No images? Click here ![]() 14 August 2020 Kia ora koutou katoa, I am sure like me, you will have watched the Prime Minister’s announcement on COVID-19. We are remaining at the same Alert Levels for the next 12 days - Alert Level 3 for Auckland and Alert Level 2 for the rest of the country. Full details will be available on the COVID-19 website shortly, including what different lockdown levels mean. Information is crucial and one of the things ethnic communities raised during the first lockdown was the need for translation. I’m delighted to say key COVID-19 information is now available in 16 languages on the COVID-19 website. We would like your feedback on these translations so we can ensure the information works for you and the communities you work with and represent. I have met with senior colleagues from across Government and I will ensure your feedback is shared and acted on. With the speed of events and volume of information, it can be hard for translation to keep pace but, as an organisation we are committed to making sure people have ways of getting what they need. The restrictions to our day to day lives are necessary to keep everyone safe and I know life under lockdown can be an anxious time for many. As a country we have been here before and, just like before we are seeing people pulling together and supporting each other, their loved ones, and wider communities. This is heartening to see but there will be those who are finding it hard. Plenty of support remains available and I would encourage you to share the details which can be found on the COVID-19 website. I would also like to highlight the 1737 telephone counsellor service. It offers interpreters so everyone can use it. As well as support for mental health and wellbeing different types of financial assistance are available. There’s further information on the COVID-19 website. This includes support for foreign nationals living in New Zealand. I would like to finish by saying once more that we are here for you. Our regional teams have been talking to the many communities we work with, sharing information and feeding back your thoughts and needs. If you need to get in touch with us here is a list of our Regional Managers. We really would be happy to talk with you. Northern Region (upper North Island) Central (central and lower-North Island) Southern Region (South Island) You can also contact us by email at I will keep you up to date with key information on the developing COVID-19 situation and the support that is available. In the meantime please stay safe and look out for one another. Ngā mihi nui |