Message from the Principal
Photo above: Interhouse Cross Country at Kennedy Baptist College
Our Parents and Friends Association has now formed an Open Day Parent Committee to commence planning for this year’s Open Day community event. The structure of Open Day will be similar to last year and aims to provide a snapshot of the many facets of Kennedy College life. Often families perceive that Open Day is just an occasion to promote the College for prospective families, however our focus will be to make this another chance for current families to experience and view the great achievements of our students. This year will be particularly special as it will offer a great opportunity for families to experience our new Visual Art, Drama and Dance studios. Our new Science Laboratories will also have some interesting displays for everyone to enjoy.
We hope that everyone will be able to join us on this day.
2016 Kennedy Community Open Day
Saturday 27 August
10.00am - 2.00pm
Car Park Traffic
As everyone would be aware, the busiest time of day at the College is at 3.15pm when most students are going home. Our goal is to make this process as efficient as possible for everyone. Last year, I requested an audit by the Main Roads Department and surprisingly they indicated that no changes to the intersection of Farrington and Discovery Way were required. We have also requested the widening of Discovery Way at this intersection to Murdoch University. As an observer of this process every day I have noticed that there seems to be high traffic and delay due to individual students being picked up one at a time. It would therefore be advantageous for families to consider other transport options to the College. This could include :
Exploring the possible option of car pooling with families that live in the same suburbs.
Looking to maximize the use of public transport facilities that are readily available for all families.
Pick up your child later in the afternoon to utilise tutoring services provided by the College.
Mr Mark Ashby
One of the topics studied within the Humanities Curriculum is that of slavery. It would be incredibly gratifying if this scourge on society was no longer with us, but of course it is. There are people today who are still being trafficked as though they were livestock, a truth that is underlined to our students. As I sat in on one of the classes when this subject was discussed, I was reminded of Galatians 5:1 which tells us that, 'Christ has set us free to live a free life.'
What an amazing statement of a fact already realized. We are free not because of anything that we have done - we did not have to wage a war or participate in a long march. The Good News is that Christ did it all and Paul earlier refers to those who try to say anything other than this as being “foolish” (Galatians.3:1), which is actually a gentle rendering of the term used.
In Galatians 5:1 we are also warned not to take this freedom for granted. When I visited the Ukraine nearly 10 years ago, I saw a team of yoked oxen. They were being led through the paddock by a farmer and they followed the path that the farmer set and this is the imagery Paul recalls. For the Galatians it was the Mosaic Law, but whatever that slavery looks like to you, we are commanded to stand strong in the freedom that Christ has bought for us through the Cross.
If we saw a person enslaved today, we would raise our voice against it. As we stand firm in this freedom bought by Christ, let us also be diligent to raise our voice to others so that they can also enjoy this amazing grace, this wonderful liberty that we have in Christ.
Shakespeare - 400 Years Dead and Still Read!
"I like this place and willingly could waste my time in it"
- By William Shakespeare from the play 'As You Like It'.
The 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's death was marked by a variety of events and activities at Kennedy Baptist College.
The Research & Study Centre's ‘Shakespeare: 400 years dead and still read!’ display will complement the Year 10 English study of Romeo and Juliet and also Macbeth.
Some of the other interesting activities included:
Constructing a model of the Globe Theatre
Viewing a Shakespearean inspired episode of Doctor Who with the College Chaplain, Mrs Pauline Burgess
Shakespeare insult generator
Shakespeare poster competition
Shakespearean play/rap performance competition
"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.
They have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts" - By William Shakespeare from the play 'As You Like It'.
Photo above: Shakespearean themed daily specials in Beedawong
Photo above: English/Languages and Research and Study Centre staff dressed up in Shakespearean costumes
Research & Study Centre Exam Study Tips
As the exams are approaching, students should have their study schedules in operation. If students need assistance with any aspect of their exam preparations, the Research and Study Centre is here to assist. We have “Plan of Attack” sessions available during Monday lunchtimes and Wednesday after school. Here the student can get advice regarding study habits and help in getting ready for their exams. Students can also make a booking to have a one on one study skill session. Please see a Teacher or Librarian for any queries.
