Message from the Principal
Photo above: Year 7 boys at the recent Interschool Cross Country.
Dear Parents and Families,
Our number one priority at Kennedy is to provide a safe and secure environment for all students so that they can strive for excellence. Student safety applies to all aspects of the College environment including social media platforms. We have recently updated our Child Protection policies and this includes modifications to our social media policies, principally our Image Based Abuse and Sexting policies. Staff recently completed professional learning associated with these two issues and the relevant College policies. These policies have also been included in our relevant child protection programs. Everyone needs to be aware that it is against the law to share or threaten to share an intimate image of a person of any age without their consent. If a person is under the age of 18 it is illegal even if the person involved gives consent. Please see links below
for fact sheets that carefully explain information regarding these two issues.
LegalAidWA - Fact sheet sexting
LegalAidWA - Fact sheet image based abuse
ACC Interschool Cross Country
It was wonderful to see our Interschool Cross Country team perform so admirably last Thursday at Perry Lakes. Our students worked incredibly hard to represent Kennedy and produce some excellent results. Congratulations to the following students who achieved outstanding results on a day when thousands of students were competing. An amazing accomplishment by our hard-working team.
A. Overall aggregate: 10th from 80 schools
B. Boys open aggregate: 1st place
C. Some outstanding individual placings are as listed below:
Luke Shaw: 1st - Fastest time for the entire competition
Daniel Kempson: 6th
Zac Reed: 5th
Jamie Passmore: 12th
Alexander Mackinlay: 4th
Tara Reed: 15th
Maxime Mercier: 23th
Kate Anderson: 24th
All of these individual performances are great achievements Luke Shaw has made a wonderful contribution to our athletics program over the past six years and it was fantastic to see him win the entire competition in his last ACC Cross Country event. Congratulations Luke on an outstanding result! Please click here for more photos.
Celebrating Success
Two special assemblies are planned to celebrate the successful Semester One achievement of students. It would be wonderful to have as many families as possible join us for these events. Year 10-12 students will be awarded academic awards on Wednesday 24 July and Year 7-9 students will be celebrated on Wednesday 31 July. Both events commence at 8.35am in the Auditorium. We hope to see you there.
Mr Mark Ashby
But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things! Galatians 5:22-23 (NLT)
I grew up in a big family – I have five sisters – in a home that had three bedrooms and one bathroom. Now if ever there was a recipe for conflict, that set up was one. And yes, there were arguments, and doors were hammered and slammed, yet for all of that, I loved going home, because it was a place where I was both safe and secure. Home was my sanctuary.
Paul's letter to the Believers scattered throughout Galatia was written during the time of an oppressive and cruel occupation. Peace was kept via the same means. Yet the author of this letter, Paul, has the audacity to speak of a different type of peace where peace is not simply the absence of conflict. It is a state of tranquility, wholeness, harmony and flourishing and had nothing to do with outside forces but was instead an internal disposition. The word translated peace finds its source in a term that speaks of being safe, secure, finding sanctuary and of such incredible flourishing that it encourages the person to give back. When Jesus states that those who are peacemakers will flourish, (Matthew 5:9), he is not speaking about those who negotiate or mediate for peace. Instead, it is those who have the overabundance of the fruit of the Holy Spirit which
then ‘spills out’ to everyone around so that every relationship – including our relationships with each other and our relationship with creation – will flourish. With this, there are no limitations (v23) and that is why this fruit of the Holy Spirit is truly worthy of cultivation.
Year 7 Report
During Week 5 the Year 7 cohort participated in a series of tabloid games which were confidently led by our Year 7 Student Councillors and House Captains. Our students enjoyed being outside and competing to earn points for their House. Our College oval was a sea of colour and it was a wonderful distraction from the vaccinations that were to follow.
Last week our students were privileged to receive a visit from Mrs Ann Gerlach from Bob Cooper’s Reptile Rescue and Rehabilitation. Mrs Gerlach gave a very informative and hands-on presentation about non-venomous and venomous snakes as well as lizards. Firstly, the students were taught the science behind fear and how it is a natural physiological response to protect ourselves. However, when we are faced with a difficult situation as humans, we can do one of two things. We can, Forget Everything and Run, or Face Everything And Rise. Mrs Gerlach stated that often in her field of work there are many individuals afraid of reptiles purely because they do not have the knowledge
of reptiles. Therefore, when we gain knowledge, we have the opportunity to face our fears. This was a very important message particularly as a lot of our Year 7 students are facing new challenges this year both socially and academically. Then we were all briefed on how to administer First Aid and increase our chances of survival in the outdoors. Finally, staff and students to be able to hold and interact with these beautiful creatures. There were many ‘oohs and aahs’ and a lot of positive energy as the pythons and bob tails taught some of us to overcome our fears or for other students to teach their peers on the how to hold them safely. I was so proud of how wonderful our Year 7 students were and how respectful they were to each other as well as the reptiles.
