Good Governance - What is It?by Local Government Procurement Good governance is often seen as an ideal to be achieved within the local government sector. But what is governance, and more so, 'good governance'? The Governance Institute of Australia defines governance as: "Governance encompasses the system by which an
organisation is controlled and operates, and the mechanisms by which it, and its people, are held to account. Ethics, risk management, compliance and administration are all elements of governance"
Almost all local government organisations seek to promote good governance as a priority, but unfortunately some fall short. Fortunately, good governance can be defined and achieved by some of the following key characteristics: Accountability
Accountability is a key principle in good governance. It is important to identify who is accountable and this should be stipulated in policy statements. Local government is responsible to those who will be affected by their decisions or actions, such as the community. Transparency
Information should be easily understood, freely available and directly accessible to those who will be affected by governance policies and practices, as well as any outcomes. Stakeholders should be able to see clearly how and why a decision was made, and what information, advice and consultation was considered during the decision process.
Effectiveness and Efficiency
Local government should implement and follow processes that make the best use of available people, technological, financial and environmental resources to ensure the best possible results for the community. Participation
Participation is a fundamental element as it encourages those who are affected or interested in a decision, an opportunity to participate in the process for decisions made by local government. It can happen in different ways, such as giving community members an opportunity to provide information or recommendations to contribute to the best interests of local government and the community.
These key characteristics can contribute to maintaining good governance practices within local government. Although good governance is an ideal that is difficult to achieve in its entirety, it can be accomplished by involving well-intentioned people and organisations who collaborate their ideas, experiences, and opinions to attain good governance within local government. We are excited to announce that this year's 2016 Local Government Procurement Annual Conference theme is
Effective Governance: An Essential Part of Procurement. In the past decade Local Government Procurement (LGP) has strived to promote procurement excellence and efficiencies within local government, and understand the importance promoting good governance through education and practices. The conference will incorporate governance, probity and good procurement practices, and include a range of speakers and workshops over the two day event.
More information will be available soon on the LGP website. If you have any enquiries please contact LGP Events on 02 8270 8700 or by email.