Message from Chapter President Doug McDonald, AICP
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APATX18 Recap
The 2018 Annual Texas Planning Conference was an overwhelming success! On behalf of the APA-Texas Chapter Board of Directors, we would like to express our gratatude and appreciation to the City of Galveston for their tremendous support they have provided and to the Houston Section and the Local Conference Committee, particularly, Angela Martinez and Michelle Queen as co-chairs, whose members put together an amazing program. I would also like to thank the 800+ attendees, speakers, exhibitors, and sponsors for attending and bringing your expertise to the conference. I look forward to seeing you all in Waco in 2019. Learn more about the 2019 APATX conference by visiting www.APATX19.com.
View Conference Photos
APATX Annual Report
I hope you had an opportunity to view our APATX Chapter Annual Report, which was released prior to the conference. I invite you to review the APATX Annual Report and learn more about the great successes of APA Texas this past year. I am proud to serve as APA Texas President and greatly appreciate all the assistance of our volunteer Section and Chapter board members.
View APATX Annual Report
Congratulations to all 2018 Texas Planning Award winners!
APATX recognized 19 individuals, organizations, and communities for outstanding contributions to planning in Texas at the APATX18 Conference in Galveston. Read more about the winners!
Are you in a mentorship community?
The purpose of the Chapter’s Planning Mentorship Program is to bridge the professional gap between college graduates, members of the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP), and members of the American Institute of Certified Planners College of Fellows (FAICP). The program is intended for professionals to gain and share valuable knowledge and insight into their planning careers from fellow professionals. The program’s focus also includes:
Fostering inter-generational communication;
Passing on institutional knowledge about planning in Texas
Facilitating “passing the torch” for leadership in APA and the profession
Fostering development of lifelong relationships; and
Providing opportunities to collaborate on projects and socialize beyond state conference
Be sure to sign for a Mentorship Community
Deadline to Join APATX Mentorship Program: November 9
APA Learn opens November 14th!
APA is excited to announce that our new, online education platform, APA Learn, will launch on November 14! Start your new learning experience browsing the catalog of over 375 courses with topics ranging from A(ffordable housing) to Z(oning). If you’re looking to log AICP Certification Maintenance credits, APA Learn’s seamless CM logging feature will come in handy. APA members also receive special pricing. Wherever you are in your planning career, APA Learn has the right education at the right price to help you make great communities. Learn more
One Final Thank You for the 2017-2018 Sponsors!
The Chapter has greatly appreciated the assistance of these 9 Annual Platinum Sponsors over the past year. During the #APATX18 conference, we announced our new 2018-2019 Annual Platinum Sponsors, which include Freese and Nichols, Walter P Moore, Stantec, ZoomGrants, and Texas Masonry Council. We will feature these sponsors in our the Texas Planning Review newsletter over the next few months.
AAO Design Matters Conference
The annual AAO Design Matters Conference heads to Seattle November 14-17 this year to explore key issues of social equity in the built environment, particularly around affordable housing and strategies for inclusive growth. Join top designers, civic leaders, and not-for-profit professionals as we share strategies for what design organizations can be doing to make the city more livable for all. Explore a mix of case studies and toolkit sessions presented by AAO member organizations from across the U.S. Click here
for a special three-session registration geared towards planners and architects.
Stay engaged and win!
Be sure to stay engaged with your fellow Texas planners and watch out for opportunities to earn entries into monthly drawings for a gift card!
Log your eligible actions here! The list of eligible actions per month will be updated on the first of the month and shared frequently throughout the month on the Chapter's social media platforms!