LGP Sustainable Choice Newsletter
September 2019" Does your procurement process deliver economic, environmental and social considerations?"
2019 Annual Sustainable Procurement Survey
The 2019 Annual Sustainable Procurement Survey was sent out on Friday 16 August via email to all GM's/CEO's at council. Our Sustainable Choice contacts have been cc'd on these emails but if you have not received the letter, please contact us. The survey will be open until 5.00pm on Friday 13 September 2019. Please remember that the survey needs to be completed in one sitting and you may need to collect data from various departments within council. To make this easier, we have created a survey assistance tool which can be accessed here. The survey responses provide the data for your Council's individual Performance Report and Scorecard which will be sent out in December. The report provides your council with an understanding of how you are tracking against the ISO 20400 Sustainable Procurement guidance standard and includes recommendations on how to progress. The survey is FREE for Sustainable Choice members who have paid their membership fee for 2019/2020. Non-members can participate for a fee of $1,000 or can join Sustainable Choice now and
participate for free. Please contact us if you want to know more.
Modern Slavery UpdateThe legislative Council Standing Committee on Social issues announced on Tuesday 6 August 2019 an inquiry into the NSW Modern Slavery Act 2018, the Modern Slavery Amendment Bill 2019 and the draft Modern Slavery Regulation 2019. This is an opportunity for all to express their views on how the NSW Government can effectively combat Modern Slavery and submissions are invited. Submissions close on 4 October. More information, including how to make a submission can be found via this link. At this stage, no amendments to bring local councils within the scope of the NSW Modern Slavery Act are proposed. Non-legislative approaches for local councils are being explored. The Office of Local Government is proposing an administrative process. If non-legislative approaches prove ineffective, an amendment could be introduced at a later
stage, by amending either the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW) or the Modern Slavery Act to provide obligations equivalent to those imposed on NSW Government agencies. The Department of Premier and Cabinet is also inviting stakeholders to provide input in the design of the supply chain reporting scheme which is outlined in the draft Regulation. The regulation can be viewed here and feedback can be provided until 13 September 2019. Please note that this input will not be passed on to the Committee and it is recommended by the NSW interim Anti-Slavery Commissioner to make submissions
to the Committee directly.
Upcoming Webinar!Georgina Gillett, Procurement Coordinator at Lake Macquarie City Council will present on council's journey implementing ISO 20400 and addressing modern slavery risks in procurement. This is an excellent opportunity to listen, learn and ask questions on a very important topic. This is a webinar offered exclusively to our Sustainable Choice members and the details are: Date: Wednesday 18 September 2019 Time: 11.30am-1.00pm Please register here.
Blacktown City Council -Recycled Paper Journey
Blacktown City Council is committed to play a leadership role in advancing long term social and environmental sustainability. In 2018, senior management support was gained to begin trials for 100% post-consumer waste recycled copy paper, toilet paper, paper towels and facial tissues. The project was a step to address the waste and recycling crisis that was brought on by China and other overseas markets no longer accepting recyclable materials from Australia. Councils are urged to create
a market for recycled products and this is one of many great examples and ways of how to do this. Blacktown City Council found that 100% post-consumer waste recycled and 100% Australian made copy paper was easy to source from their contracted suppliers. It was though more difficult to source Australian made 100% recycled janitorial paper products (toilet paper, paper towels and facial tissues). This issue is due to the low demand nation-wide. If you want to read more
about Blacktown City Council's solution, please access the full case study here or contact Justine Teo on justine.teo@blacktown.nsw.gov.au.
We have added a section on Modern Slavery as part of the ''For Suppliers'' resources on the Sustainable Choice website. This section includes links to the Modern Slavery Act and also some very useful documents to assist suppliers to get started with addressing Modern Slavery. Those documents include: - Marks & Spencer Modern Slavery Toolkit
- From Disclosure to Action - Assessment of FTS100 companies in the UK and their compliance with the UK Modern Slavery Act
- Case studies of Leading Practice
- Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (United Nations)
- Link to the Act and the Reporting Guidance
Access the page here to read more.
Strengthening Sustainability in LGP Contracts LGP is implementing sustainable procurement practices with specific sustainability criteria addressed in all new contracts, which includes economic, environmental and social considerations. LGP contracts renewed in 2017, 2018 and 2019 were processed with sustainable procurement principles in mind. The criteria for each RFT was tailored to address those sustainability risks and opportunities specific to each contract and was mandatory and
weighted. Supplier responses to sustainability criteria are included in the 'Buyer's Guide' associated with each contract, enabling councils to make better informed decisions and purchase more sustainable products and services. - Playgrounds, Open Spaces, Modular Structures, Exterior Lighting, Recreational and Associated Infrastructure (LGP308-3)
- Bitumen, Emulsions and Asphalt Materials and Services (LGP213-2)
- Road and Traffic Signage, Associated Hardware and Roadside Products (LGP114)
- Traffic Management Services (LGP113-2)
- Waste Audit Management Services (LGP118)
- Office Supplies & Janitorial (including; Heavy Duty Cleaning) & Associated Products (LGP1007-3)
- Waste Audit Management Services (LGP118)
- Human Resources (HR) – Permanent and Temporary Placements and Associated Services (LGP808-3)
Online ResourcesSustainable Choice has a comprehensive range of online resources for Sustainable Choice members. These resources include guides, fact sheets, case studies, example documents, example sustainability tender questions and useful links. Recently added online resources for Sustainable Choice
members include: - Case study - Blacktown City Council - Recycled Paper Journey
- Case study - Wollongong Administration building receives 6 star
- Case study - Procuring lighting as a service
- Case study - Electric vehicle car sharing service
- Modern Slavery - how can local government address it
- How to get the most out of your Sustainable Choice membership
- Sustainability tender schedules products and services
- Modern slavery related example tender questions
Sustainable Choice Database The Sustainable Choice Database makes the search for sustainable products and services easier for you. The expansive online database lists sustainable products and services, from energy-efficient lighting to recycled furniture and infrastructure products, paper and printing, road base, catering and events supplies. Sustainability indicators have been incorporated into the database to help you identify why a product is considered to be more sustainable than another in order for you to choose the most
appropriate for your needs and budget. You can access the database at www.sustainablechoice.lgp.org.au If you know of a sustainable supplier that isn’t listed on the database please let us know and we will contact them. Similarly if there is a particular product you are looking for and cannot find it on the database please let us know. Suppliers new to the database: Ethical Merch - Etchically sourced merchandise and apparel Advanced Plastic Recycling - Wood plastic composite products FG Advisory - Advice on creating creating high performing and environmentally sustainable buildings and infrastructure
Local Government Procurement AwardsSustainable Procurement Achievement
The Local Government Procurement Awards celebrate those procurement professionals or groups who are making a difference in local government and their community. We are looking for nominations for the below award: Sustainable Procurement Achievement - This award is for either an individual or organisations that has demonstrated exceptional sustainable procurement work. The awarded recipients will receive a personalised plaque and professional development training of the winner's choice to the value of $2,500. The awards will
be presented at the annual Local Government Procurement Conference dinner on Thursday 24 October at Doltone House, Pyrmont. Please don't be shy, great work deserves recognition. Nominate yourself, a colleague or your council for efforts and achievement in sustainable procurement progress. For more information or to download the nomination form visit the LGP website.
Sustainable Choice TeamTania Lalor - Senior Consultant, Sustainable Procurement (Mon-Wed)
Sara Lindqvist - Consultant, Sustainable Procurement (Tues-Fri) T: 02 8270 8703
E: sustainablechoice@lgp.org.au