January Newsletter No images? Click here Happy New Year!Welcome to 2022! For this first month of the year, our Science Outreach newsletter is providing information about events and opportunities for all! Keep scrolling to find out more!
We are excited to be planning in-person events on the Penn State University Park campus! As we continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, there is still a high need to protect the health and safety of our community. All event participants will be expected to follow University guidelines, which currently include wearing a mask when inside any building, frequently washing or sanitizing hands, and staying home when ill. Our team will work to ensure the safety of all participants by cleaning frequently, providing personal protective equipment (PPE), and updating our refund and illness policies. We will monitor the COVID-19 situation and share any changes that may occur. ENVISION 2022 Has Moved to MarchWith current COVID-19 numbers at high levels and a strong desire to safely conduct ENVISION on campus, the event date has changed from late February to Saturday, March 26, 2022. Please note this new date on your calendar! All students in grades 6-12 are invited to come experience science, technology, engineering, and mathematics - hands-on! Participants will get to attend different STEM workshops, visit Penn State classrooms and laboratories, and interact with scientists or engineers who study or work in various STEM fields! Registration has been moved to February 15, 2022. Families and educators may download and share an informational flyer by clicking on the photo. More information is also available on our website using the button below. SCIENCE-U 2022!We are looking forward to the summer when staff and campers can return to the University Park campus and share in the discoveries of Science-U!
Science-U at Home - now on YouTube!Did you miss watching the special showing of WPSU's Science-U at Home on December 26th? If so, don't worry! The engaging video is now on YouTube and families can watch it together at any time! Click on the collage photo to see the YouTube video and enjoy learning together about the fun of science! Ashtekar Frontiers of ScienceFor 2022, the Ashtekar Frontiers of Science lecture series, hosted by the Eberly College of Science, is entitled The AI Revolution: Using artificial intelligence for socially responsible science. This exciting topic will focus on Penn State researchers who are working to advance science and society using cutting-edge technology in agriculture, medicine, astronomy, bioinformatics, public relations, and more! The free presentations will be held on six, consecutive Saturdays from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., starting on January 15 and continuing through February 19, 2022. Use the button below to learn more about the lecture series and to join us on Zoom. Please click on the picture to download and share the flyer. The Origin and Fate of Our Cosmos: Understanding Big Bang CosmologyCalling all science teachers! For the last two decades, the Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics has run exciting summer workshops for teachers exploring the topics of galaxies, black holes, cosmology, and other topics. This summer, we are happy to announce that one of these workshops will be coming back to Davey Lab! Be sure to register by April 1, 2022 for this professional development workshop on Cosmology. It is scheduled for July 18-22, 2022 (COVID situation allowing) and will provide Act 48 credit for participating teachers! An informational flyer may be downloaded by clicking on the photo. More information and registration may be obtained with the button below. Empower ConferenceThe Graduate Women in Science (GWIS) State College Chapter Empower Committee is happy to announce registration is now open for the 2022 Empower Conference which will be on Saturday, February 5th from 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. EST via Zoom! Empower (formerly known as Voices) is an annual professional development and networking conference for people in STEM at all career stages: students, post-docs, and professionals. High school students are also encouraged to attend! This year, our theme is Finding Yourself in Science, and the conference will feature keynote speaker Dr. Alexis Gambis. For more information and to register by February 1, 2022, please click the button below. Click the picture to download the flyer. Undergraduate Scholarships for Women Due March 1stAAUW is an organization that advances gender equity for women and girls through research, education and advocacy. The State College Branch of AAUW has scholarships available to help women return to school to complete a degree! Applicants for the scholarships must meet the following criteria:
Click on the AAUW logo above to download a flyer, and learn more about the AAUW scholarships by clicking the button below. Girls Who Code RegistrationThe Association of Women in Computing (AWC) invites students ages 12 and above to the Girls Who Code Club, a FREE coding program at Penn State! Penn State Girls Who Code is open to participants of all identities. Classes will be held in Westgate Building, University Park campus, Penn State, on Sundays 3-5 p.m., February 13 - April 24, 2022. If circumstances change, the Club will be held via Zoom. Penn State Girls Who Code is a free program where middle and high school students can learn introductory coding concepts in Python. Instructors from AWC will guide the students through hands-on lessons before mentoring them as they create their own projects to demonstrate what they've learned. AWC members will also give tech talks to enrich students' understanding of the tech industry. The first meeting for the club is Sunday, February 13th. Click the button below to register and visit their website. Click the picture to download and share their flyer. The Penn State School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) is planning to offer in-person summer camps! Save the Dates: 2022 Design your own reality! Computer Science and Engineering Summer Camp for Girls
2022 Anything Is POssible for Girls In Electrical Engineering (APOGEE) Summer Camp
Pricing will be similar to past in-person camps and financial aid is available. School of EECS summer camps are open to participants of all identities. Stay tuned for more information. If you have any questions, please contact Tammy Falls, tjf13@psu.edu. Meet our team!Our Office of Science Outreach staff members are happy to assist you with any questions related to Science Outreach. Bookmark our website at https://science.psu.edu/outreach for more information or email us at outreach@science.psu.edu. We'd love to hear from you!By submitting photographs or information to the Office of Science Outreach, we reserve the right to use them in our future newsletters or marketing. |