![]() ![]() ![]() Florida's Positive Cases Continue to Climb There are now 3,763 positive cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) reported in the State of Florida, including 92 in Collier County and 101 in Lee County. There are now over 100,00 cases across the United States and more than 600,000 worldwide. Here are additional resources from the state and federal level:
If you are experiencing symptoms, or have traveled internationally or to a heavily-infected area recently, please contact your local County Health Department. Click the button below to view Florida Health's Data and Surveillance Dashboard for Florida-specific data including County-by-County updates. President Trump Signs the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES) Following extensive negotiations between the Trump Administration and Congressional Leaders, President Trump signed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES). The $2.2 trillion economic relief package provides American families, healthcare workers, and small businesses with the economic support they need to get through this challenging time. The package includes $1,200 payments to qualifying Americans, $100 billion in direct support for hospitals, and over $370 billion to small business owners to keep their employees on the payroll. It also includes direct relief for State, Tribal, and local governments through the $150 billion Coronavirus Relief Fund. Each State will receive at least$1.25 billion. $8 billion is set aside for tribal governments. This aid comes on top of the Family First Coronavirus Aid Package, enacted last week, which increased the federal share of Medicaid payments through the emergency period by 6.2 percentage points and provided reimbursements to States for the cost of expanding certain public assistance programs. State/Local/Tribal provisions include:
Additional federal funding for joint federal-state programs like Medicaid and unemployment compensation, along with other expenditures which will reduce some of the need for states to undertake new COVID-19 spending on their own. Read more here: President Donald J. Trump Is Providing Economic Relief to American Workers, Families, and Businesses Impacted by the Coronavirus Apple Announces COVID-19 Screening Tool in Partnership with the White House and Administration As a direct result of President Donald J. Trump’s all-of-America campaign to combat COVID-19, Apple Inc. has partnered with the White House, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to develop an interactive COVID-19 Screening Tool, now available on Apple.com/COVID19 and as an app named COVID-19 in the App Store (learn more here). Users can also find links to these tools at Coronavirus.gov. This new tool guides users through a set of questions covering symptoms, risk factors, and potential exposure. The tool then generates recommendations provided by the CDC for users based on the inputs they provided. Those CDC recommendations will be updated regularly. In addition, the CDC will be open-sourcing the underlying recommendations and algorithms, allowing other private-sector entities to build additional innovative tools. The recommendations and algorithms will be published at open.cdc.gov. The White House commends companies like Apple Inc. for answering President Trump’s call for a public-private alliance against this invisible enemy. Note on Shelter-In-Place, Statewide Shutdown Although there is not a statewide stay-at-home or shelter-in-place order, some local governments are issuing 'stay-at-home' orders in some of the state’s more heavily populated areas. Lee and Collier Counties are workshopping and engaging the public on this issue, but have not made any firm orders as of Friday afternoon. Please see below for our communities that have issued shelter-in-place orders:
Department of Revenue Extends Tax Due Dates Department of Revenue Executive Director Jim Zingale recently issued a series of emergency orders to extend tax due dates for property tax and sales tax, to assist those adversely affected by COVID-19. The Department extended the due date to April 15, 2020 for final property tax payments for the 2019 tax year and the due date on railroad, railroad terminal, private car, and freight line and equipment company property tax returns. The previous due date of March 31 has been waived the due date so that payments and returns will be considered timely filed if completed by April 15. Property taxpayers who have additional questions should contact their county tax collectors. Railroad and private car line companies with additional questions may contact the Department at DORPTO@floridarevenue.com. The Department of Revenue has also extended certain tax due dates, such as sales tax, and filing deadlines for Florida businesses. This action is taken to provide short-term relief to taxpayers while recognizing the requirement for a balanced state budget. Those eligible for the extension, include:
Adversely affected taxpayer means:
For taxpayers who have additional questions, the Department's dedicated team will address tax-related issues pertaining to COVID-19. You may contact them at: COVID19TAXHELP@floridarevenue.com. Visit the Department’s webpage for COVID-19 updates. For more information or to sign up for email updates from the Department of Revenue, visit floridarevenue.com. The Department of Business & Professional Regulation (DBPR) Issues Emergency Order Regarding Condominium Associations & Owners On Friday, March 27, DBPR issued Emergency Order 2020-04 that suspends certain conditions of the emergency powers normally held by the association board of a condominium, cooperative, or homeowners’ association during the state of emergency. This will allow for the exercise of these powers by the state unless they are specifically prohibited by the provisions of the association’s governing documents. Requirements pertaining to the preparation, submittal or filing of certain financial reports and statements of a condominium association, cooperative association, or timeshare plan have been suspended and tolled. The emergency order waives the assessment of pilotage earned by harbor pilots for March and April 2020. It also extends the deadline for the filing of a harbor pilot’s annual earnings statement from April 15, 2020, to July 15, 2020. The order additionally includes the suspension of any restriction which would prohibit an active Florida-licensed veterinarian from practicing telemedicine on a patient. ![]() New Executive Order: Out-of-State Traveler Self-Isolation & Vacation Rentals in the Works At a press conference on Friday afternoon, Governor DeSantis announced that he plans to use executive order to add Louisiana to his previous executive order mandating that arrivals from New York self-isolate for 14 days. The Governor's plans to add highway checkpoints in the Panhandle. Additionally, Governor DeSantis plans to suspend new vacation rentals in Florida for two weeks. Executive Order: Telehealth and Immunizations
for State Group On Thursday, March 26, Governor Ron DeSantis issued Executive Order 20-85 directing the Department of Management Services (DMS) to ensure all state employees have access to telehealth services through the state’s contracted HMO plans and PPO organization plan without cost-sharing. The order also ensures that all cost-sharing that would have been applicable to state employees seeking immunization services under this Executive Order for the influenza vaccination be waived. Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Provides Guidance to Implement Orders for New York Tri-State Travelers After Executive Order 20-80 was issued on March 23, by Governor Ron DeSantis, FDOT in coordination with the Florida DOH, is providing guidance on the implementation of the order to travelers from the New York Tri-State area to Florida. Effective immediately, travelers will be required to isolate for a period of 14 days from the time of entry or for the duration of their visit, whichever is shorter, and should be prepared for additional monitoring by DOH to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Upon arrival to Florida, each arriving traveler or responsible family member (if traveling as a family) will be required to complete an airport traveler form. The form requires key information related to the traveler’s history including contact information and trip details be provided to DOH. Failure to complete the form and failure to follow any isolation or quarantine order from DOH is a violation of Florida law. Members of the Florida National Guard will be on-site at airports throughout the state to help ensure the process runs efficiently. Additionally, travelers will be provided with a traveler card, which has contact information and guidance in the event the traveler exhibits symptoms that are attributed of COVID-19, including fever, cough, or shortness of breath, while in isolation. To further assist with the implementation of the Executive Order, FDOT has requested that each public-use airport provide data, including existing scheduled flights that will originate from the greater New York area, to ensure DOH staff and law enforcement are on-site upon the flight’s arrival. President Donald Trump Approves Major Disaster Declaration for Florida On Wednesday, March 25, Governor Ron DeSantis received approval from Donald Trump for a Major Disaster Declaration for the state of Florida. The President’s timely approval helps free up additional resources and support from FEMA as Florida responds to the lasting impacts of COVID-19. Program assistance through the declaration includes:
Governor Issues Guidance on Beach Access & Florida State Parks The Governor is directing parties accessing public beaches that are open in the state of Florida to follow the CDC guidance by limiting their gatherings to no more than 10 persons. Beaches in Southwest Florida, including Collier and Lee County, are closed until further notice in order to prevent the community spread of COVID-19. To uphold CDC guidance, per the Governor's direction, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has closed all Florida State Parks to the public. Florida Department of Education Provides Educational Resources The Florida Department of Education (FDOE) has made resources for students, parents and school districts during the extended spring break for students as they transition into distance learning. The page also contains extensive information on the state’s response to COVID-19. CPALMS, Khan Academy, Floridastudents.org and additional educational resources are stepping up to serve Florida families