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Shoutouts (LAST CHANCE)

Are you a senior? Or leaving KCECH? Then leave a shout out to someone at the link below. The deadline has been extended to tomorrow Monday the 22nd at 11:59pm. They will be posted in the final edition of The TP on April 24th.


Summer Plans

Know what you're doing for the summer? Fill out the poll below.

Summer Plans Poll

Still figuring out the summer? Check out the poll's responses below for ideas.

Summer Plans Responses

KCECH Hidden Talents

If you have something you (or a pet of yours) can do, write me or fill out this form so we can arrange an interview.

KCECH Hiddent Talents 2012-2013

The Week Ahead 4/22 - 4/28

4/23, 7:30pm-- StorySlam - Geek Out. Head to L'Etage for some geek themed StorySlam.

4/24, 10pm--Now that you have studied all day (you did do that, right?), time for a party! A tea party!

4/25, 8pm-- Salute to The Eagles. Watch a tribute to The Eagles at the Sellersville Theatre

4/26, 8pm-- Desert Rose. See Desert Rose perform at Sellersville Theatre

4/27, 6pm-- Hall of Fame Awards. Find out who's getting famous at the Da Vinci Science Center

4/28, 7pm-- Lila Downs. Enjoy the theatrics of Lila Downs at Zellerbach Theatre

Submissions, Comments, Questions

Please email any comments, questions, or submisstions to the email below. Or reply to this email.
