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Hi there, here are this week's featured articles
This week we have mostly been going through the seven stages of logo grief — Shock, awe, sudden-urge-to-complain-on-twitter etc. Anyway, in celebration, we thought we'd break out the CSS gradients.
(Sorry Outlook/Yahoo friends  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
p.s. Subject line stolen from Dan Cederholm 🙌 
404 words: Supercharged Email Templates
Mike Ragan
How To Bring Instagram Love To Your Email Marketing
Why Shea Serrano’s Fans Beg to Pay Him for His Newsletter
Making The Case For Mobile And Email Integration
Why unsubscribes matter
Smart Insights
11 Reasons to Test Every Email Before You Send
Taxi for Email
Made with
using Taxi for Email
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