Champion. Paisley was a House Captain for King and competed in a Triathlon for Kennedy, as well as playing in the College AFL team and was also Most Vaulable Player for the Female Touch Rugby Senior SAS Team.
Our Community Leadership Award recognised outstanding community service. It was won by Amy Salmond who was a Year 11 mentor to younger students through the 11/7s peer support programme, as well as a member of the Sonlife Trip that travelled to Thailand to work on various projects. She contributed positively to the local community through youth work, sporting groups and various cultural activities. All our winners are outstanding students and their names will be displayed on our Kennedy honour boards located in the College auditorium.
Year 7 Report
Congratulations to our Student Councillors for 2016: James Currey, Quaide Kieser, Amber Clifford and Bryce McCarthy. It was during the process of seeing the effort and perseverance that students put into the selection process that I was reminded of a quote;
“Look at a stone cutter hammering away at his rock, perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred-and-first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not the last blow that did it, but all that had gone before” - Jacob A. Riis
It may seem that the effort put into the selection process was lost by some of the applicants as they weren’t successful. However, I would say that they were in fact very successful; it is the measure of that success that will be borne out in later accomplishments in life when they ‘split the rock’. When we take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves at the College and in life, on occasion we won’t be successful, however, these efforts and persistence are not lost, they are creating the background and setting the scene for future achievement. As many successful people will tell you, it is through persistence that anything worth doing is achieved and this will be the case in all things that students accomplish throughout their lives. Keep trying, keep putting in the effort and eventually
you will be successful.
Year 8 Report
An article in The West by Andrea Burns caught my eye the other day. She spoke about parents being over-protective and preventing their children from learning from their mistakes. “They’re kids. Precious, yes, but only rendered strong through experience. How do they ever learn to lose if mummy and daddy are forever poised to mount a challenge…?”
Our children learn through failure and success to cope with both failure and success, but they need to receive the consequences of their actions if they are to learn. We should be there to help them up, but not to always prevent them from falling otherwise they will not learn and not be able to cope without us. Our goal should be to make them independent of us so that they can cope when we are not around.
“When did parents get so scared to say no?” Andrea asks.There are seven billion people who can be your child’s friend, but only two people can be their parents. “No teenager needs a 40 something friend. They need a parent.”
As a parent it is our responsibility to say no. It must not be our goal to be popular as it is much more important to be a parent who is there to guide and discipline our children so they grow up with the resilience and skills to cope with a tough world.
Don’t believe your child all the time, especially when they say, “Everyone else has one,” or “Everyone else’s parents are letting them go.” These statements are never true. Talk to the other parents of your children’s friends and you will find the majority have the same concerns and ideas that you have. It just takes one parent to stand up and say NO and others will follow.
Bringing up teenagers is the hardest job in the world and takes courage and time. Good luck and pray for wisdom every day.
Year 9 Report
In Year 9, as part of our Kennedy journey, we focus a lot of our Pastoral Care Program on identity; building and shaping our character and who we will become in the future. We tackle the question of 'Who am I?' In my talks I focused on the promises of Jesus and who we are in Christ. This is what I outlined to the students and I believe that we can all apply these promises to our lives.
I am accepted in Christ
• I am God’s child - John 1:12
• I am Christ’s friend - John 15:15
• I am a saint - Ephesians 1:1
• I have been redeemed and forgiven of all my sins - Colossians 1:14
• I am complete in Christ - Colossians 2:10
I am secure in Christ
• I am free forever from condemnation - Romans 8:1,2
• I cannot be separated from the love of God - Romans 8:35
• I am a citizen of heaven - Philippians 3:20
• I have not been given a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind - 2 Timothy 1:7
• I can find grace and mercy in time of need - Hebrews 4:16
I am significant in Christ
• I am a personal witness of Christ - Acts 1:8
• I am seated with Christ in the heavenly realms - Ephesians 2:6
• I am God’s workmanship - Ephesians 2:10
• I may approach God with freedom and confidence - Ephesians 3:12
• I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me - Philippians 4:13
Year 10 Report
As we move into Term 4 and edge closer to the end of the year, we also continue to see the transition of the Year 10s into young adults. One of the most exciting rites of passage coming up is the Year 10 Formal. This is occurring tonight. We are looking forward to a safe and fun-filled evening of good food and great moves.
Another major event that has just passed is Work Experience Week. I would like to congratulate the students on their attitude in the workplace. We have had many positive responses from employers, well done. I would like to thank all the employers for making their businesses available.
