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Tuesday 26 May 2020


Staff and Student engagement: Survey results


Tēnā koutou

We’re delighted to share with you that our two key indicators of staff and student engagement, the Staff Pulse Survey and the Student Net Promoter Score (NPS), have both returned record results this month. Both demonstrate better outcomes for our staff and students, despite the challenging nature of the COVID-19 situation.

Staff Pulse May survey

The Staff Pulse survey we ran this month received a 73% response rate which is the highest response rate shown since the survey began in 2018.

Over the last two years we’ve carried out two Pulse surveys each year in April and August, plus the longer annual engagement survey in October. We decided to move to just one Pulse survey this year after staff feedback suggested that one was enough due to the multiple mechanisms for feedback now in place, along with the significantly increased levels of communication.

We’re pleased to see the positive trends observed across all areas in the August 2019 survey have been maintained.

Key findings include:

    Staff ratings continue to improve across all statements with the largest long term gains over the past two years being towards the performance of the ELT (42 percentage point increase), understanding the Renewal Strategy (28%) and the level of communications (25%)
    The more recent improvements since August 2019 centre on Unitec’s commitment to staff development (13%) and having a good understanding of the Unitec strategy based on the principles of Te Noho Kotahitanga (11%)
    Staff show strong endorsement towards the support available for staff and students during the COVID-19 situation and information available for NZIST
    91% of staff said they knew what support Unitec offered, and how to access this to help them manage their work and wellbeing through the current COVID-19 situation
    88% of staff said they knew what support was available for students and how they can access this to help them succeed through the current COVID-19 situation

Nearly 80% of staff are happy with the level of communications at Unitec, a 9% increase on the last survey

Many of you have also provided detailed comments around working at Unitec. We’re currently collating these comments and analysing the full survey results. Once this is done we will come back to you with the summary results, highlighting key patterns, trends, and the focus areas ELT will be prioritising. Team leaders will also share details of your own team’s results with you over the coming weeks.

Your feedback is always appreciated and plays a key role in helping to shape our approach and direction as an organisation. Although the results remain positive, we’re conscious that there are still areas which can be improved. We are committed to hearing your concerns and working for continuous improvement across the institute.

Student Net Promoter Score records highest result ever

Semester 1’s Student Net Promoter Score (NPS) – the barometer of how students are feeling – has surpassed our expectations and is at 19 for Semester 1 – the highest result since the survey began in 2015, and a great outcome that continues all the gains Unitec has seen during 2019. We have now practically equalled industry benchmarks which is a fantastic achievement in such a short timeframe. 

While the COVID-19 situation is unavoidably intertwined, there is evidence that Unitec is making significant improvements despite the crisis. With COVID-19 causing significant disruption, communication is more important and students say that Unitec’s communication throughout the lockdown was seen as very good and helpful.

Key findings include:

    Student Support Services: The calls made to students during COVID-19 as part of Unitec’s Learner Outreach Project have been acknowledged and appreciated by students
    Online learning:  Students say Unitec has done a good job overall supporting them in the transition to online learning with 70% saying communication with their teachers has been easy despite all the interruptions
    Priority Groups: Although there’s been a large degree in variation by School, priority group performance is also improved with all groups being higher than last semester

Feedback from our staff and students is always appreciated and plays a key role in helping to shape our approach and direction as an organisation. Although the results from both surveys remain positive, we’re conscious that there are still areas which can be improved. We remain committed to hearing your feedback and concerns and working for continuous improvement across the institute.

Finally, thank you for everything you do to support the success of our students and to make Unitec a place we can all be proud to work at.

Ngā mihi

Merran Davis
Interim Chief Executive