As the rest of the College has embarked on the examination period, I would like to encourage our Year 7 students to work towards their academic goals. As with any new assessment or test, it may bring some apprehension or doubt however if students utilise all available resources and seek assistance early from their subject teachers then they will reap the rewards as stated in Proverbs 16:3, ‘Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.’
I am looking forward to seeing the rest of Semester One unfold and seeing the students flourish in their personal and academic achievements.
Photo above: Year 7 students had the opportunity to interact with reptiles.
Year 8 Report
Our Year 8s have just finished tackling their exams. Generally, they have done well and there has not been too much of an escalation of stress and anxiety. It is a steep learning curve for them and I have encouraged them to see the exams as another assessment, just a little longer. They should also not be too stressed when the results come out and view the exams as a learning experience. The exams and your child’s semester report should highlight areas that need to be addressed whether it be more tutoring or the realisation that they must focus in class and give of their best at all times. I am concerned at the number of teachers who have noted that many Year 8s are not doing their best in class. Could I encourage each of you to speak to your child and ensure that they realise the importance of giving their best in both their studies and their
We continue to be involved in Community Service at the Opal Centre at St Ives across the Murdoch Oval. The students enjoy the interaction with the ‘oldies’. We have one more excursion planned for this term as we work through each Form class.
Winter has arrived and with it the coughs and colds that are hard to avoid. Encourage your child to keep warm, eat well, get enough sleep and wash their hands before eating to try and minimize absences from College due to ill health. We do open one of the classrooms each Tuesday at recess and offer a warm place to go and chat and play games with their friends. Beedawong also supplies hot chocolate and soup which help to ward off the winter chills.
Photos above: Community Service at the Opal Centre at St Ives.
Year 9 Report
Congratulations to the Year 9 cohort for completing their examinations, two-hour exams are a long time but also an excellent opportunity to demonstrate how much they have learned.
As with any major event, now is a good time for Year 9 students to review how they went during the exams and how they could improve examination for Semester Two. Things to look at include;
Study preparation – did students study small amounts every night for an extended lead-up to the exams?
Notes and note taking – the Research and Study Centre can help students with creating and maintaining excellent notes which help immensely when it comes time to revise
The evening before preparation – did the students eat a healthy meal and get a good nights sleep? Proper preparation can help hugely in ensuring students are trying their best and achieving their potential.
If students are unhappy with their examination results, they need to take steps now to prevent a repeat at the end of the year.
During Extended Form, we had the privilege to hear from Mr Anthony Palmieri from Lakeside Church on goal setting and we had a look at the G.A.M.E of life. He discussed the idea of goal setting, attitude towards life, morals in what they do and how they act, and exploring the idea of Christianity and faith. We would encourage students to set goals for themselves, particularly post-exams and when the idea of their exams is fresh in their minds. There is a good area in SEQTA where students are able to create and modify their goals. I would encourage all students to participate in this task.
We have two Community Service events coming up where students will travel to St Bartholomew’s in Lime Street, East Perth to meet senior citizens who have lived difficult lives. This is an excellent opportunity for students to see what life is like for many people who are ‘down on their luck’. It also gives students a sense of how privileged their own lives are and hopefully, a renewed desire to achieve their own goals. We are also continuing with our Strength and Shine program which has a positive influence on the students.
I look forward to the rest of Term 2.
Photos above: Strength and Shine program.
Year 10 Report
Students and staff are relieved that the exams are now over and I am sure so are you as parents. The Year 10 Students will now commence Semester Two work, which consists of two units; for example, in Humanities they will do History and Geography for the rest of the year and none of the first semester's work will be retested. This means an opportunity to have a relatively fresh start for many students who might not be too pleased with their first semester results. To those who have worked to the best of their ability, congratulations and well done on utilising your time wisely.