I would also like to congratulate all of the Year 10 Award winners and all those other Year 10s that continue to put so much effort into doing their best. This is a very talented year group.
Student Council elections were held at the end of last term and I would like to congratulate Joe Frost, Anna Zwitser, Catherine Reilly and Ross Stewart on being elected by their peers as councillors. Lastly, I would like to thank Joe Frost, Ashleigh Black, Phoebe Jacob and Ben Trezona for their excellent efforts as councillors this year.
Year 11 Report
The beginning of Term 4 has been a wonderful time of reflection and achievement. During the holidays, eight Year 11 students and three staff members participated in the development trip in Newman. Students were given the opportunity to engage in conversations with indigenous youth and elders, visit a remote school and run classroom and outside activities as well as participate in community projects. After sharing their experiences with the rest of our cohort, our students were better informed of the challenges often faced by the Indigenous Australians today, and how with more understanding we as a nation could better assist in these areas of difficulty. Thank you to Mr Dunstan, Miss Pomphrey and Mr Loughton for all their hard work and efforts in the running of this invaluable trip.
Last Tuesday we were given a platform to recognize the success of our Year 11 students for their academic rigour during Semester 1. I would like to congratulate all the award winners for their sound work ethic and dedication to their studies. For those who didn’t receive an award, there is ample time to reflect on your own passions and use these to drive you to aim for excellence in all your areas of learning and to establish sound study skills. As our Semester 2 examinations approach, I would like to remind our students that subject teachers, form teachers and pastoral care staff are all available for support and guidance.
In addition to this, I would like to congratulate two of our students Erin Grant and Aidan McCoy. Erin has been accepted into an exchange program in Canada. This is a wonderful opportunity to be immersed in another culture and develop life skills. We wish Erin a safe and fruitful experience. Aidan has been awarded the Good Samaritan Award scholarship and we are very proud of his dedication to his studies and his passion for aviation. We look forward to hearing all about his endeavours with the opportunity this scholarship will bring.
Wishing all our students in both ATAR and general pathways a peaceful and fruitful conclusion to the school year.
Year 12 Report
It is hard to believe that the Year 12s have finished their schooling for the year (apart from their exams and Graduation). We had a fantastic last day that started with a breakfast for the Year 12s and their teachers at the East Fremantle Yacht Club. It brought back happy memories for many of the students of their Year 10 Formal Dinner held at the same venue.
The students were then transported back to the College for a whole school assembly to honour and farewell the Year 12s. Each Form teacher spoke on an attribute of love from 1 Corinthians chapter 13. These heartfelt speeches brought a few tears from teachers, students and parents. At the conclusion of the speeches the Form teachers performed a skit and a dance that was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone. This was followed by a walk of honour through the College to the oval where balloons were released and the students signed photo cards. Parents then went to the Lower Foyer where an amazing spread had been prepared for morning tea by Mrs Batley. It was then time to say good bye.
Year 12 students who are writing exams are welcome to come back to the College for help from their teachers. Beedawong, the cafeteria is available for private or group study. The Lower Foyer is not available. Students should be dressed in school uniform when attending the College for tutoring or private study.
The Graduation will be held on Friday 20 November. Any student who has not returned the payment envelope for the evening is urged to return it as soon as possible. If you have mislaid or did not receive the initial letter and envelope please contact the College and we will send you out another letter.
