Message from the Principal
Photo above: SSWA Girls Basketball team.
Dear Parents,
Welcome to Term 3, we trust that everyone had a wonderful holiday and are now ready to continue embracing the ongoing opportunities at Kennedy. Term 3 promises to be an exciting term with many major events on our calendar. As we start a new semester, I would like to reinforce the mission and values of Kennedy that maximize the learning experience at the College. Kennedy Baptist College endeavours to the very best of its abilities, to provide educational opportunities of excellence in a Christian context. In doing so the needs for lifelong learning are also addressed. All staff at Kennedy are committed to this mission through our Christian ethos and the values of: Faith, Integrity, Boldness, Growth and Service.
Over the semester break, our students have had some wonderful occasions to reinforce these values. Our Year 11 students involved with the Cambodia Connect mission trip had the opportunity to experience very personal service opportunities whilst sharing with primary school students in Phnom Penh. Also, 28 Year 10 students had the chance to push their boundaries and develop new skills skiing and white water rafting in New Zealand. Thank you to our Staff who gave up their personal leave to be involved in these tours.
We look forward to sharing more opportunities during the Term 3 journey together.
Mr Mark Ashby
Even today, most of us have at least heard what is called, “The Lord’s Prayer.” It begins, seemingly, in a very formal manner, with God designated as, “Father.” This has always brought to my mind the image of a young Lord of the estate in conversation with his parents, all speaking with clipped, upper class accents, calling each other, “Mother”, “Father” and “Son.” The problem with this image is that it is so far removed from what the term means, as to be laughable.
The word translated ‘Father” from the original text, is the word that so many new Dads wants to hear – Da-da. It is that initial recognition by the child as to who this person is and their importance in their life. It is a term of endearment, affection and an indication of dependence. It is the child sitting on the floor, calling out to their Daddy, with a smile and outreached arms, knowing that Daddy will instantly respond – with a smile on his face and a hug that provides insulation from all that would cause harm.
I know that not all of us have had such a person in our own lives but that doesn’t mean that we don’t yearn with the hope that is evoked by these words, because the ideal is so embedded in our psyche. No matter our age, we need to know that when we reach out our arms, that there will be a matching response from the other person and this is exactly what happens when we open our hearts and our hands to our Heavenly Daddy, for He has promised to meet us at our need, whatever that need is. (Matthew 6.31-33)
Year 10 to 12 Awards Assembly Term 3
At Kennedy Baptist College all students are expected to strive for personal excellence in all that they do. Our Semester One Year 10 to 12 Awards Assembly celebrated the achievement and success of our students. We had a large number of students receive awards across all learning areas. Our Interschool Cross Country students and girls Basketball team were also congratulated on their outstanding achievement. Please click here for more photos.
Mrs Mandy Beaurain
Public Relations Assistant
Photo above: Year 10 students receiving Certificates of Achievement.
Photo above: Our Girls Basketball State Champions.
Vocational Education and Training
The College has over 40 students enrolled in the VET (Vocational Education and Training) in Schools programs, ranging in study areas such as electrics, aviation, education, plumbing, aged care, animal care, population health, hospitality, patisserie, beauty, computer repairs, automotive, business, events planning and more.
The students of Kennedy Baptist College have had many successes for the first half of 2017. We have seen one student being offered a fulltime Plumbing apprenticeship as a direct result of the good work he has done whilst on a work placement as part of his studies in Certificate II in Plumbing and Gas. Further to this, many of our students are now on work placements in industries ranging from carpentry to hospitality. We have students in hotels, animal hospitals, on-site with electricians and plumbers, in fast food outlets and aged care. Many of these students will choose a career in the field they are studying through the VET in Schools program.
Students enrolled in traineeships have been assessed by their assessors and the College is receiving glowing reports on all our enrolled students.
Soon students will be enrolling in courses at South and North Metropolitan TAFE and many external Registered Training Organisations for 2018. If your child is interested in pursuing any of these courses, please contact me in Student Support Services.
Mrs Barbie Schiefler
VET Coordinator
Students at Work and Excursion Updates
Year 11 Chemistry Excursion
As part of their Year 11 Chemistry program, students were invited to attend the ‘Be a Metallurgist for a Day’ event that occurred at Murdoch University on Wednesday 28 June. The aim of the day is for students to gain a better understanding of the field of metallurgy as it relates to Chemistry while participating in a range of educational and practical activities.
We want to thank the Year 11s for their commendable behaviour and attitude all day.
Mrs Anita English
Science Teacher
Photo above: Year 11 Chemistry students at Murdoch University.
Local Perth Artist Visits Kennedy
Local Perth artist, Alyce Goddard worked with a group 30 Year 9 - 12 art students on Friday afternoon 23 June.
