Centre for Youth & Criminal Justice
E-bulletin, Issue 9, January 2014
Welcome and Happy New Year!
As we begin 2014, we look back at a year that has seen many positive developments for youth and criminal justice in Scotland, and for us at CYCJ.
We changed our name to the Centre for Youth & Criminal Justice (CYCJ), expanded our team and are now hosted by the University of Strathclyde. Professor Sandy Cameron CBE was appointed as independent Chair of our Executive Governance Group, which will provide the strategic direction for CYCJ.
We’ve also launched innovative projects such as the High Risk Mental Health Youth Project, which has had a high referral rate. Our research team have undertaken ground-breaking work on transitions into HMYOI Polmont, and with young people who are involved in sexually harmful behaviours through the Safer Lives model.
Then there’s the impressive amount of outreach work our team have undertaken across Scotland and beyond, as keynote speakers, lecturers and skills trainers. We’ve also continued to produce factsheets and briefing papers on topical youth justice issues, which we’d love to get your feedback on. Recent topics include:
• Female relational aggression
• Trafficking of children
• Violence and aggression – relating theory to practice
• Movement restriction conditions
• Youth level of service/case management inventory (YLS/CMI)
I was delighted to join CYCJ in December, and am enjoying working with the team to further develop our mission and strategy. With this in mind, we are currently conducting a stakeholder research exercise to ensure our direction and activities are being closely informed by views across youth and criminal justice. Please do complete our short survey by clicking on the link here.
We’re very much looking forward to another exciting year, and to continuing to work with you all in progressing towards a safe and fair Scotland for all.
If you’d like to make a suggestion for e-bulletin content, please get in touch at cycj@strath.ac.uk. Please also let us know about others who would like to receive this and we’ll add them to our mailing list.
Happy reading!
Claire Lightowler
CYCJ Director
On air with IRISS FM
CYCJ colleagues took part in a discussion broadcast by IRISS FM about the theory and practice of risk assessment and risk management in youth justice hosted by Mark McSherry, Head of Development with the Risk Management Authority. Listen to it here.
Making a difference to European social work education
Fiona Dyer, Strategic Manager at CYCJ, is contributing to a project aimed at improving the higher education of Europe’s criminal justice social workers. The Erasmus Criminal Justice Social Work project has been funded for three years by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) of the European Union. Read more.
Your chance to shape CYCJ's future direction
As a fully-staffed team, we are taking some time to develop a strategy that will take the Centre forward over the next three years. We are keen to take on board the views and experiences of our stakeholders in shaping this direction of travel. To do this, we want to gather your views about your practice needs and research needs, and how we can best bridge the gap between research and practice.
Please help us by taking some time to complete our short survey. Thank you very much in advance.
Access the survey for those aged 18 and over.
Access the survey for those aged under 18.
Restorative Practice conference: February 2014
Limited places are still available for the ‘Restorative Practice in the aftermath of serious crime: Examination of the evidence and identification of learning for practice’ conference, taking place on February 10 at the University of Strathclyde’s Collins Lecture Theatre.
Keynote speakers from across the UK will discuss current research about restorative justice, as well as exploring the use of these approaches in the aftermath of serious offences such as sexual assault and homicide cases.
Find out more and apply. Closing date for applications is Monday, January 20.
National Training Strategy
If you haven’t yet contributed to CYCJ’s National Training Strategy, please make a difference by sharing your ideas.
CYCJ provides a range of training and networking opportunities for practitioners involved in the youth and criminal justice field. To better meet your professional development needs, we’d like to find out what type of events you (or your colleagues) would be interested in attending. It would be helpful if you could specify the subject matter, any particular themes that you’d like a focus on or learning outcomes you hope to gain.
As a result of this, we’ve already introduced training for trainers in Asset, planned for January 27, with plans underway for Aim2 training.
Click here to share your thoughts. If you have any queries, please email cycj@strath.ac.uk or call Charlotte Bozic on 0141 444 8705. Thank you in advance.
Early and Effective Intervention Network Events: February/March 2014
Three Early and Effective Intervention Network Events will take place at the following venues:
Ayr Tuesday, February 25: 9.30am to 4.30pm
Dundee Wednesday, February 26: 9.30am to 4.30pm
Borders Wednesday, March 5: 9.30am to 4.30pm
These are aimed at social work, youth justice, third sector, education and health professionals who wish to demonstrate EEI practice and process from across their local areas. To find out more and register, click here.
Welcome to Claire Lightowler
Claire Lightowler, previously the lead for evidence-informed practice at the Institute for Research and Innovation in Social Services (IRISS), joined the CYCJ team as Director last month.