It just remains for me to wish the students all the best in the WACE exams. We look forward to seeing them all again at the Graduation ceremony. Photos
Year 12 Examinations
All students enrolled in a Stage 3 Course of Study and those Mathematics 2CD students enrolled in the WACE examination must complete all scheduled examinations. Students have been issued their personalised timetables. General timetables are available online http://www.scsa.wa.edu.au
Written examinations: (for Kennedy students)
2 November – 18 November
Year 10-12 Prize Night
Megan Loh, Paisley Prentice, Mrs Anina Findling (Board Member) and Amy Salmond
Year 10 Dux Rachel Lee
Year 11 Dux (General/VET) Sheldon Anderson
Year 11 Dux (ATAR) Isabella Dowling
Year 12 Dux (Stages 1 and 2) Kira Leicester and April Scorer
Year 12 Dux (Stage 3) Sarah Cicolari
Year 10 Long Tan Award Ashleigh Black
Year 12 Long Tan Award Zoe Hinton
Year 12 Caltex Best All Rounder Megan Loh
Year 12 Sportsperson of the Year Award Paisley Prentice
Year 12 Citizenship Award Amy Salmond
Year 10 Parents and Friends Excellence Award Savannah Mitchell
Year 11 Parents and Friends Excellence Award Oliver Parry
Year 12 Parents and Friends Excellence Award Jacob Popkiss
French Language and Cultural Immersion Tour
On Friday 18 September, 11 Year 11 students flew to France to embark on our Language and Cultural Immersion Tour. It was the beginning of a three week trip where the students would be experiencing the home and school life of their French pen pal in the south of France and delighting in the City of Lights – Paris. More
Looking for Host Families
At the end of the exchange, four extra students expressed their desire to come to Perth. So we are urgently looking for families who are willing to host them and share their home life and culture with them. Learning or speaking French is not a requirement as they come to be immersed in an English-speaking environment. They also have a very good level of English. So if you would like to participate in this rewarding exchange, please contact me during school hours phone 9314 7722 or email mhenri@kennedy.wa.edu.au
Mme Maryleen Henri
French Teacher
Canberra and Sydney Tour
37 students and five staff members travelled across our nation to see our wonderful capital city: Canberra. After a stopover at Melbourne Airport we were picked up by Alan – our bus driver, who surprised us all by putting on a song by Elmo… yes Elmo from Sesame Street. After that we were a family, enjoying music most times as we travelled around Canberra. Upon arrival at Eagle Hawk Holiday Park we all unpacked and played games – getting to know each other. We stayed in Canberra for four full days visiting: Australian National Museum, Australian War Memorial, Australian Institute of Sport, Questacon, Parliament House, Electrical Education Office, Australian National Gallery, Embassies, High Court of Australia and – the favourite – Laser Tag. We also had a quiz night run by Mr and Mrs Burgess and a movie night run by Mr Munyard and Mrs English.
Research and Study Centre News
Students enjoying the Makerspace area
Term 3 was an interesting term in the Research and Study Centre. We carried out a huge ‘weed’ of our non fiction collection making sure that all the resources that remained are current and useful. We also archived some resources, especially those on the history of Australia or Western Australia as those types of materials can be very hard to come by. We now feel very confident that the collection is vibrant, up to date and interesting.
A Makerspace was added during the term. This is an area where students can create all sorts of items. Some of these involve electronics (Littlebits); some computers (Makey makey, Arduino and Raspberry Pi and a 3D printer); and some craft (origami, card and punches, Lego, quilling etc). This is an area we hope to expand. One of my favourite things about the Makerspace is that we have had students teach various topics. Thank you to Pirmin (for teaching us how to 3D print) and Sophie (for showing us how to quill). This term we are adding more craft items and will be making beautiful Christmas cards. I think the most popular Makerspace item has been the Spheros and we have recently added the new Starwars bot – the BB8.
Coderdojo also started last term. Mr Darren Longbottom and John (a mentor from Murdoch University) run this coding club in the Research and Study Centre, helping students learn new code and coding their own projects.
Coderdojo is a worldwide coding organisation set up to interest students in writing computer code – an area of huge future growth.
If there are any parents with some expertise who would like to be involved and help in either of the above, please let me know. Coderdojo and Makerspace are on after school on Thursdays and Makerspace also runs in breaks during the day – especially Tuesday and Friday lunchtimes.
Mrs Claudia Hart
Head of Research and Study
Coderdojo teaches students how to code their own projects
Students learning how to code
Celebrating our Student's Achievements
Josh was selected to represent WA as opening bowler in the State 17s Cricket Championships held in Brisbane during the school holidays. Josh has represented WA in the State schoolboys 15s, State 17s and Australia in the National 16s cricket tournament in Sri Lanka previously. As part of the WACA talented athlete program Josh looks forward to his future in the sport. Josh, well done on such a fine effort.
Eric played in the Australian Junior Squash Championships in Cairns. He finished 4th in the U13 boys individual competition and as part of the U13 Western Australian team won gold for U13 boys and gold for U13 combined (boys/girls). The overall Western Australian junior’s team won silver behind Queensland. Congratulations on your achievement Eric.
The Alcohol - Think Again Youth Girls Sevens Team has been announced for the National Championships to be held in Wagga Wagga on Saturday, 5 December and Sunday, 6 December. Grace Kay of Year 10 has been selected as one of the team members. Congratulations Grace on your great efforts to date and we wish you well for the championships more
Ethan Cook recently participated in the School Sport Australia 12 Yrs and Under Bruce Cup Tennis Championship which was held in Hobart.