In the midst of all things exam, students did have some fun during Extended Form with some student-led activities and a basketball game. In Week 10 we have our Community Service opportunity where all the Year 10s will be involved with the Black Cockatoo Rehabilitation Project at Bibra Lake. This will occur on the Wednesday (Eyre and Forest.) and Thursday (King and Stirling) of the last week of this term. This will build on what previous students have done in past years and they will be able to go back in the future to see the results of their efforts.
I now encourage all students to settle into the new semester’s work immediately and to enjoy the opportunity to make a fresh start at achieving their potential.
A tip from “Parent Guide, Putting the pieces together“, Praise generously when the student meets his/her obligations and goals but keep them accountable and responsible for their actions.
Photos above: Year 10 students enjoying Extended Form activities.
Year 11 Report
The Year 11s are just wrapping up their first Senior School exams and I hope they are really excited about coming back for Semester Two.
In the lead up to exams, students were offered the chance to study or take part in a resume writing session. Mr Ramirez, the VET coordinator, ran the session on helping students plan and write a resume. He also had some handy tips on what employers are looking for, which our students took on board. We will offer this session again next term for, students who have not yet made the most of this opportunity.
Students will have the ability to change subjects and course selections after the exam break. This includes changing subjects from ATAR to General. All subject changes will be finalised by the end of the term and will be locked in for the rest of the year. If you have any questions or queries about this process please contact Mr Tim Jiow, Director of Studies or if you contact me I will be able to point you in the right direction.
I am looking forward to having the Year 11s back and finishing off the term strong. Next term we will be having our social event, which will be a River Cruise on Friday 20 September. A couple of Community Service opportunities at the animal shelter Native Ark are also planned, this should give our students something to look forward to.
Photos above: Resume writing session.
Year 12 Report
Term 2 has been a very busy time for our Year 12 students with the preparation for both the ATAR examinations and externally set tasks. As Head of Year, I was very proud of their preparation and ownership of their revision programs. As students begin to resume normal classes and receive their results I would like to encourage them to do an extensive review of the assessment period. This review should not only include academic results but also how they coped both mentally and physically. Once completed I encourage the Year 12s to plan how they will improve the process next semester and beyond. May they have faith in their own gifts and talents as well as reflect on the resources needed to achieve personal excellence. Once again, I would like to encourage our students to maintain constant communication and regularly seek assistance and support from their
teachers and/or other staff at the College.
Throughout the rest of the year, there are a number of important events for the Year 12s to mark in their diaries.
Spring Fling
To be held on Thursday 5 September, the Spring Fling is the final external social event for the Year 12s. This is held on the Crystal Swan as a river cruise and it is a fancy dress occasion.
Year 12 Last Day
This is a breakfast held before school on Friday 25 October and proves to be a great morning of celebration.
Last Day Assembly and Morning Tea
This is held at the College after the Breakfast on Friday 25 October. All parents and friends are invited to this formal farewell of the Year 12 students.
Graduation Ceremony
This is the final formal culmination of schooling at Kennedy Baptist College. It will be held in the College Auditorium on the night of Friday 15 November.
Study Skills and Courses
There are a number of organisations that offer study skills and courses over the holidays. These can be very valuable times to revise and consolidate knowledge. There is information on courses offered by TEE Consultants, Academic Task Force, Scholastic Excellence, and Master Classes on the Year 12 Noticeboard in the Common Room. Information is
also available on the internet.
Universities also offer a number of scholarships at this time of the year and it is certainly worth checking these out. Many scholarships go unclaimed because no one applies for them. Notre Dame University offers Early Entry Awards for Kennedy students and I will inform the students as soon as we receive notification of these.
As their final semester of schooling unfolds, I encourage the students to savour the small moments that will create lasting memories. With this in mind, let us be kind and considerate individuals as well as seize every opportunity with an upbeat attitude.
Christian Connect at Kennedy
The Christian Connect Group runs over two lunchtimes most weeks of the school term. By doing this, students can choose to attend either of the gatherings, or both, while balancing their other commitments. This term we have concentrated on discipleship and leadership with an emphasis on being able to tell their own story. The Bible is 43% narrative and about 25% teaching yet when it comes to the Gospel message, we tend to default to teaching, rather than telling. The goal of these sessions is to enable students to be able to tell their story within five minutes; concise and to the point, and so equipping them in their role as leaders in the extension of the Kingdom of God.