free of charge, with thousands of online courses, lessons and practice exercises and videos so students can continue their education. ![]() Local State of Emergencies in Full Effect for Collier, Lee & Hendry County Last week, Collier, Lee and Hendry County declared local state of emergencies to encourage social-distancing and prevent the spread of COVID-19. For more information, visit your county website for local updates and information. ![]() Advisory on Local State Beaches, Islands and Boat Ramps If your weekend plans include getting out on the water we are asking you to boat responsibly and take precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Please be aware that the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has closed all state-owned beaches, islands, sandbars and barrier islands within aquatic preserves. This includes Keewaydin Island and Cape Romano. Vessel landings are now strictly prohibited under this closure. Collier County Sheriff’s Office and the Lee County Sheriff’s Office will be assisting the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission with awareness, education and enforcement. Failure to comply is a violation of Florida Statute 775.08(3) and is punishable by a fine of up to $500. ![]() Local Hospitals Team Up to Combat COVID-19 as a Community SWFL Stronger Together is a collaborative campaign with Lee Health and NCH Healthcare. The philanthropic effort will help fund the elevated supply of certain critical resources and equipment such as ventilators, protective gear, drive-thru testing sites among others. Please visit swfltogether.org for more details. Lee Health is also offering TeleHealth services free of charge for a limited time. Lee TeleHealth is an on-demand medical service, to receive care from the comfort of your own home. Learn more, here. Local Mobile Testing Site Details NCH is planning to re-open their Drive-Thru Testing starting at 10 a.m. next Monday. Please note, the operation of the mobile testing site is dependent on supplies. You must have an appointment. You may make an appointment at: 239-624-4443, OPTION 1 Lee Health has established a drive-up site to collect specimens for COVID-19 to increase access for the number of people being tested in our community. The mobile site is in the parking lot of the Page Field Lee Convenient Care office in Fort Myers. To keep an orderly collection process, patients much have an order from their physician or provider and an appointment scheduled for testing. The collection site will be open seven days a week from 12:00 – 4:00 p.m. Lee Health is also setting up a second mobile test-collection site at the Cape Coral Sports Complex. ![]() Florida Community Health Centers (FCHC) Opens Mobile Testing Location in Clewiston In an effort to support patients and community, the FCHC has begun offering drive-thru testing for COVID-19 by appointment only at their Clewiston Center. The office is located at 15 South W.C. Owen Avenue, Clewiston, FL 33440. Those with the associated risk factors and symptoms of COVID-19 may be screened and evaluated by FCHC staff for testing. If anyone is experiencing the symptoms outlined above and has risk factors for COVID 19, they are encouraged to call: (863) 983-7813 to set up an appointment for screening, evaluation and testing. Telehealth appointments are also available. The Shelter for Abused Women and Children Continuing Relief to Families During COVID-19 Outbreak The Collier County Sheriff's Office (CCSO) has noted a significant increase in domestic violence-related 911 calls since last Sunday. Isolation and social distancing can trap victims in their homes with their abusers and away from the people and resources that could help them. Our local Shelter for Abused Women and Children’s 24-hour Crisis Line is available to assist with safety planning and support, and our emergency shelter remains open with bed space available to victims in abusive relationships. The Shelter and CCSO are working closely to ensure that victims receive help both during and after a call to 911 and that perpetrators are held accountable for their crimes. The CCSO Domestic Abuse Response Team (DART), made up of trained victim advocates and detectives, provides transportation to safety, crisis intervention, support, referrals to community agencies, court accompaniment and personal advocacy. Call 911. If you or someone you know is affected by domestic violence, call The Shelter’s 24-hour Crisis Line at 239-775-1101. Victims can also email info@naplesshelter.org to access information and assistance. ![]() Safely Support Local Small Businesses Despite restrictions in place to promote social distancing and prevent the spread of COVID-19, many of your favorite local restaurants remain open with limited services for takeout or delivery. In fact, over 208 local businesses have continued to offer takeout and deliver services. To promote these small businesses and keep residents up-to-date, the Naples Daily News has an ongoing, updated list of local restaurants and their current status. ![]() Stores Offering Specialty Shopping Hours CDC has reported that individuals over the age of 65 are at increased risk of complications from the coronavirus. In response to the CDC, Publix and many stores are offering expanded hours to better support the elder community.
