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Email Design Review
Last week we tried a fake-oops in our subject line, and got an extra 20% opens, so make of that what you will. We're going to take a break next week as we're travelling for #TEDC14 — if you're there then come and say hi! — and we'll be back in a couple of weeks with something a bit special…
Email is going places
Email's Surprisingly Bright Future: As A Platform For Developers
Fast Company
Four top tips for creating a responsive email design
Great to see a client side blog on this.
Just Giving
Great copy from The Natural History Museum
A look at conversational copy in email.
Office 365 and its many quirks
TL:DR: very difficult to support without breaking things elsewhere
James' Blog
Emails with Haml and Jekyll Front Matter
This is code heavy, but good stuff on using modern day pre-processors.
Gmail now surfaces Unsubscribe links to the top of emails
The Next Web
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