Message from the Principal
Dear Parents and Families
This is our last newsletter for the year and it is remarkable to realise how much the community of Kennedy has achieved throughout 2018. It is wonderful to reflect on the many highlights across our academic learning areas as well as the co-curricular opportunities provided by the College. These community and personal highlights are the result of the combined hard work of staff, parents and students.
I would like to thank everyone in our College for their ongoing support this year. As we look forward to an exciting 2019, I would like to wish everyone a wonderful Christmas and a fantastic, safe and relaxing holiday.
Mr Mark Ashby
Final College Assembly 2018
At our last College Assembly for the year, we recognised those students who achieved a Certificate of Distinction or High Distinction for the Australian Mathematics Competition.This is a competition entered by tens of thousands of students across Australia and around the world. We are proud to announce that out of the many participants, 25 students from Years 7 to 11 received a Certificate of Distinction (top 20%). Congratulations to the following three students who received a High Distinction (top 3%):
Aiden Soljan in Year 7
Mackenzie Gilmore in Year 8
Cameron Giles in Year 8
The Best in School award is given to the student who achieved the school’s highest standardised score and this was awarded to Aiden Soljan in Year 7. We also announced the winner of the Reading Shield and the winner of the House Point Draw, please read more below.
Ms Linda Ang
Public Relations Officer
The Reading Shield - Champions Read
We have wrapped up our annual four week College wide reading program - well done to all our students. The whole College read in Extended Form as part of Champions Read. Students from all Houses read for a total of 11 803 hours. That equates to 492 days of reading. The following are the results:
Fourth place was King with 10644 points (2661 hours)
Third place was Eyre with 11978 points (2994 hours)
Second place was Forrest with 12277 points (3069 hours)
First place was Stirling with 13316 points (3079 hours)
The total points earned this year will contribute to next year's House Point tally.
House Point Draw
This term, students who received House Points went into the draw at the final Assembly to win the major prize - a 2 hour ride in a Sky Lounge Party Bus valued at over $500. This prize, generously donated by Party Charter Perth, invite allows the winning recipient to bring up to 20 friends, and two supervising adults. The bus includes an on-board dance floor, karaoke, dance music and epic party lights! And travels to Kings Park and South Perth foreshore to enjoy Perth's sights.
The prize also includes a photo shoot at Kings Park. For more information, or to book the bus for special events such as birthday parties or school balls, please visit www.partycharterperth.com
Congratulations to Lily Parkin who was the proud winner of this fantastic prize.
Parent Volunteer Afternoon Tea
On the last day of the Term, we were thrilled to host our parent volunteers at our Parent Volunteer Afternoon Tea. We are thankful for all the support we received this year from our parents and the community. There are many opporunities to help out at Kennedy, including the P&F, Cafe Uniform Shop, book covering, sporting carnivals and prayer. Keep a look out for Volunteering Opportunities in 2019 at Kennedy through SignUp.com.
2019 Year 7 Orientation
On Friday 23 November we welcomed our new 2019 Year 7 students and families at Orientation Day. Our Year 11 student mentors spent time with new students and helped them familiarise themselves with the campus while new parents enjoyed an informal morning tea to get to know other parents and members of the Kennedy Parents and Friends Association. We look forward to them joining our community in February!
Photos above: Orientation Day.
Student Leadership Camp
Last week our new Student Leaders as well as the College Heads of Year, House Coordinators and College Chaplain, all travelled to Rockingham for the annual Student Leadership Training Camp. The students were involved in various skill development sessions including public speaking, organising events, mentoring and welcoming new students. Much planning was done for next year including for the Arts Cup, Year 12 Ball, year group socials, lunch activities, Carnivals, National Ride to School Day, Kennedy Cup Competitions, assemblies, Kennedy Day and Extended Form periods.This was a great opportunity for the student leaders to come together as a group, develop their skills and plan for the future.