Southwest Florida Events Canceled Due to CDC guidelines on social distancing helps to prevent the spread of COVID-19, many events you may have registered for may have been canceled. The Naples Daily News is working to keep the public informed of these events and has a running list on their website. If you know of a cancellation or postponement, email features@naplesnews.com. Local School Food Distribution Our district's counties are offering free breakfast and lunch for students under the age of 18, please see below for more information on your county's schedule and distribution locations. Reminder: Per federal regulations, children 18 and under must be present to receive meals at any of these locations. Collier County Collier County Public Schools will be offering FREE meals for ALL children age 18 and under during the school closure related to COVID-19. The meals will be "grab-and-go" style. Students will be able to pick up two meals. Pick-up locations will be open from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. each weekday. If your child's home school is not listed, you may visit any of the participating locations. Lee County The Food and Nutrition Services department will be serving a “Grab & Go” breakfast and lunch at selected schools and community sites. The meals will be available for pick-up between 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Hendry County Breakfast and lunch will be served to Clewiston and LaBelle school students from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm beginning Monday, March 23. Remote site meal deliveries will be from 10:00 am – 12:00 noon on a first-come, first-served basis until all meals have been delivered. Note: No meals will be served on April 10th and 13th (Easter Weekend) ![]() FGCU Summer Sessions to be Delivered via Remote Instruction On Friday, March 27, FGCU announced that FGCU's Summer Session A and Summer Session C will be delivered via remote instruction. This is in accordance with the critical social distancing health protocols from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and guidance from the State University System of Florida. Summer Session A and Summer Session C will begin as scheduled on May 11. No decision on Summer Session B has been reached at this time. Visit the FGCU COVID-19 page for more information: https://www.fgcu.edu/coronaupdate/ ![]() ![]() Travel Advisory Updates At this time, CDC recommends avoiding nonessential travel. If you are returning from an area with an outbreak of COVID-19 the CDC recommends self-quarantine for 14 days immediately upon return from your travels, even if you are asymptomatic. If you develop a fever and symptoms of respiratory illness, such as cough or shortness of breath during those 14 days please contact your health care professional and mention your recent travel. The Governor issued an Executive Order to require anyone that travels to Florida from New York to self-isolate for 14 days or for the duration of the individual’s presence in Florida, whichever is shorter. Violation of the order is a second-degree misdemeanor, punishable by imprisonment for up to 60 days and a fine of up to $500. If you have had close contact with someone showing these symptoms who has recently traveled from an impacted area, you should call a health care professional and mention your close contact and their recent travel. For updated COVID-10 travel advisories, visit: U.S. Travel Advisories and CDC Information for Travel. ![]() Social Distancing Guidance In areas where there are multiple cases of COVID-19, there is a concern about “community spread.” Community spread means people have been infected with the virus in an area, including some who are not sure how or where they became infected. This is why staying home, avoiding travel and crowds, and practicing social distancing is so important. Although young people may not be in as much risk of death as individuals over 65, they can catch and spread the virus just as easily. The Symptoms & Spread of COVID-19 Symptoms of COVID-19 include:
Symptoms may appear in as few as two days or as many as 14 days following exposure. Most people The elderly and those with underlying medical problems like high blood pressure, heart problems and diabetes, are more likely to develop serious illness. There is currently no FDA-approved vaccine to prevent COVID-19. However, trials for a vaccine have begun. COVID-19 can spread from person to person through small droplets from the nose or mouth, including when an individual coughs or sneezes. These droplets may land on objects and surfaces. Other people may contract COVID-19 by touching these objects or surfaces, then touching their eyes, nose or mouth. ![]() Preventative Measures to Protect You & Your Family As there is no current FDA-approved vaccine at this time to prevent COVID-19, the best prevention method is to avoid being exposed to the virus, and to avoid personal contact with others, especially our elderly population. Here are some everyday preventive actions to help impede the spread of respiratory diseases:
Please note, the CDC does not recommend that asymptomatic, healthy people wear a facemask to protect themselves from respiratory diseases, including COVID-19. Facemasks should be used only by people who show symptoms of COVID-19 to help prevent the spread of the disease to others. Face masks should be used by people who show symptoms of COVID-19 to help prevent the spread of the disease to others. The use of face masks is also crucial for health workers and people who are taking care of someone in close settings (at home or in a health care facility). Feeling Unwell? Practice Contact Tracing If you are feeling unwell and/or diagnosed with COVID-19, it is important to remember and inform those who you may have in been in contact with before contracting the disease. Doctors and epidemiologists will work with you to contact trace and will help to prevent the spread of the disease. ![]() ![]() Resources for Employees Reemployment Assistance (RA) Benefits Eligibility requirements for RA include:
Temporary Layoff Program People who need assistance filing a claim online because of legal reasons, computer illiteracy, language barriers, or disabilities may call 1-800-204-2418. Resources for Businesses & Employers Florida Small Business Emergency Bridge Loan Program The short-term, interest-free loans of up to $50,000 to help bridge the gap between the time the economic impact occurred and when a business secures other financial resources. The application period opened March 17, 2020 and runs through May 8, 2020. Visit FloridaDisaster.biz to learn more. Small Business Administration (SBA) Economic Injury Disaster Loan DEO Conducting Business Damage Assessment Survey Short-Time Compensation Program This program allows employers to avoid the expense of recruiting, hiring, and training new workers when business conditions improve. While employees are spared the hardships of full unemployment, employers are able to retain employees who can resume high production levels when business conditions improve. Emergency Support Function (ESF) 18 The purpose of ESF 18 is to coordinate local, state and federal agencies and organizations' actions that will provide immediate and short-term assistance for the needs of business, industry and economic stabilization. For assistance please email ESF18@em.myflorida.com. Attorney General Issues Consumer Alert on Cyber Crime While Working from Home On Wednesday, Attorney General Ashley Moody issued a Consumer Alert urging Floridians to guard against cybercrimes when working from home. Steps Floridians can take to protect sensitive customer information, trade secrets or other information while working remotely include:
Anyone who suspects they are the victim of a scam should contact the Attorney General’s Office at 1(866) 9NO-SCAM or by visiting MyFloridaLegal.com. Access Florida's Price Gouging Hotline Attorney General Ashley Moody has activated Florida’s Price Gouging Hotline for all consumers in the state to cover COVID-19 related commodities. To call the Attorney General’s Price Gouging Hotline, dial: 1-866-966-7226 Local Meal Support & Economic Relief Offered to Floridians The Florida Department of Elder Affairs (DOEA) announced a partnership with the Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR) and the Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association (FRLA) that allows the needs of the business community to be matched with the needs of the elderly. DOEA’s 11 Area Agencies on Aging throughout the state will work with local volunteers and other local service providers to ensure meal delivery to Florida’s most vulnerable population. Meal delivery by volunteers and other organizations will also combat the social isolation of seniors by providing the simple interaction of food delivery to the doorstep of an elder. Contact our local Area Agency on Aging at 239-652-6900. For families in need, United Way can help you find assistance for bills, rent and food. Call 866-211-9966 for the list of local agencies that can help you or search 211 here. ![]() Need a Social Distancing Activity? Visit the Florida Electronic Library Since 2003, the Florida Electronic Library (FEL) through the Florida Department of State has provided over 190 million articles, e-books, videos and other electronic resources to the citizens of Florida. While children are home during the #COVID19 outbreak, you can find ways to incorporate learning opportunities in day-to-day activities. ![]() Federal & State COVID-19 News The Florida DOH remains the best and most up-to-date resource for information and guidance regarding COVID-19 in our state. Florida Department of Health (DOH) Florida Health COVID-19 Data & Surveillance Dashboard Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
White House National Updates World Health Organization (WHO) Florida Department of Health
The Florida Department of Health is actively involved in enhanced surveillance for any respiratory illness that may be COVID-19. For any questions related to COVID-19 in Florida, please contact DOH's Call Center:
Please note the call center is available 24/7.
Local County Health Department Offices Collier County
Hendry County
Lee County
I hope this update serves as a reliable platform for news and resources regarding COVID-19. Please continue to exercise preventative measures and social distancing to remain safe and healthy. I will keep my constituents updated as we continue to learn more. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can ever be of assistance ![]() Kathleen C. Passidomo Senate Majority Leader Naples Office: 3299 East Tamiami Trail LaBelle Office: 25 East Hickpochee Avenue Tallahassee Office: 330 Senate Office Building Not paid for at taxpayer expense. |