Dear University Colleagues,

Since we began our journey to Pitt Worx with Talent Center’s launch in 2018, our goal has been to provide the University community with an exceptional experience when using our human resources and payroll systems. Pitt Worx is the cloud-based system that will do just that. This modern, user-friendly system furthers the Plan for Pitt by transforming information infrastructure and supporting operational efficiency for the University.

January 4, 2021, will mark our first day using Pitt Worx, and we are committed to providing a positive launch experience for the whole community.

As we quickly approach the launch date, we must take action to ensure that the employee data currently in PRISM is accurately converted into Pitt Worx. Inaccurate data conversion can be disruptive to employee paychecks, access to University systems, and benefit enrollment or elections.

This is why it’s important for every employee and student worker to closely review and confirm they will be able to meet the applicable data entry deadlines based on the systems they access and their responsibilities.

Over the next few weeks, more information will be shared with the community regarding training, resources, and support for Pitt Worx. More details are forthcoming, and additional announcements will be made as needed.

For any questions regarding system access and data entry deadlines, please contact your department administrator.


David N. DeJong
Vice Chancellor of Human Resources and Acting Senior Vice Chancellor of Business and Operations

Mark Henderson
Vice Chancellor and Chief Information Officer

Hari Sastry
Senior Vice Chancellor and Chief Financial Officer

University of Pittsburgh