Message from the Principal
Dear Parents,
It was fantastic to officially open the Kennedy Sports Centre on Wednesday 8 March. A large number of distinguished guests attended the ceremony including Mr Ben Morton, Member for Tangney, The Honorable Peter Collier MLC, Minister of Education and Mayor Russell Aubrey, City of Melville. Mr Ben Morton presented the College with a plaque to commemorate the opening and this will be permanently displayed in the foyer of the Sports Centre.
Easter Services
Kennedy Baptist College is a Christian faith based College committed to providing the best possible educational services. As Easter approaches it is appropriate to reflect on the basis of this faith foundation. Our Easter services provide the opportunity for this reflection as a College. These events are an opportunity for our community to come together and contemplate the Gospel message of Easter. Our Easter services are a compulsory event for all students but more importantly it is an opportunity for families to engage as a community. Supper will be provided after each service and this will be a great time for families and staff to interact in a social setting. We look forward to meeting with you on these special evenings for Kennedy.
Student Holiday Leave
Often some families opt to take vacations during term time. This occurs for many reasons, however it is very apparent that this practice has a negative impact on student learning and achievement. I would like to advise all families that this practice is a breach of the West Australian Education Act. We encourage families to examine the impact of these decisions and where possible decline from this practice. Students who are absent during the term for holidays may be unable to sit assessments at later dates and will need to take responsibility for the tuition they have missed during this time.
Mr Mark Ashby
Photo above: Student councillors holding the Sports Centre plaque.
Photo above: The Honorable Peter Collier MLC talking to student councillors.
Psalm 136
Lord, you have examined my heart
and know everything about me.
You know when I sit down or stand up.
You know my thoughts even when I’m far away.
You see me when I travel
and when I rest at home.
You know everything I do.
You know what I am going to say
even before I say it, Lord.
You go before me and follow me.
You place your hand of blessing on my head.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
too great for me to understand!
A few weekends ago I was reminded of the Latin phrase: Coram Deo, which is translated: before the face of God. Birthed in the Reformation, this phrase was an expression of the truth that everything we do is in His presence, under His authority and to His glory. This succinct phrase provides us with the very essence of what it means to be a Believer. A simple illustration of Coram Deo is that the work Jesus performed as a carpenter was as reverential and as worshipful as the work he did as a Rabbi. No matter what Jesus did – he only did and said that which his Father told him to do (John 5:19). There is no compartmentalization of our lives because there is no delineation between secular and non-secular activities and that ultimately there is only one audience that truly matters. It is an audience of one. It is the audience of God.
Deputy Principal Curriculum Report
Students have settled into the routine of another school year. Year 7 students are making their way around the campus with ease and Year 8-10 students have had an opportunity to change their Electives. Year 11 and 12 students can make final adjustments to courses until 24 March. It is important to understand that only Year 11 students can make further changes to their courses after the Semester One examinations. Year 12 and lower school students cannot make changes to their courses.
Interim reports are now available for all students. All reports will only be available through SEQTA. I urge all parents to check their username and password in order to access reports. Queries concerning SEQTA can be emailed to Mrs Debbie Stewart at dstewart@kennedy.wa.edu.au.
Parent - Teacher evenings start with the Career Expo and Year 10 and 12 Interviews on Wednesday 22 March. This evening is a great opportunity for students and parents to find out more about study and career options after secondary schooling. The Expo and interviews commence at 2.00pm. Interviews for Year 8 and 11 take place on Thursday 23 March and Year 7 and 9 interviews are Tuesday 2 May. Information concerning making bookings for these evenings has been emailed to all parents.
Please note that Kennedy Baptist College closes at 1.00pm on Parent - Teacher interview days.
Career Expo and Year 10 and 12 Interviews on Wednesday 22 March at 2.00pm.
Year 8 and 11 Parent - Teacher Interviews on Thursday 23 March at 2.00pm.
Deputy Principal Pastoral Care Report
During the next few weeks there are a number of exciting events and activities occurring as part of the Kennedy Pastoral Care Program.
On 15 March the College was involved in National Harmony Day which is a nation wide event celebrating cultural diversity. This coincides with the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. At Kennedy we had a number of special guests for Years 7-10 including a Bollywood Dancer, the Moorditj Mob Indigenous Performers and Lion Dancers as well as various multicultural food and celebration events for senior school students.
