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Vol 2,  Issue 2 | September 18, 2019

Derech Emunah Newsletter
New "Town Hall" Weekly Program Inspires Creativity and Acts of Chesed

By Shani Klitzner, Madricha


This year 'Town Hall' is now part of our Friday schedule. These 45 minutes are designated for Rosh Chodesh and Mishmeres activities, as well as guest speakers throughout the year.


Our first 'Town Hall' of the year started with a Rosh Chodesh Elul activity headed by Rivkah Gourdji and Avital Desmond. They expertly prepared an in-house "Escape Room" and appropriately connected it to the theme of Elul --  'escaping' our past and moving forward in the direction of Teshuva.

This past Friday during another Town Hall session, five students were given the opportunity to share their unique summer experiences. Each girl who spoke attended a different program either In Eretz Yisrael, Europe, or New York. The students eloquently described their experience and shared highlights, life skills, and lessons learned from their time there.

It was truly inspiring to hear about the incredible Chesed our students participated in during the summer.


Some volunteered and worked in an orphanage. Others motivated kids with special needs or brought people closer to Yiddishkeit. A few students traveled to Poland where they gave remnants of Jewish bones a proper burial. Their uplifting, positive feelings about their actions encouraged everyone to seek out their own acts of Chesed.


ABOVE: Beloria Levy and residents of AMIT Frisch Beit Hayeled Youth Village, Jerusalem.


BELOW: Please Participate in Our Senior Class Trip Fundraiser 


Upcoming Dates and Events



September 29th

Challah Sale Pick-Up at Yavneh Building

5142 S. Morgan St., between 10 - 11 am

Order through link or email by September 20th.


September 30th / October 1st

Rosh Hashanah - No school

October 2nd

Tzom Gedalya - Early dismissal

October 8th & 9th

Yom Kippur - No school

October 14th - 23rd

Succos Break - No School

October 24th 

School Resumes