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Help Wanted: Graphic Designer

One Place is looking for individuals gifted in graphic design and branding. If you have experience in this area and would like to donate your talents to your One Place family please email our One Place executive producer, Kyle Dever.

the One Project: Chicago 2013

If you are not attending One Project this week, you can register now for FREE to watch the One Project gathering in Chicago livestreaming on the Hope Channel website.

As many of our One Place pastors and leaders will be in attendance for this event, we are encouraging our community to pray for them as they travel and as they work to think, to speak, and to embody the Gospel message of the One while in Chicago.

Focus on Scripture

Upcoming passages at One Place:

February 9: Acts 9 (Kenley Hall)

February 16: Acts 10-11 (Dave Ferguson) 

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Missed us?

You can hear any teaching you may have missed during the Acts of the Apostles series, or many other messages at One Place by visiting this link or by listening to our very own iTunes podcast.

Tithe and Offerings Report

Last week our offering totaled $667.09

For those who give offering and tithe through One Place, please utilize our new offering altars that can be found in the foyer and on the table outside of the upstairs entrance/exit.

As a reminder, checks can be made out to Andrews University, One Place or Pioneer Memorial Church and then placed in an envelope and marked for One Place on the envelope.

If you would like to give an offering to One Place using a credit/bank card, please visit our online offering website. To donate to a specific ministry, contact Japhet.

Be sure to check out the One Place Facebook page to view the "offering" video shown at church a few weeks ago (you silly geese)

Thank you for your continued financial support.