No images? Click here CAWR Newsletter July 2022 Our monthly newsletters are an easy way to keep up-to-date with new developments at our research centre. From successful project bids to upcoming events, our newsletter informs you on how we are 'driving innovative transdisciplinary research on equitable, sustainable and resilient food and water systems.' The views and opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the contributors at the Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience (CAWR) and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Coventry University. Gaza Foodways - towards resilient women-led urban agroecological food systems![]() Passionate about preserving traditional Palestinian seed, food and farming, UWAF member Hanadi Muhanna (at back) explains some of the varieties at Gaza's only seed bank in Khan Yunis, which she operates along with her father. Over the past six months George McAllister, Chiara Tornaghi and Georges Félix have been working with Palestinian partners and over 100 members of the Urban Women’s Agripreneur Forum (UWAF) in Gaza to support a shift toward women-led agricultural research, practice and policy formulation to advance women’s socioeconomic and political participation in food system planning, organisation and resourcing. Amongst other things, our learning together has resulted in women identifying six action research themes, a further 50 women joining UWAF and the formulation of two City Food System Actor-Networks that centre womens’ voices in Gaza City and Khan Yunis. In celebration of our first six months together we share, below, this short film of the unfolding process. More information about the project can be found here. Chiara presents at World Urban Forum#11, Katowice, Poland, 28th June 2022![]() Chiara (second left) contributing to the panel at the UN-Habitat World Urban Forum Chiara Tornaghi was invited to present results and working approach of her Urbanising in Place project (around the development of an agroecological urbanism) at the UN-Habitat “World Urban Forum # 11”in the European Track session titled “Ensuring equitable and inclusive urban transformations leaving nobody behind: the role of science-policy- society cooperation”. The session was organised by JPI Urban Europe and the Polish Ministry of development funds and regional policy. ![]() CAWR contributes to discussions on intertidal commons in Scotland![]() Iain (seated at left), listening to a contribution during the workshop discussion Iain MacKinnon took part in the Tidal Commons Workshop at the Royal Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh on Thursday 30th June. Iain joined a group of fifteen people, including politicians, lawyers, researchers and civil society activists, to discuss the possibility of a new framework for the collective usership of the coast in Scotland, as part of a wider land reform project. The Sun Shines On Successful Summer School![]() The CAWR/CTPSR summer school was held between the 5th and 7th of July, at Elm Bank and at Ryton gardens, ending with a celebration and barbecue in the afternoon of the 7th. The aim was for postgrads to reflect on strengthening connections with their peers, participants and the community, providing a space to learn from one another and develop as people and researchers. The event was well attended by representatives from both centres, with seminars, presentations and activities coordinated by students, staff and external speakers. The sessions were lively and interactive, with a workshop atmosphere. The concluding afternoon barbecue at Ryton, was in glorious sun with excellent food, drink and free mixing between centre staff, postgrads and CAWR colleagues. Sincere thanks must go to the organising team, and to all the CAWR and CTPSR ops staff for helping to make the event happen. ![]() EventsCatch up on our events and seminars by visiting our YouTube channel
Studentships![]() Chemical analysis and bioaccumulation of ‘forever chemicals’ in aquatic organisms - This opportunity will remain open until a suitable candidate is identified PublicationsMahdad, F., Riyahi Bakhtiari, A., Moeinaddini, M., Charlesworth, S. and Emrani, N. (2022) Concentration Levels, Spatial Distribution and Source Identifcation of PAHs, n-Alkanes, Hopanes and Steranes in Deposited Dust of Mashhad, Iran, and Potential Health Risk Assessment. Environmental Processes, 9, 3. DOI: 10.1007/s40710-022-00591-x Kinlock, N.L., Dehnen‐Schmutz, K., Essl, F., Pergl, J., Pyšek, P., Kreft, H., Weigelt, P., Yang, Q. and van Kleunen, M. (2022). Introduction history mediates naturalization and invasiveness of cultivated plants. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 31(6), pp.1104-1119. Quispe J.I.B., Campos L., Masek O., Bogush A. (2022). Use of biochar-based column filtration systems for greywater treatment: a systematic review. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 48, 102908. Du T., Bogush A., Mašek O., Purton S., Campos L. (2022). Algae, biochar and bacteria for acid mine drainage (AMD) remediation: a review. Chemosphere, 304, 135284. Valdés-Correcher, E., Popova, A., Galmán, A., … Green, S. et al. (2022). Herbivory on the pedunculate oak along an urbanization gradient in Europe: Effects of impervious surface, local tree cover, and insect feeding guild. Ecology and Evolution, 12, e8709. Kourtchev I, Hellebust S, Heffernan E, Wenger J, Towers S, Diapouli E, Eleftheriadis K. (2022). A new on-line SPE LC-HRMS method for the analysis of Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in PM2.5 and its application for screening atmospheric particulates from Dublin and Enniscorthy, Ireland. Sci Total Environ. 2022 Apr 26; 835:155496. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.155496. Burnett, E. (2022). Nurturing Clever Cities: The Intersection Between Urban Agriculture and Smart Technologies. In N. Minaei (Ed.), Smart Cities: Critical Debates on Big Data, Urban Development and Social Environmental Sustainability. CRC Press. Dehnen-Schmutz, K., & Novoa, A. (2022). Advances in the management of invasive plants. In D. Clements, M. Upadhyaya, S. Joshi, & A. Shrestha (Eds.), Global Plant Invasions (pp. 317-330). Springer Nature Switzerland AG.