Message from the Principal
Photo above: Our Transform Centre in Phnom Penh.
Dear Parents and Families,
Welcome to Term 3, we trust that everyone had a wonderful holiday and is now ready to continue embracing the ongoing opportunities at Kennedy. This promises to be an exciting term with many major events in our calendar. As we start a new semester, I would like to reinforce the mission and values of Kennedy that maximizes the learning experience at the College. Kennedy Baptist College endeavours to the very best of its abilities to provide educational opportunities of excellence in a Christian context. In doing so, the needs for lifelong learning are also addressed. All staff at Kennedy are committed to this mission through our Christian ethos and the values of: Faith, Integrity, Boldness, Growth, and Service.
Over the holiday break, our students have had some wonderful occasions to develop these values. Our Year 10 and 11 students involved with the Cambodia Connect mission trip had the opportunity to experience very personal service opportunities whilst sharing with primary school students in our Transform Centre in Phnom Penh. Thank you to Mr Austen, Mrs Harris, and Mrs Newland who gave up their leave to be involved in this tour.
We look forward to sharing more opportunities during the Term 3 journey together.
Mr Mark Ashby
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23 NIV
Over the school holidays, I returned to New Zealand in the middle of winter. It was cold, and I am no snow bunny. What I do love doing though, is soaking in the natural hot springs that are dotted throughout New Zealand. That pure bliss moment, when it feels as if the heat has warmed the very marrow of your bones. For those first Galation readers, kindness would have provided images of that sort of warmth.
In Titus 3:4-7, we read of the kindness of God towards us as illustrated in the work of Jesus and his salvation. Kindness in the Bible is not simply being nice to people we like or even to those we do not like. It is not even having a nice disposition. Kindness is far more active and deliberate than that. In the context of Scripture, kindness is a selfless act, looking for nothing in return; of seeing and meeting a need; of being kind but also doing good as well. It can be as extravagant as moving into the slums of Calcutta (Mother Teresa) or as simple as allowing a person to have your parking space on a busy Saturday morning.
I think what makes this aspect of the fruit of the Spirit so striking is that it reminds us that the people we encounter are individuals, many with real needs, not simply blurred images that we rush past through our day, but also, that as image-bearers of God, we have been given the resources to meet those needs. God showed us the warmth of His kindness so we are to show that same kindness to others.
Father's Day Breakfast Invitation
Your Invitation to our Father's Day Breakfast!
Please join us for this year's Father's Day breakfast. Guest Speaker: WA Commissioner of Police, Mr Chris Dawson.
Date: Thursday 29 August 2019
Venue: Staff Lounge
Time: 7.15am - 8.30am
For catering purposes, we would appreciate your RSVP by clicking here before Friday 23 August 2019. Grandfathers are also welcome!
Year 10 to 12 Awards Assembly Term 3
Yesterday we celebrated the academic achievement and success of our Year 10 to 12 students. Both students and staff were acknowledged for their hard work and commitment to the College during Semester One. As we look towards Term 3, Mr Ashby encouraged our students and asked them to be persistent, to work hard, and to set goals for Semester Two. During the assembly we had a large number of students receive awards across all learning areas of the College. The assembly, concluded with a bible reading and Mr Ashby reflected on the Parable of the Talents. Please click here for more
Photos above: Year 10 to 12 awards assembly.
Australian Girls Choir Visits Kennedy
As part of the two week National Tour to Perth, Bunbury, Margaret River, and Denmark, 56 girls from the Australian Girls Choir shared their love of singing and performing with Kennedy Baptist College Performing Arts students through a day of dance, drama and singing workshops. Read more here.
Music Ensemble Night
Thank you to all our Kennedy families and friends, as well as the broader Kennedy community who attended our Music Ensembles Night on Tuesday 2 July. It was a wonderful night of music, laughs, and applause. Some evening favourites were the Contemporary Band’s version of John Mayer’s ‘Waiting On The World To Change’, and our ATAR Band performing ‘The Chain’ by Fleetwood Mac. Congratulations to all the students involved. We are excited about future performances! Please click here for more photos.