This year was exceptional for the WA team. They achieved best ever results against two of the power house states QLD & VIC (gold & silver respectively) - only lost to QLD 11 rubbers to 13, and they beat NSW 12 rubbers all, 22 sets to 20 (WA have only beaten NSW once before in 2009 when WA achieved their only other medal - a bronze)! They won 5 ties against NSW, SA, ACT, NT & TAS and lost 2 to QLD & VIC. The team returned home proudly wearing their bronze medals around their necks. Congratulations to you and your team Ethan.
Jedd recently won the Under 13 division in a highly regarded surf contest in Perth called the ICEA Classic 2015 - Surf & Skate. Well done Jedd.
College Fees Information
For families who have elected to pay by term, statements were posted to you in the second week of the school holidays.
IMPORTANT NOTICE - Payment Deadlines
• Term & Semester payments (Option 2 and 3) Fees were due Friday 23 October. The fees can be paid by BPay, eftpos, cheque or cash.
• Monthly payments:
BY Payway (Option 4) – then your last instalment will be due on 20 November, 2015.
Likewise, if you have chosen to set up payments from your own bank – your last instalment will be due on 20 November, 2015.
Parents / Guardians please note that fees need to be cleared IN FULL before your child’s graduation on Friday 20 November, 2015.
Please refer all queries regarding your statement to Mrs Gillian Wood on 9314 7722 or email gwood@kennedy.wa.edu.au
Tutoring Timetable and Beedawong Menu
Beedawong's new Term 4 Menu is fresh and exciting with an impressive range of choices available view menu
Tutoring is available to all students at no extra cost
Click here to view Term 4 Tutoring sessions.
Download our Kennedy Mobile App Today
Download our App and keep up to date with all College activities, events and news, newsletters, College documents and push notification alerts direct from the College. You can also contact the College directly through the App, with the absentee and contact forms. Once you have downloaded your Kennedy App, please register your details.
Download the new College Mobile App today view more
Upcoming Events
The list below shows the upcoming events for the next few weeks. Please visit our website for more dates and events
29 October
Year 8 Vaccinations catch up day
Year 8/9 Specialist Cricket Match
Year 10 Formal - Fremantle Yacht club
30 October
Elite Basketball Tournament - Warwick Leisure Centre
1 - 3 November
Student Council Retreat - Serpentine Baptist Camp
2 - 18 November
WACE Written Exams
2 November
House Captain Training Day
College Tour
3 November
Elite Basketball Tournament - Warwick Leisure Centre
4 November
Year 9 Community Service
6 November
School Sport WA Triathlon Selected Year 7 – 10 Students
The Event
10 November
Free Dress Day
11 November
Year 8 Social - Leighton Beach
Year 7 Specialist Cricket Match
12 November
All About Parenting
The Fathering Project has some great fathering tips. Attached is a set of tips taken from Bruce Robinson’s Blue Book more
Relationships Australia is offering an informative workshop which is designed to enhance your family life. An informative workshop about Understanding Stepfamily Relationships is available more
Community Events
We accept notices from parents, and advertisements from local companies and businesses for a small fee and reserve the right to accept the application for advertisement to be placed in the Newsletter or Notice board. Please email news@kennedy.wa.edu.au for more information
Drivewell Driving Academy aims to teach students driving skills that will not only enable them to pass their Practical Driving Assessment, but also establish good habits for safe life long driving.
At Drivewell we teach driving in a manual car as we believe this can open up more opportunities in the future for our students.
Adrian Yurisich is an experienced trainer who teaches in a calm, supportive and encouraging manner. He has a proven strategy for success which will take students step by step from a beginner through to a confident driver. Phone Adrian on 0431 657 566 or click here for more information or email
Academic Group helps high school students achieve their best
Experience the benefits in our weekly
Weekend Help or Master Classes
Available for all year levels
January Jump Start Program 2016
Study Skills – Essay Writing – Subject Revision – Introduction to New Courses
For all students from Year 7 to 12
This revision program offers students a window into what they can expect in their new courses in 2016. Course will be conducted at Christ Church Grammar, Hale School and Tranby College.
For further information please contact 9486 1377 or visit www.mastermindaustralia.com.au
Experienced teachers
Structured revision notes and worksheets
Review of key concepts
Accelerated Program for Advanced Students
Our results speak for themselves. See our website for testimonials and WACE results.
The Leeuwin is back out on the ocean after her annual refit and maintenance period and all geared up for a new exciting season of voyages. We have had an influx of applications for the remainder of 2015 and now have waiting lists for these voyages, but would like to spread awareness of our 2016 program which includes three Summer school holiday voyages, a journey down South to Busselton and our April trip up to the iconic Monkey Mia more