Another event Kennedy is participating in is the National Ride2School Day, to be held tomorrow as part of our College House Program. National Ride2School Day is an event involving approximately 2000 schools and 350000 students each year across Australia and is designed to encourage students to cycle to school as part of a healthy lifestyle. Last year the College had over 200 staff and students involved including the Science Department who arrived at the College dressed in their white lab coats. We look forward to another excellent event this year, and especially the free breakfast in the Beedawong cafeteria.
As a support to our fathers, the College is hosting an event known as Positive Fathering Adventures on Saturday 18 March from 1.00pm to 4.30pm. Our former College Counsellor Mr Kevin O’Brien will be overseeing this event, involving short presentations and fun activities followed by a relaxed game of cricket and a sausage sizzle. The event is designed for dads and their children to work together and get to know each other in a relaxed, casual and informative setting.
We look forward to the success of these upcoming events as part of our targeted and strategic approach towards continuing to develop a positive, supportive and inclusive culture at Kennedy Baptist College.
Photo above: Bollywood Dancer performing for the Year 7s.
Photo above: Lion Dancers performing for the Year 9s.
Photo above: The Moorditj Mob indigenous performers performing for the Year 8s and 10s.
Photo above: The Year 11s enjoying various multicultural food and celebration events.
Sports Centre Opening and College Assembly
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Wednesday 8 March was a significant day in the history of Kennedy Baptist College as our new Sports Centre was officially opened by Mr Ben Morton MP, Federal Member for Tangney and The Hon Peter Collier MLC, Minister for Education.
The new Kennedy Baptist College Sports Centre is a dedicated sporting complex that is able to be configured to suit multiple basketball, netball, volleyball or badminton courts or be formed into a single ‘show court’ FIBA certified basketball court that delivers optimum comfort and performance. The sports courts are complimented by a dedicated fitness and strength gymnasium and ample change and shower facilities. Kennedy Baptist College was fortunate to receive financial support for this $3.6 million project from the Capital Grants Program and a low interest loan from the Government of Western Australia. The Sports Centre is a wonderful new facility for our students.
During the Assembly medal winners from the recent Interhouse Swimming Carnival were fortunate to be presented with their medallions by the Minister for Education The Hon Peter Collier MLC. Congratulations to Ben Wai, Lachlan Belke, Mia Hughes, Nicholas Kennedy and Hannah Butler who all broke records in their events. The final results from the Swimming Carnival were Eyre 4086, Stirling 3674, Forrest 3672, King 3500. Congratulations Eyre.
Click here for more photos of our Assembly and the opening of the Sports Centre and click here to see a video on our Facebook page.
Photo above: Students receiving a medal for their participation in the Interhouse Swimming Carnival.
Photo Above: Year 11 and 12 ATAR Dance students performing at our College Assembly.
Easter Services
This Year we have two Easter Services on weekday evenings so that all students and families can attend.
Tuesday 28 March: Eyre and Forrest families
Wednesday 29 March: King and Stirling families
Services will commence at 7.00pm and I would like to emphasise that this is a compulsory event for all students.
This year our Keynote speaker is Mr Henry Olonga.
Henry is a former international cricketer turned photographer, singer, videographer, painter and public speaker. Through his desire for change and his Christian faith, he was convicted to put everything on the line and in 2003 he wore a black armband during an international cricket match in the 2003 Cricket World Cup to "mourn the death of democracy" in Zimbabwe. This bold political move lead to eventual exile from Zimbabwe, and now he lives in Adelaide with his family.
International Study Tour Information Evening
As part of our commitment to providing our students with quality educational opportunities of excellence, the College will be running another International Study Tour next year. The International Study Tour for 2018 will consist of approximately 28 Year 10 and Year 11 students (2017 Year 10s and 9s) and approximately 4 staff visiting:
At this stage, the Tour will depart Perth on the evening of Thursday 12 April 2018 and return on the morning of Friday 27 April 2018 (Term 1/Term 2 holidays). All interested parents and students are invited to an information evening in the Staff Lounge on Thursday 30 March at 5.00pm for more information about the purpose of this tour, the itinerary and the projected cost. We would love to see you there!