Commenting on Claire’s appointment, Cabinet Secretary for Justice Kenny MacAskill said: “The Scottish Government looks forward to working with Claire and the Centre in the future to help build better lives for our young people.”
Claire’s appointment received coverage in The Herald and Edinburgh Evening News. Read more.
Events and training
Asset training for trainers
Today is the closing date for the Asset Users Group training for trainers event, taking place on January 27 in Dundee. The cost is £25 per person, with lunch provided. To find out more and book, click here.
Aim2 training: register your interest now
CYCJ will be running aim2 (risk assessment training for young people with problem sexual behaviour) in Glasgow in early 2014. The date is still to be confirmed. This two day training course will cost £100 per person, which covers lunch and refreshments. Please email cycj@strath.ac.uk to register your interest.
Criminal Justice and Penal Change Post-Grad Course at the University of Strathclyde
If you’re looking to further your professional development, the University of Strathclyde’s Post-Graduate Course in Criminal Justice and Penal Change blends a rigorous understanding of fundamental theory with international evidence about real world problems of policy and practice.
Taught by its world-leading team, module options include:
• Childhood and Crime
• Restorative Justice
• Offender Supervision and Management
• Surveillance, Technology & Crime Control
• Homicide
The Criminal Justice and Penal Change course is available as a Master’s and students can also study it as a short course as a Post Graduate Diploma or Certificate – either part-time or full-time. Scholarships and funding assistance is available.
Coming up…
Monday, January 27: Asset training for trainers event. Dudhope Castle, Dundee.
Monday, February 10, 2014: ‘Restorative Practice in the aftermath of serious crime: Examination of the evidence and identification of learning for practice’ at the University of Strathclyde.
Do you have events or training series you’d like us to promote? Send the details and dates to cycj@strath.ac.uk.
News and views
David Orr attended an event organised by AMIS (Abused Men in Scotland), which explored men’s reporting of abuse and its impact upon them, not least in the context of contact with the child protection system.
David commented: “This was an extremely insightful and sobering event. While violence perpetrated by men against women remains a very real and significant problem, it is important to recognise that domestic abuse victims may be male or female, gay or straight, bi or transexual. Brian Dempsey’s presentation of the key findings from his literature review Men’s experience of domestic abuse in Scotland: What we know and how we can know more (2013) was particularly useful in this regard as it helped to contextualise and frame some of the ongoing debates.”
Several members of the CYCJ practice team attended the recent Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service’s Sexual Offences Conference. Issues covered ranged from Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) to the evidential challenges in sexual offences cases and the proposed abolition of the requirement for corroboration. Dr Ethel Quayle also delivered the Moira Jones Memorial Lecture in memory of a female victim who died in the aftermath of a brutal sexual assault.
Linda Robb commented: “Ethel Quayle’s input in relation to technology and sexual offences against children was particularly insightful as she started to provide some more information about the kinds of characteristics that appear to be present in those individuals who move from internet to contact offending."
CYCJ responded to the Scottish Government consultation in relation to Electronic Monitoring and the Children’s Hearing feedback loop last month. If you would like to review our response please click here.
The Scottish Justice Matters December issue is now out. Download the Desistance issue here.
Positive action helps cuts crime in half – the Evening Times reports on the latest figures which show that serious violent offending by under-18s in the city nearly halved in 2012-13.
Check out Includem’s new blog. This will be a place not only for the personal perspectives of staff and guest bloggers, but a vehicle for the voices of Includem’s young people - through creative writing, podcasts and more.
The Youth Justice Services Annual Report 2012-13 has now been published. View it here.
The December 2013 issue of Changing Lives Together, an update from the National Offender Management Service, is out. Read more.
A tool that helps to identify young people with speech, language and communication problems has been developed by Giving Voice and the Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists. Find out more.
The recently published third editions of expert author Kenneth Norrie’s Children’s Hearings in Scotland and The Law Relating to Parent and Child are now available. These are invaluable guides for everyone involved in working with children, young people and families in vulnerable or difficult situations, and concerned with legal matters relating to such. Click here to view the flyer for The Law Relating to Parent & Child and here to view the flyer for Children’s Hearings in Scotland.
The last word
Our library is feeling lonely! Why not get 2014 off to a scholarly start by taking advantage of our easy to use lending service? Simply check out our available titles online, then send a request to cycj@strath.ac.uk for the book you’d like to borrow. We’re adding new titles all the time, so we’ll keep you informed on these.