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Project Updates and News from Supply Patriot

Your #1 DVBE/SDVOSB Resource for Construction Materials

02 November 2012


New Supply Patriot projects in our pipelines  

Camp Pendleton P-1048 Electrical Upgrades
Camp Pendleton, CA
Supply Patriot Involvement: Electrical Distribution Poles

Naval Surface Warfare Center 
Corona, California
General Contractor: N/A - Direct Supplier to Government
Supply Patriot Involvement: 60' Freestanding Towers

San Diego Airport Southside Site Protection Project
San Diego, CA
Supply Patriot Involvement: Pipe, Filter Fabric and Clearwater BMPs


Upcoming events on the Supply Patriot calendar

Society of American Military Engineers (SAME)
Federal Business Opportunities Symposium 

8 November 2012 • 7:30 AM to 2:30 PM
Hyatt Regency Orange County
11999 Harbor Boulevard  Garden Grove, CA 92840

Swinerton Outreach for the San Diego Community College District - Miramar College Fire Science/EMT Training Facility
9 November 2012 • 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM
Miramar College Campus, Bldg I


Recently completed Supply Patriot projects

Wounded Warrior Project
Camp LeJuene, North Carolina
General Contractor JV: URS/RQ CONSTRUCTION
Supply Patriot Involvement: STRUCTURAL STEEL

Supply Patriot would like to thank the team from URS/RQ Construction/Berg Electric for providing us the opportunity to work with them on this forward-leaning project with an eye on energy conservation. Supply Patriot delivered the structural steel for the PY carports noted in the video here and photo below.

Cal-Trans Station
Northgate, California
General Contractor: PNP CONSTRUCTION
Supply Patriot Involvement: ROOFING MATERIALS

Anthony Thompson and the PNP Team proving once again how to get the job done. We, at Supply Patriot, were proud to be part of this project and congratulate PNP for another job well done. We look forward to our next project opportunity with PNP in Northern California.

El Dorado Union High School District Improvements
Ponderosa High School

Shingle Springs, California
Oak Ridge High School
Placerville, California
General Contractor: CARTER KELLY
Supply Patriot Involvement: LUMBER & CEMENT
With over 30 years in business and a reputation of excellence, Carter Kelly has delivered quality again. Greg Witherow and the team from Carter Kelly are raising the bar on school modernization projects. We appreciate the opportunity to be part of this team in building better schools for the youth of Northern California.

Highlights of Supply Patriot’s charity involvement

Team Red, White & Blue’s (Team RWB) vision is to transform the way wounded veterans are reintegrated into society when they return from combat and exit their position.
Physical fitness is a great healer and I support Team RWB by wearing the team’s jersey in races to promote the organization’s mission and to connect with other veterans.

Schedules permitting, I try to participate in six races per year. On October 20, 2012 I went back to where it all started for me as a Marine for the Camp Pendleton Buffalo Alley Run at CAMP HORNO (Area 53).

When I was with STA 3/1 back in the 90's, I ran the hills above CAMP HORNO for fun almost nightly -- this opportunity to "come home" and run Recon Ridge wearing the Eagle for Team RWB was a privilege. Additional highlights for the day included seeing our son, James (age 6), particpate in the Kids Race, visiting my stomping grounds around Area 53 and taking a few pictures of Supply Patriot's first delivery of metal utility poles scheduled for installation in Area 53 on a project with RQ Construction/Berg Electric.

For more information on Team RWB, visit: www.TeamRWB.com