Mr Blaire Gersbach
Tour Coordinator
Students at Work and Excursion Updates
Psychology Students Visited Perth Zoo
On 2 March the Year 12 Psychology students visited Perth Zoo to learn about how the zoo uses psychological principles to train their animals in a program called “Monkey See, Monkey Do”. The students also participated in a systematic desensitization program designed to help people overcome snake phobias, which culminated in the students touching Wilma the Woma. This was a nice day and students greatly enjoyed touching the animals.
Mrs Judi Fleming
Humanities Teacher
Makerspace in the Research and Study Centre
In the last couple of weeks we have had students teaching other students in our makerspace - and we love that!
Mark Van Den Bergh of Year 8 did a session on how to do 3D print and Thea Gianoli one of our Year 11 students taught how to draw manga. Both sessions were very popular and will be repeated. Watch this space for more reports on creativity and how our students are tapping into it.
Mrs Virginia Yurisich
Head of Learning Area, Research & Study Centre
Photos above: Students visiting Perth Zoo.
Photos above: Students teaching other students in our makerspace.
Drama Excursion
On Thursday 2 March 2017 the Year 11 Drama students attended a Drama Workshop Day at Scotch College along with fellow students from St. Hilda’s, Mandurah Baptist College, Lake Joondalup College, St Mary’s College, Iona Presentation College, Methodist Ladies’ College, Mandurah Catholic College and Christ Church Grammar School.
The day consisted of a series of workshops from industry professionals in the areas of voice, movement, character and improvisation. The students each enthusiastically participated in three workshops throughout the day and had the opportunity to network with Drama students from other schools.
The Drama excursion was a creative, fun and beneficial experience enjoyed by all. A special thank you to Mrs Ashby, for driving us to and from the event.
Ms Kate O’Malley
Drama Teacher
Geography in Year 10
Prior to departing on our Excursion we participated in a program of deep learning on the physical aspects of Inland Water Systems.
With all credit owing to Kennedy’s dedicated and experienced Geography Specialist’s, Mr Mark Burgess and Mr Liam Austen, we spent the day visiting three locations along the Swan River. Each student received a Fieldwork Booklet and were charged with undertaking the work of a qualified geographer. Location were assessed according to a set criteria of observations on categories such as, vegetation, water, smell, animal life, litter and banks. Finally, the location was scored and then compared to observations from the remaining two sites. Our expedition to the Swan River forged a deeper understanding of sustainability for our local resources and astonishingly converted a hardened and pragmatic Economist like me, Miss Mentesana
into a benevolent supporter of the Swan.
Miss Melissa Mentesana
Humanities Teacher
College Notices
Tomorrow, Friday 17 March the College will be participating in National Ride2School Day! This event is so much fun and participants not only get a healthy start to the day but also receive a free breakfast at Beedawong Café at the end of their ride.
What is happening:
All participating students are permitted to wear their full sports uniform for the whole day. Those who are not participating will be required to wear their summer uniform
All riders will leave Murdoch University Carpark 7 at 7.45am to make their way onto College grounds together
All riders will lock up their bikes at the designated bike racks and then head to the cafeteria for breakfast
Where to meet:
There will be two places to meet;
For those who are too far to ride straight from home: Corner of Barry Marshall Parade and Murdoch Drive (between St John of God Murdoch and Fiona Stanley Hospitals) at 7.30am (to then be taken to Carpark 7 by staff)
For those who are riding from home: Carpark 7 Murdoch University at 7.40am
What to wear:
Helmet (compulsory)
House sports uniform
Any dress up in House colours
Decorate your bike in House colours
Book Covering
Book covering is a regular volunteering opportunity for parents to come and help at our wonderful Research and Study Centre. It is held on Tuesday mornings from 8.30am on even weeks in the Term and everyone is welcome to attend whenever they can. Training, a cuppa and cake are provided.
Interschool Swimming Carnival
Associated and Catholic Colleges of WA Swimming Carnival.
The Swimming Carnival will be held at HBF Stadium in Mt Claremont on Monday 20 March. Events commence at 10:00am. You can view the Kennedy Students Program here.
Kennedy Mobile App
With the newest Android version release there may have been some compatibility issues. Please delete the app completely from your phone and install the latest Kennedy App version and it should run smoothly. Click here for the direct link to the app in the Google Play store.
New at Beedawong
Beedawong are now selling chocolate hot cross buns for $2 and hot chocolate for $3.