Alyce discussed her artworks with specific reference to her individual arts practice, technique and influences. She explained her passion for portraiture and the representation of not only the outward appearance of a person, but the importance of communicating the whole person - emotion, personality and mental substance. She encouraged the students to continue pursuing their love for art after leaving school and gave them a number of industry links and suggestions for promoting their own artwork.
Alyce continued to encourage and assist students with their exciting installations and prop production for our upcoming - Those Were the Days 60's Arts Night (Performance date: Wednesday 23 August). She also generated excitement and inspiration in our Year 11 and 12 ATAR Art students, encouraging their passion for visual art, giving suggestions and feeback for technique, use of materials and enhancement of ideas communication. A big thank you to Alyce Goddard, we look forward to working with her again.
Ms Carolyn MacDonald
Head of Arts Learning Area
Year 12 Physics Students
On 29 June the Year 12 Physics students took a trip to Gingin. Students had great fun climbing up the 244 steps to drop water filled balloons off the edge of the Leaning Tower of Gingin and discovered that Galileo's theory stood up to the test, the mass of the balloons had no effect on their acceleration.
In the gallery, Dr Warren Stannard, our educational officer, led us through a series of experiments that reinforced the Physics course. This included regenerative braking, floating magnets and a demonstration how space time curves and how it causes planets to orbit. We had great fun trying to withstand the g-forces in the spinning capsule, coming close to the maximum achieved so far.
Another highlight was using the smoke cannon and blasting take-away cups off another student’s head with a smoke ring.
Outside we used the massive conical pendulum, that can knock a person out, to record the period of the pendulum and hence determine the mass of the earth.
This was an enjoyable and informative day!
Mrs Brenda Richter
Science Teacher
Photo above: Local Perth artist, Alyce Goddard worked with a group 30 Year 9 - 12 art students
Photos above: Year 12 Physics students took the journey to Gingin.
Sport at Kennedy
SSWA Girls Basketball
Throughout Semester One, our senior girls Basketball team have represented the College playing 11 games against a range of schools across Perth in the WA School Sports Championship. In a historic achievement, the girls were undefeated in the regular season earning them a place in the grand final held during the final week of Term 2.
It was a daunting prospect to be facing Willetton SHS - winners of the championship 18 times in the past 21 years. The girls were excited for the challenge and played fantastically on the day emerging victors 59 to 44.
Team Captains Rebecca Thomson and Hayley Mant accepted the Championship shield from Mr Jonathon Wood at this week’s Assembly. Courtney Green (MVP) and Amy Jacobs (Coaches Award) also received their awards from Mr Wood .
These achievements have been possible by the ongoing support of the following people: Mr Mark Ashby and his team for building an excellent facility to train and play our games in; Mr Andy Stewart from Coaching Hoops, for his continuing work with the Basketball programs; and the girls for their ongoing efforts and commitment representing the College with excellence.
Mr Ben Pether
Health & Physical Education Teacher
Photo above: SSWA Girls Basketball team at the State Championships.
Interhouse Athletics Carnival
We always value the helping hands of parents at our annual Interhouse Athletics Carnival.
Date: Thursday 10 August
Time: 8.00am to 2.00pm
Venue: HBF Stadium
If you have some spare time and would like to help out, please email
College Notices
This year the Community Open Day will be held on 26 August.
Open Day is a great way to see the College campus, view student work and meet Kennedy staff. The College will be open from 10.00am - 2.00pm. We hope that you set aside this day to join us for amazing food, free events and great entertainment.
Form more information about our Community Open Day, please visit our website here
Celebrating Success
A special Assembly for Year 7-9 students will be held on Wednesday 26 July to celebrate the successful Semester One achievement of students.
The Assembly will commence at 8.45am in our Auditorium. We hope to see you there.
Dance Showcase 2017 -
Friday 4 August
Uniform Shop
Term 3 Trading Hours
Monday to Wednesday
8.00am to 3.45pm
* Closed Thursday and Friday.
* Closed for lunch from
12.30pm - 1.00pm.
Please contact Mrs Kerry James kjames@kennedy.wa.edu.au for any enquiries or information.
New Bus Stopping Location and Road Safety
The Kennedy Dance Department presents, 'Come Fly With Me'.
Date: Friday 4 August 2017
Venue: Kennedy Auditorium
Time: 7.00pm
Cost: Tickets are $10 each
Tickets can be purchased at the Arts office.
Reminder To Parents
For planned leave of more than two days, parents are asked to notify the Principal at least 7 days prior to the leave by obtaining a Leave of Absence form from Student Services or parent’s SEQTA Engage.
As we strive to improve the safety of all students and road users at Kennedy, our new bus stop location will be located in front of the Staff Lounge.
Please be aware that due to the change of our bus stop location, no cars will be allowed to park or stop along the road in front of the Staff Lounge and the area marked in the diagram attached. We thank you for your cooperation and assistance in helping to keep our College a safe place.