Mrs Pauline Burgess
College Chaplain
KEEP Market Stalls at Lunchtime
The Year 7 Kennedy Enrichment and Extension Program students in Humanities have been learning about running a small business. They put their theory into practice by holding a Market Day and selling food for the entire College during lunch time. The students approached the stalls like a real-life business and carried out a lot of planning and coordination to bring Market Day to life. They created quite a buzz because each stall was decorated with their poster and visited by eager customers who were wanting to get their hands on some of the delicious treats that were on sale. Some of the items on sale at the stalls were popcorn, cupcakes, cookies, brownies, lollies, hot chocolate and toffee apples. Students raised a total of $853.95 and they have decided that the profits will go
to our Kennedy Transform Centre in Cambodia.
Ms Linda Ang
Public Relations Officer
Photo above: Luke Shaw (centre).
Photo above: Year 10 girls at the Cross Country.
College Notices
Calling All Rememberers of the First Landing On the Moon!
Next term during Week 1 we will be celebrating 50 years since Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon! If you, or a relative, remember the landing and would like to share your memory with us please let us know. We are hoping to put together some short video clips to show our students. This would entail us setting up a time with you to film your recollections – it only needs to be 1 or 2 minutes long. Please email Mrs Virginia Yurisich if you would like to do this with a few days and times that suit you – only 10 minutes is required. We would need to complete this before 28 June and will be filming in the Research and Study Centre here at
Kennedy Annual Report
Kennedy Baptist College reports back to key stakeholders on its performance by publishing an Annual Report, in accordance with the School Improvement and Accountability policy. Please click here to see more information on the 2018 Kennedy Annual Report.
Year 8 Drama Evening
Year 8 Drama students will perform their complex Children’s Theatre plays and they will entertain the audience with exciting Theatre Sports games, showcasing their improvisation skills. Join us on Tuesday 25 June at 6:30pm – 8.00pm in the Auditorium. Everyone is welcome!
Do you have a voice for radio?
We are looking for three students to take part in a radio campaign to advertise our upcoming Open Day. It will involve recording a 15-second advertisement.
If you think that you have a good voice for radio and would like to take part in this event can you please send expressions of interest to mbeaurain@kennedy.wa.edu.au
Please discuss with your parents and gain their permission before applying. Applications close on Friday 28 June.
Kennedy Community Open Day
Community Open Day will be held on Saturday 24 August from 11.00am - 3.00pm. Please look out for the next P&F Connect newsletter for more details and if you would like to volunteer and help on the day, please contact the P&F Association here.
Music Ensemble Night
Come along to a night of live music hosted by our Kennedy Music Ensembles on Tuesday 2 July from 5.30pm-7.00pm in the Auditorium. Entry is by a gold coin donation. It will feature Kennedy’s Ensembles - Vocal, String, ATAR Band, VET Band, Stage Band and Contemporary Band. We look forward to seeing you there!
Parents and Friends Association
Please click here for the latest P&F newsletter for more information regarding Open Day 2019 and here for the P&F meeting minutes from 8 May 2019.
Kennedy Photography Competition
If your child likes taking photographs, then submit a unique photo and they could win a great prize. This year, there are three categories: person, nature and edited. Entrants need to have taken the submitted photographs themselves. The competition closes in Term 3 on Friday 23 August. Winners for each category will be announced at the beginning of Term 4. You can submit your entry, ask questions or need more information via Direqt Message or email to Mr James.
College Photo Day
Individual College photos will be on taken on Thursday 20 June for Year 10, 11 and 12 students and Friday 21 June for 7, 8 and 9 students, with a catch-up day on Monday 24 June. Please ensure your child is appropriately dressed, wearing their full winter uniform and is presented according to College standards. Please click here to see the uniform policy on page 31 and 32.
Change of Staff Personal Learning Day
Please note the date for Staff Professional Development Day in August. It is Monday 26 August (not Friday 23 August as stated in the student diary). Students are to attend classes on Friday 23 August.
Volunteering Opportunities
We value the support of our volunteers who contribute to the College community! Co-ordination of all our volunteers is managed through the easy to use automated online system SIGNUP.com. Current volunteer opportunities are available with:
The Kennedy Prayer Group - Wednesdays at 1.45pm
Beedawong Volunteering Term 2
Book Covering
Please click here to sign up and volunteer.