Winter Uniform
Winter uniform orders will be available for picking up and payment is required from 27 March. All students must be in winter uniform from day one of Term 2. If you have not placed an order, please make sure you organise a fitting for your child.
Please note that the Uniform Shop will be open during the second week of the school holidays for any late purchases.
For more information please contact Mrs Kerry James in the Uniform Shop by either phoning the College
(Ph: 93147722) or by email: kjames@kennedy.wa.edu.au
Fees - Secondary Assistance Scheme
Secondary Assistance Scheme
The State Government, through the Department of Education, provides financial support to eligible parents through the Secondary Assistance Scheme (SAS). The aim of the scheme is to assist low income families with secondary school costs.
Eligible parents/guardians with students enrolled in Years 7 to 12 studying a full-time secondary course at a WA private school will be able to apply for the SAS in 2017. The SAS consists of two allowances:
$235 Education Program Allowance (payment made to the College); and
$115 Clothing Allowance (payment made to the parent/guardian).
For all enquiries regarding the application process/forms please visit Reception at the College.
Parents & Friends Association
Kennedy P&F Car Boot Sale
Repurpose your goods and help the environment!
When: Saturday 25 March 2017
Where: Kennedy Baptist College, Farrington Rd, Murdoch
Time: Sellers from 6:00am -11.00am, Buyers from 7:15am - 11.00am
Cost: Sellers - Cars $10.00, Utes $15.00. Buyers - FREE entry
Pre-book a Space at the Kennedy P&F Car Boot Sale
Please email the Parents & Friends at pandfkennedybaptistcollege@gmail.com
The P&F are looking for volunteers to help on the day. If you can assist please email the P&F. We are also looking for cake donations for a cake stall on the day. If you are willing and interested to help please email the P&F at pandfkennedybaptistcollege@gmail.com
So come and make some cash from your pre-loved items or just come along and shop for a bargain!
Sausage sizzle, ice cream and coffee will be available for purchase.
Community Events
Term 1 intensive holiday revision classes.
Naplan and Semester One exam preparation at Rossmoyne Senior High School on Monday - Thursday 10 - 13 April and on 15 April.
For more information please click here. Call 9455 6808 / 0410 121 509 or visit our website here.
One Day Course. On 10 April School Holidays for Years 6 to 9.
Day commences at 9:00am and finishes at 3:00pm. Cost is $195
Call Ann on: Landline: 9091 7374, Mobile: 0437 222 480 or email: topmarks1@bigpond.com
Click here to read more or visit our Website at www.topmarks1.com
Need To Boost School Results?
Our qualified and experienced teachers want to help.
2017 ATAR Master Classes Years 11 & 12. Click here for more information.
Weekend Tuition Classes for Years 7, 8, 9 & 10. Increase your child’s confidence and improve their results with expert teaching by our qualified teachers. Click here for more information.
Weekend Tuition Classes for Years 11 & 12. Recieve one-on-one support from our specialist ATAR teachers to maximise your ATAR mark. Click here for more information.
Visit our website for more information.
ATAR Master Classes Term 2 commence on 29 April to 24 June. For more information on revision program for students in Years 10, 11 and 12 please click here. For more information on revision program for students in Years 7, 8 and 9 please click here.
April Revision Program
Naplan, Study Skills, Essay Writing, Subject Revision and Preparation for all students in Year 7 to 12. The April Revision Program aims to prepare students for Naplan and First Semester Exams, as well as revision consolidation. Courses will be conducted in the April school holidays at: Christ Church Grammar School. Sunday 9 April to Thursday 13 April.
For further information contact Dr. Robert Hallam at ATARget Education on 9486 1377 or visit www.atarget.com.au
Information Evening for First in Family Students. Is your child or are you the first in your family to consider studying at university?
On Thursday 23 March at 7.00pm to 8.30pm guest speaker Associate Professor Sarah O’Shea from the University of Wollongong, will tackle the common questions and concerns raised by ‘first in family’ students and their families, and provide insight into how these students can be supported and advised during their transition to university.
For more information click here.
Yes Group is for teens aged 13 - 18, live in and around Fremantle and who want to hang out, make friends and have fun exploring things they are interested in. Creative excursions to be a part of such as coding, cooking, creativity, music and more!
For more information call 0893 836 123 or email info@autismwest.org.au