Mr Wendell Pether
Deputy Principal: Pastoral Care
Year 10 Transition Day
On the last Monday of College, the Year 10 students participated in a Transition Day in preparation for Year 11. We had a guest speaker talking to the students about failing well and adopting a growth mindset. Students then listened to four presentations from staff about a range of topics including; How am I going to survive, who is going to help me and why should I invest in the next two years. Students were able to hear from Mrs Minorgan our Career Development Coordinator, about options for next year and pathways to University. The day culminated with a BBQ lunch, waterslide, and chill out time. It was a fantastic day and we are now looking forward even more to next year.
Mr Scott Britza
Head of Year 10
Public Speaking House Competition
On 28 November during Extended Form, five brave students representing their House competed at our annual Public Speaking House Competition The topics presented by our five brave students were:
Legal Driving Age - presented by Christine Gee (Stirling),
Climate Change - presented by Joel Choo (Eyre),
If I could turn back time - presented by Ella Marshall (Eyre),
How ordinary people can make a difference - presented by Charlotte Tisson (Stirling) and
What I would do with a Million Dollars - Presented by Michael Kohondo (Stirling).
They presented confidently in front ofa large audience and they were well prepared and ready to speak. We hope to see some representatives for King and Forrest next year. The top three winners for this year’s competition were:
2nd runner up - Michael Kahondo (right)
1st runner up - Charlotte Tisson (left)
1st - Ella Marshall (middle)
Congratulations to all students who participated.
Ms Linda Ang
Public Relations Officer
Movember Sausage Sizzle
On Monday 26 November the Health and Physical Education Department hosted a sausage sizzle at lunchtime outside the Sports Centre for students and staff to support Movember.
Thank you to everyone who supported the Movember sausage sizzle and donated some cash or bought a sausage sizzle or soft drink. It was a great success and we were able to raise $300.
Mr Ross Macauley
Health and Physical Education Teacher
Kennedy Music Department Information
Music Ensemble Rehearsal Schedule In 2019
Please note the following days and times for Kennedy’s growing Music Ensembles for 2019. Early in 2019 students will have the opportunity to register interest in joining these Ensembles if they have not already indicated so through the Instrumental Music Enrolment system.
String Ensemble
Tuesday lunchtimes (1.10 to 1.35pm)
Primarily open to Kennedy Violin, Viola and Cello students
Tuesdays after school (3.20 to 4.20pm)
Year 11 and 12 Music students only
Contemporary Band
Tuesdays after school (3.20 to 4.20pm)
Selected musicians from Years 7 to 12, Contemporary instruments such as bass, guitar, drums, vocalists
Specialist Guitar Ensemble (formerly Senior Guitar Ensemble)
Wednesdays before school (7.30 to 8.10am)
Primarily for Kennedy guitar students of a more advanced level
Vocal Ensemble ‘Rhythm’
Wednesdays after school (3.20 to 4.20pm)
ALL welcome, from Years 7 to 12
Intermediate Guitar Ensemble (formerly Junior Guitar Ensemble)
Thursday lunchtimes (1.10 to 1.35pm)
Primarily for Kennedy guitar students of an intermediate level
Percussion Ensemble
Thursday lunchtimes (1.10 to 1.35pm)
Primarily for Kennedy drum students
Stage Band
Thursdays after school (3.20 to 4.20pm)
Selected musicians from Years 7 to 12, including brass and woodwind students.
Instrumental Music Update and Enrolment
There are now 83 students enrolled in the Instrumental Music program for next year, so please remember that if you plan to enrol your child in Music lessons, the deadline is Friday 18 January 2019. Classes are held on a rotating time schedule so students can participate in Kennedy's Instrumental Program and not miss any one particular lesson. The application form is available online for the 2019 Instrumental Music Program.
Students At Work
Photo above: Year 9 Drama Students.
