AAA Member Update April 2020The AAA monthly update is our way of communicating with all members. President's messageThe Board has been working with regions and it is pleased to announce that all regional finances will be centralised by 30 June. This will not take any decision making or financial control away from the regions, but leads to positive outcomes for the Association, in particular in terms of our risk management and the ability to remove qualifications from the company's audit in the future. Regional websites now all transitioned onto the platform and regions have editorial control. AAA President Andrew Munn Membership renewals for the AAA will open as usual in June through the eAlpaca platform. The gifted renewals to members that had lapsed this financial year was a once-off opportunity to engage lapsed members and to get animals that may otherwise be lost to the pedigree herd registered. The Board will not offer this again. The AAA has been impacted by the COVID-19 situation, and the cancellation of shows up to 30 June has affected members. At this stage, the National Show is still planned to go ahead and the convenors continue to work behind the scenes to ensure that if the show is able to be held it will be an event not to be missed. A decision and announcement will be made no later than 30 June. The Board is continuing with the annual planning and budgeting process, developing key activities to fit within the existing AAA strategic plan. Codes of Conduct and policies are also under review. In conjunction with the AYE, the Board has been developing regulations for engagement in the youth space. My sincere condolences go out on behalf of the AAA to Rod and the Sales family after the tragic loss last week of passionate VCR member Ann Sales. Treasurer's Update
Committee positons - Education and TrainingThe AAA Board is calling for Expressions of Interest from AAA members for the Education and Training Committee. EOI including a short outline of relevant experience close 27/4/2020. more info Director Updates - Market Access & TradeNZ Market Access - It is very pleasing to announce the Australian Department of Agriculture has presented the proposed new species-specific Q Fever testing regime to the New Zealand Ministry of Primary Industries for their approval. As we face the final hurdle I want to acknowledge the contribution of the following who have played a significant role in getting us to this point:
MATC Operational Plan - The MATC is currently developing its Operational Plan for the 20/21 Financial Year. This plan will link directly to the AAA Strategic Plan. Market access and development is one of the three priorities in our industry’s strategic plan – in particular, the development of customer-driven domestic and international markets for Fleece, Animal Sales/Genetics, and Meat and Hides. Prue Walduck on behalf of the MATC (Carolyn Austin, Mick Williams, Annemarie Ashton-Wyatt) Portfolio Update - Showing ad Judging
AAA secures historical alpaca documentsThe AAA was contacted by Mr Robert Warneke from Tasmania who donated to the AAA archive documents from the 1850s and 1860s on the first attempt at introduction of alpacas to Australia. Prue Walduck gifted two coloured fleece to Mr Warneke in echange for the documents. Feralscan appFeralScan is a community science project to trace feral vertebrate pests such as cats, wild dogs and foxes which can have serious animal welafre and biosecurity impacts on farm. Us the website or app to record activity, impacts, and control actions in your local area. Create a map of data before implementing control programs with your neighbours. More info Get to know your apprentice judge - ArianaWith a focus on breeding coloured alpacas, Ariana enjoys the challenge and science of coloured genetics, and balancing this with advanced fibre characteristics. Ariana is excited about the future of the alpaca industry and her enduring participation in the showing arena is a testament to her love for alpacas. She is passionate about educating the community about all aspects of alpacas Read more Advertise with us!Would you like to advertise in this newsletter to get an audience of over 1000 AAA members? Conatct Did you know that you can also advertise on the AAA website - more info Contact the AAA Board