AAA Member Update December 2020The AAA monthly update is our way of communicating with our members. Message from the President Firstly, thank you to all our volunteers and contributors for their most appreciated efforts in a year as challenging as 2020. A year impacted by drought, bush fires & COVID has seen the need for change for all of us. This has included the AAA. I’m not averse to trying new things. Some will work. Some may not be as successful. One of the changes within our leadership structure is how the Board will focus on their agreed priorities. Portfolios are now replaced with a more agile approach including action items for each Director and then relevant working parties to consult & assist. The action items are aligned to the Strategic Plan and reconfirms our focus on a successful and sustainable alpaca industry in the future. As an example some of our lead actions include;
As you may not have been privy to, there has been lots going on in the background which allows for an exciting new year. I will endeavour to keep you all updated as often as possible through various media forms. I wish all our members a Merry Christmas, and hope you can treasure some time with beloved family and friends, no matter where in the world they may be. Keep safe. Keep well. Enjoy everything alpaca Brett Fallon AAA President Market Access UpdateAs previously advised, negotiations between the Australian Government (DAWE) and the New Zealand Government (MPI) have been ongoing in relation to re-opening the export pathway to New Zealand. Whilst negotiations are proceeding in a positive manner, it would be irresponsible of the AAA to provide a running commentary until an official position is reached. To do so would be counterproductive to the sensitive negotiations between the two countries. Read More Two New Directors for the AAA Julie Wilkinson and Lee Sadler have been appointed to casual vacancies on the Australian Alpaca Association Board of Directors under clause 9.7 of the Constitution following the recent resignations of Trevor Parry and Cathi McMullen. Cathi McMullen regrets she is not in a position to take up her directorship role going forward due to health reasons. She notes that she has every confidence in the AAA Board and the direction in which they are leading the industry into the future. read more Showing and Judging Update
National Art, Product and Photography ShowAAA is happy to announce that entries HAVE BEEN EXTENDED for a National Art, Product and Photography Show. Entries now close on 5 March 2021! The schedule and entry forms are available on the AAA website For sponsorship opportunities please email Fee Changes There will be changes to some registration fees from 1 January 2021. In addition, there is an amnesty on some charges - register all animals that are over 24 months old now at the special reduced price of $23! After 1 January there are changes to the fee to register an animal over 12 months of age. See the Fee Schedule Sustainability FrameworkThe Board will issue a Sustainability Framework Concept paper and call for EOI for interested parties early in the new year. The Framework will aim to improve transparency, and provide evidence to our customers and stakeholders that Australian alpacas are grown responsibly. It will build their trust and confidence in the industry. National Fleece ChallengeThe AAA National Fleece Challenge was a fabulous success with over 400 fleeces judges by senior alpaca judge Natasha Clark over the weekend 4-6 December. Congratulations to
Thank you to all the exhibitors and to our sponsors for supporting this event. Thank you to the convenors and the steward team and the other volunteers Click here for full results AYE Chair Vacancy The AAA Board is calling for Expressions of Interest from AAA members for the Chair of the Alpaca Youth Education Committee. Contact the AAA Board
CEO - Amanda Olthof |