Year 9 Drama Students - Macbeth
On Tuesday 27 November, the Year 9 Drama students presented William Shakespeare’s tragedy, Macbeth. If you have ever said “It’s Greek to me,” suffered from “green-eyed jealousy,” “vanished into thin air”, being “tongue-tied,” “hoodwinked” or “in a pickle,” you are quoting Shakespeare. The performance was the final stretch on the Shakespeare journey the students have undertaken. They researched the life and times of Shakespeare. It was exciting to see how students embraced the old but still relevant world of Shakespeare. The audience enjoyed a gripping performance with colourful costumes, special effects and a magnificent sound score. They left with the shared notion that William Shakespeare is a gift to theatre and to the world.
Thank you to the technical team and supporting staff for their hard work, patience and generosity and thank you to all the talented Year 9 students.
Mrs Liezl Breytenbach
Drama Teacher
Photo above: Year 9 Food and Nutrition class.
Year 9 Food and Nutrition Morning Tea
In Week 1 our Year 9 Food and Nutrition class began planning the morning tea. Discussing what food, drink, decorations and times would be appropriate for our morning tea. As groups we researched recipes for food that would be appropriate for the morning tea, we copied down recipes and designed invitations for our guests. The whole class baked mini quiches, about six quiches per group were going to be put aside and frozen for the morning tea. Then in Week 4 each group prepared their chosen dish, all the food was put aside to be frozen for the next week. In Week 5, the tables were very nicely decorated. We heated up the food and parents arrived. Throughout the morning tea we served the parents. The best part was having the opportunity to eat our classmates' delicious food. The morning tea was a really enjoyable and
rewarding experience.
Alexandria Boccardo and Emma Groeneweg
Year 9 Students
Photo above: Year 11 fabric class.
Uthando Fabric Dolls to Africa
During Term 4 the Year 11 Children, Family and Community class had the opportunity to use their fabric and sowing skills learned in class to bless others. Students made gorgeous Uthando fabric dolls that will be sent to Africa. 'Caring for the world’s children is everyone’s responsibility. Play is essential for children’s healthy development, and a child’s need for play can become lost when families and communities are in challenging circumstances. The HIV/AIDS pandemic has brought trauma, grief, bewilderment
and loss to many, particularly in Africa.' - Uthando website.
These Uthando dolls will be sent to children who are living in poverty and often have been traumatised. These dolls have specifically been made so that the children in Africa have something comforting to play with. Students had a fantastic time in class making these dolls while sharpening their own skills.
Mrs Bonita Bradley
Fabric and Design Teacher
Photo above: Year 8 at Opal Murdoch.
Year 8 Community Service
A new initiative has been implemented for the Year 8 cohort to enact a Community Service event in partnership with Opal Murdoch. The partnership involves teams of Year 8 students selected from each Form class to attend an intergenerational information exchange and activity-based learning collaboration. The activities for the previous event were playing games with the residents and for the latest event, cooking and playing music for the residents was the order of the day. The reception from the residents has been overwhelmingly positive with many comments on the presentation and manner of the students with a very large turnout. The students have commented that this is a very enjoyable experience as they are able to interact with people who have lived very full lives and they would normally not have the opportunity to do so. We look forward to this being a
very positive and fruitful relationship between Kennedy Baptist College and Opal Murdoch.
Mr Alexander King
Head of Year 8
Photo above: Year 9 and 10 Visual Art students.
Local Artist Vicki Bulliard Visit to Kennedy
In late November, Eighteen Year 9 and 10 students enjoyed a two day visual feast mixed media art workshop. The art room was filled with easels, paper, various art media and a large colourful still life. It was indeed, a labyrinth of activity to navigate. Local artist Vicki Bulliard discussed her own arts practice and led students through a variety of drawing exercises. The intent of these exercises was to improve observational skills, explore a variety of art media and techniques as well as develop student confidence in their own practice. Students were encouraged to make mistakes and loosen their mark making through these exercises. Many of the students found the exercises somewhat difficult but in the end appreciated the learning experience and their improved confidence. Students then spent a full day applying the learning from Vicki in the development of
a resolved work of their choice. Well done to all students.