Question: Can we park or stop along the previous bus stop?
Answer: No. Please observe the road marking as a guide (here) until further notice from the College.
Tutoring Timetable
Please click here for Term 3 Tutoring Timetable.
Celebrating Student Achievement
Mitch Thomas
Congratulations to Mitch Thomas who has been selected to represent Western Australia in the 2017 Cross Country team. This team will be competing at the Schools Sport Australia National Championships in Hobart from 10 to 14 August. We wish Mitch all the best.
Ethan Raine
Congratulations to Ethan Raine was selected to be one of 16 players to represent WA on the U/15 WA State Ice Hockey Team. During the second week of the July school holidays the WA State Ice Hockey Team travelled to Melbourne to participate in the U/15 Kurt Defris Ice Hockey National Championship. After four days of intensive ice hockey against QLD, SA, NSW and VIC, the U/15 WA State Ice Hockey Team were victorious in bringing home the gold medal.
Photo above: Ethan Raine of Year 9.
Parents & Friends Association
Next P&F Meetings
Open Day P&F Co-ordinators Meeting on Wednesday 2 August at 5.00pm in the Boardroom.
Jamming with the P&F - Saturday 29 July at 2.00pm in the Beedawong Cafeteria. (Please see details below.)
Volunteer Committee for College Open Day
The Kennedy Baptist College Open Day is on Saturday 26 August from 10.00am to 2.00pm. Planning is well underway by the P&F for our various stalls and activities that will run on the day.
Open Day is a great opportunity for current and future families to come and see what has been happening in the life of our College. Student work will be on display, presentations will take place and an opportunity for you to have a look at the new Sport Centre and facilities that Kennedy offers.
Donations of items:
Donations of items for silent auction hampers by year group is as follow:
Year 7 - BBQ and Garden Items - eg: BBQ Apron, seeds and garden gloves.
Year 8 - Chocolates and Lollies.
Year 9 - Toiletries/Hair related products – eg: soaps,bath oils, hairclips.
Year 10 - Pet Items – eg: food, collars, brushes, toys.
Year 11 - Gourmet & Kitchen Items. (Non-perishable please)
Year 12 - Sport and Stationery related items.
Further information will be sent through on when these items can be dropped off at the College.
Volunteering for Open Day:
We will need your help both in the lead up to preparations and on the Open Day itself. Please email your contact details and let us know how you can assist pandfkennedybaptistcollege@gmail.com
Jamming with the P&F
The Open Day for Kennedy is fast approaching and part of the preparation is the 'Jamming with the P&F' event which is on Saturday 29 July from 2.00pm in the Beedawong Cafeteria. Last year was a delightfully industrious afternoon making Jams, Chutneys and Lemon Butter to be sold on the P&F stall. Using Thermomixes we whipped up over 80 jars of deliciousness in a few hours.
Ways you can help are:
Join us on the day - Reserve your spot and bring your thermomix, apron and knives - we can have a maximum of 11 machines. If you do not have a thermomix, we would still love to have you along to help on the afternoon. Limited space available!
Donate jars and lids - The smaller/medium sized jars are the best. Please bring to Student Services from Monday 24 July or on the day.
Donate ingredients - Such as sugar, butter, lemons, limes and fruit suitable for jam.
Donating old Kennedy Uniforms ready for the bin. (These will be used to decorate the jars.)
Please bring donations to Student Services from Monday 24 July or on the day.
Please email the P&F on pandfkennedybaptistcollege@gmail.com to book a spot or ask any questions.
Buy a Paver
We are selling pavers with your name on it that will be permanently installed near the Research and Study Centre. The cost per paver is $50. All the details are on the form. The closing date for ordering your own paver is on 31 August 2017. Please click here for order form.
Community Events
Cyber Safety Parent Workshop by WA Child Safety Services. This workshop has been designed to help parents and carers teach their children how to safely navigate the online world.
Date: 9 August 2017
Venue: The Hub, Lakeside Recreation Centre
Time: 7:30 - 9:30 pm
Bookings: www.trybooking.com
Cost: $10
This workshop is hosted by Lakeside.
The University makes early offers to Year 12 students who have demonstrated academic excellence and are making a significant contribution to their school or community.
For your chance to sit your exams with the added confidence of having a place at university - apply direct for Notre Dame's Early Offer Program by 28 July 2017.
Joondalup Campus - Sunday 23 July.
Mount Lawley Campus - Sunday 13 August. Please click here for more information on ECU Open Days.
Open Day, Sunday 30 July. Choose from hundreds of activities to find out more about study and life at Murdoch. Attend course talks, take tours, watch performances, meet students and staff, and soak up the campus atmosphere with free entertainment. Click here for more information.