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Presbytery & Synod Meeting // UC e-Update

Adelaide West Uniting Church // Friday 22 - Saturday 23 June, 2018

UC e-Updates are designed to ensure members of the Uniting Church SA are informed of the various decisions made and information shared during Presbytery and Synod meetings.

Friday 22 June

In this update:

  • Opening devotions and Bible study
  • Resources Board report 
  • Seymour College and Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Presentation
  • Uniting Church Adult Fellowships
  • Centre for Music, Liturgy and the Arts upcoming events and sponsorship opportunity
  • Prayer points

Opening devotions and Bible study

Members gathered at 7pm for the first evening of the June Presbytery and Synod meeting. Singers from Athelstone Uniting Church led the opening worship. Rev John Hughes shared a reading from John 15:1-17 and Rev Malcolm Rawlings led those gathered in a guided meditation. 

The Moderator, Rev Sue Ellis invited table groups to write their prayers for the meeting on leaves which were then added to a paper vine which adorned the wall of the meeting. 

Resources Board update

Peter Battersby, Executive Officer Resources provided an overview of the 2017 financial report. He noted that UC Invest performed strongly throughout the year. Uniting Venues continued to grow and the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress recorded a deficit. The Mission and Service Fund’s operating result for 31st December 2017 closed with a modest surplus against a balanced budget target. The full report can be accessed here. Peter advised that 2018 is on track for a balanced budget. Proposal 3 was passed by consensus.

Matt Wilson, Manager, Property and Projects, provided an update on the buildings owned by the Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (SA). In South Australia there are 500 properties (61% are church buildings and 27% are manses) used by congregations in South Australia. Matt highlighted the need to have safe and welcoming properties. He introduced the new Property Officer, John Fong, who will visit all congregations this year and next year to help them manage their building responsibilities. 

Seymour College and MoU Presentation

Chris Headland, Interim Executive Officer UnitingCare, spoke briefly on the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Seymour College and the Synod. The MoU has been approved by Standing Committee and will be presented to members of the Presbytery and Standing Committee tomorrow. Seymour College Principal, Kevin Tutt, spoke on the valued relationship the College has with the Uniting Church.

Uniting Church Adult Fellowship (UCAF) promotion

The meeting heard from Janet Woodward, who was elected as the UCAF National President in early 2018. Janet shared her enthusiasm about fundraising for scholarship opportunites for women to study theology in Pacific countries. She also highlighted the fundraising support UCAF provides to bush chaplaincy.

Centre of Music, Liturgy and the Arts (CMLA)

Rev John Hughes shared some upcoming events that the CMLA are hosting. The events can be found on the CMLA website here. John also encouraged people to donate to the CMLA in the next few days to obtain a tax deduction by the end of the financial year. Donations can be made here.

Prayer Points

We pray for:

  • the Uniting Church SA - that we will find ways to continue to intentionally nurture discipleship
  • the ongoing relationship between Seymour College and the Uniting Church SA
  • people travelling this evening, safe travels and restful sleep 

We give thanks for God's presence and leading during this meeting.

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