Ms Carolyn MacDonald
Head of Learning Area: Arts
Photo above: Year 7 Humanities water week.
Year 7 Humanities Water Week
Water Week was a focal point of Week 6 this term for Year 7 Humanities students.
The goal was to make students appreciate the fact that they have clean and safe water to drink at all times. Students were therefore encouraged to participate and contribute to a cause that will enable someone else to share the same privilege that they have regarding water.
With a combined effort, students and teachers made posters and held bake sales throughout the week to help raise funds for a Water Project.
This was the highlight of the week and it was good to see everyone involved in helping make a difference. A big thank you to all the parents and guardians that contributed to the bake sale. Everyone involved put in a tremendous effort and we raised a total of $629.88.
Mrs Iliseva Qalovaki
Humanities Teacher
Sport at Kennedy
On Wednesday 28 November 2018, 26 Year 9 and 10 students participated in the annual Kennedy Baptist College ‘Lighthouse’ triathlon. This event was held on the beautiful Rottnest Island and involves students individually completing a 700m swim, 21km bike ride and 6km run. It was so great to see our students participate in this event – please find below the top 3 placings for both genders.
Gold – Daniel Kempson (1:02:39) New Record.
Silver – Fraser Black (1:24:20)
Bronze – Ezekiel Grida (1:26:06)
Gold – Ineke Greyling (1:34:45) 2017 and 2018 Gold Medalist
Silver – Emma De San Miguel (1:38:37)
Bronze – Georgia Needham (1:39:38)
Miss Jessica Kennedy
Sports Coordinator/Health and Physical Education Teacher
Photo above: Kennedy Baptist College ‘Lighthouse’ triathlon.
College Notices
2019 Book List
Kennedy Baptist College 2019 Book lists are now available for ordering. Please note: For free delivery, orders need to be placed on or before Friday 14 December 2018. Please click here for more information.
Update Your Child’s Form Room
If you have children registered with QuickCliq Canteen online ordering system would you please update your child’s Form room to the appropriate year level in time for the start of Term 1 of 2019.
2018 Yearbook
We anticipate that the 2018 Yearbook will be available by February 2019.
Please note that the Yearbook will be sent home with your youngest child.
Back to School Information for 2019
One Term’s notice (10 school weeks) is required in writing to the Principal (via the Registrar: registrar@kennedy.wa.edu.au) no later than Week 1 of the preceding Term. Failure to give the required 10 weeks’ notice will attract a withdrawal fee of 25% of the total annual tuition fee.
If you have recently changed your contact details (contact email, billing email, address, phone numbers), please click here to update your details.
As at the beginning of 2019, if you pay your fees monthly, the due date for payments will be the 15th of each month, not the 20th as in previous years.
Students commence on Monday 4 February 2019. Students are to wear full summer uniform and abide by College standards.
Office closes:
12.00pm on Friday 7 December 2018
Office opens:
Monday 14 January 2019
Year 7 Pre-Start Day:
Friday 1 February 2019
Students commence:
Monday 4 February 2019
Students are to wear full summer uniform and abide by College standards.
Uniform Shop Hours
The Uniform Shop is closed and will re-open on Monday 14 January 2019. Also open for Pre-Start Day Friday 1 February 2019.
Holiday Hours will be 8.30am to 3.30pm
Monday to Thursday.
* closed for lunch 12.30pm - 1pm
Please contact Mrs Kerry James for more information. Please click here for more details about our Uniform Shop.
Parents & Friends Association
Stay Connected. Apart from reading about us in the newsletter other ways to find out about what is happening with the P&F are:
To come along to a meeting. Our next P&F meeting is set for Week 3 of Term 1 in the Staff Lounge. We have one meeting a term and this is a good opportunity to hear about what is happening in the College. Please email the P&F for more information.
Join our facebook community – Kennedy P&F. This is also a really good way to find/sell second hand items such as uniforms, text books etc.