Lego Challenge Winners
With the Australian Lego Masters held last term it inspired the Research and Study Centre to hold its own Lego Challenge. The challenge ran over six weeks with the final held on Friday 28 June. The Final Lego Challenge contestants had a free choice in what they could build in 20 minutes. It was a difficult decision in selecting the winners as all creations were amazing and innovative. Congratulations to winners Keshara Columba Thanthrige and Matt Bekink. They each received a trophy and $30 gift voucher.
Term 2 House Point Draw Prize Winner
Last term's House point draw prize was a fun Escape Room session for ten people sponsored by Escape Hunt, Fremantle.
During the last week of Term 2, four student names from each House were drawn to compete for the coveted house point prize! These four students, Olivia Kemp from Stirling, Mikayla Johnson from Forrest, Ally Kerrisk from Eyre and Alex Zottl from King (absent in photo) along with the House Captains had a challenging few activities on the last day of term. With much excitement and participation, we congratulate Ally Kerrisk in Year 7 for taking home the big prize.
P&F Jamming Session and Donations
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As part of the effort to raise funds for the P&F during the College’s Community Open Day, the P&F is gathering all the help and ingredients required for the upcoming Jamming Session.
Jamming with the P&F is a fun afternoon using Thermomixes, and the P&F will be making jams, chutneys, lemon and lime butter, chilli and onion jams. This session will be held on Saturday 3 August from 1.00pm – 5.00pm in Room 5.4 located at the new Food and Textiles Centre.
The more volunteers, the easier it is - there is always lots to do even if you do not know how to use a Thermomix! There are only 15 spots available so be quick to sign up via SignUp.com.
This fun Jamming Session will not be able to take place if we do not have our special ingredients. If you are unable to make it on Saturday 3 August, then please lend us a hand by donating either of the following ingredients before 1 August to the cafeteria. Strawberries, oranges, lemons, limes, sugar, 500g packs of butter, bacon, onions, tomatoes, red wine vinegar, capsicums and/or chillis
College Notices
Kennedy Community Open Day is fast approaching and will be held on Saturday 24 August from 11.00am - 3.00pm. It will be great to have as many families as possible involved in some way. You might not be able to help on the day, but there are lots of ways that you can help the College community prepare for Open Day 2019. Help spread the word - invite your family and friends, pleae click here.
Dance With the Stars
Friday 9 August at 7.00pm at Kennedy Auditorium. $10 tickets. Tickets can be purchased via Arts Office, online payment portal or on the night.
Parents and Friends Association
Please click here for the latest P&F newsletter for more information regarding Open Day 2019 and other parent information.
2020 Term Dates
2020 Term dates are now available online. Please click here.
Beedawong Menu Term 3
Please click here for Canteen menu.
Music Night 2019 – Save the date!
The Arts Department is thrilled to present our Annual Music Night on Thursday 29 August. This entertaining concert will feature a variety of different Music ensembles plus many smaller group performances on woodwind, brass, string, vocal, keyboard and percussion instruments, as well as a couple of surprise performances.
Entry will be $5 per person ($10 per family – up to 5 people) and will start at 6.30pm in the Lower Foyer with pre-show music. The Auditorium performances will begin at 7.00pm, aiming to finish by 9.00pm. Come along and support our talented Kennedy Baptist College music students.
Information for 2020 High School Musical Auditions
We are excited to run two lunchtime meetings in Week 4, providing students with all the information they need to know to audition (Monday 26 August – Friday 30 August).
This will include information for lead roles, ensemble members, dancers, musicians and crewmembers (backstage and tech). These meetings will be on Monday 12 August and Tuesday 13 August 2019 at lunchtime in the Auditorium.
Term 3 Tutoring Timetable
Beedawong Cafeteria Volunteers
We need volunteers in the Beedawong kitchen for Term 3. Please drop in and see our fabulous facilities! Click here to sign up and volunteer.
Please click here for Term 3 Tutoring Timetable.
Volunteering Opportunities
We value the support of our volunteers who contribute to the College community! Co-ordination of all our volunteers is managed through the easy to use automated online system SIGNUP.com. Current volunteer opportunities are available with:
Jamming with the P&F - Saturday 3 August at 1.00pm
Beedawong Volunteering Term 3
Kennedy Interhouse Athletics Carnival - Friday 16 August at 8.30am
The Kennedy Prayer Group - Wednesdays at 1.45pm
Book Covering Term 3
Open Day Volunteering
Please click here to sign up and volunteer.