Study Tip - Using Kanban Board
A useful work flow visualisation study tool is a Kanban board.
You will need a sheet with three columns. The first column is 'What you need to learn' followed by 'What you are learning' and 'What you have learnt'. You can use sticky notes or a white board and marker to forecast down your work.
Q: How do you know when you have learnt what you need to know?
When you can teach it to others! For parents, this is an opportunity for you to be actively involved by letting your child teach you as part of their revision.
As exams mostly require hand written answers, it is extremely important that student's handwriting is legible. WACE exam markers have raised concerns that illegible handwriting has resulted in loss of marks for some students. The Research and Study Centre offers sessions on writing quickly and legibly in exams. For upper school students who would like some help, do come in and ask.
We wish the students all the best for their exams.
Top Ten Tips for Parents
Study skills and strategies can be found on SEQTA Engage.
Exam Schedules
Exam schedules are available on SEQTA Engage.
Students at Work
Exploring Artist Georgia O'Keeffe's Work
The Year 10 Fine Art students are beginning a new project. In this project they are investigating the work of the American Modernist artist Georgia O’Keeffe. After a brief analysis of Georgia O’Keeffe’s work, students set up their painting area and their first painting task involved mixing a variety of colours from a limited palette. In-particular, they mixed complementary pigments to achieve chromatic greys. All the students were very surprised at how many different tints and shades they could create and thoroughly enjoyed the exercise. They aim to paint large canvases to create a joyous and colourful atmosphere in the Lower Foyer for the Year 12 Graduation.
Ms Carolyn MacDonald
Head of Learning Area: Arts
Meet the Business Leader Function
The Year 11 Accounting & Finance students went to a “Meet the Business Leader” function at the Peth Exhibition and Convention Centre. They gained exposure to a large variety of business career opportunities while also hearing first hand accounts from business leaders. The students, along with others from over thirty high schools, participated in discussions with leaders from Commerce and Industry while being treated to lunch.
Mr Milton Forsdike
Accounting & Finance Teacher
Students Keeping the Pace at Interhouse Cross Country
Photo: Top 3 girls and boys winners in each year group.
The Kennedy Interhouse Cross Country was held in Term 2 and was a great afternoon for all involved. The Cross Country Carnival 2016 was held in a new format with the focus on mass participation from the whole school community. Four races were scheduled in the new format of Junior Boys, Junior Girls, Senior Boys and Senior Girls. The students came together in their Houses to encourage one another to complete the 3km course for girls and 4km course for the boys. The course took a new route this year because of the construction of the new Sport Centre. Students really enjoyed the challenge. This year was Kennedy’s highest level of participation since the College started. There were some inspiring individual performances on the day and was great fun for all involved. The day wrapped up with presentations and the crowning of the King and Queen of Cross
Country. Well done to the staff and students involved in an excellent afternoon.
Mr Ben Pether
Health & Physical Education Teacher
For more photos and results please click here.
Photo: King & Queen of Cross Country: Luke Pidcock and Ashleigh Black.
Excitement On the Field - Lightning Carnival
The Lightning Carnival was very successful for all the participating students. Kennedy Baptist College enjoyed huge success across an incredible 19 teams playing AFL, soccer, touch rugby, hockey and netball. There was some amazing talent on display across all sports with particular mention to the AFL boys, soccer girls and netball girls who were very successful. Perhaps more impressive than the talent on display was the sportsmanship and support shown by the Kennedy students throughout both carnivals. Overall Kennedy had strong performances across all sports with a few outstanding team performances.
Mr David Orr
Health and Physical Education Teacher
Click here for photos.
Kennedy Community Participating In the HBF Run
On Sunday 22 May a group of eager Kennedy students joined over 33,000 people to participate in the HBF Run for a Reason. The atmosphere in the streets of Perth City was electric and the students and parents from Kennedy were excited and prepared for a great run. The 12km race course included running through the Graham Farmer Freeway tunnel and along the foreshore near Burswood. The finish line beckoned from Gloucester Park. It was a fantastic day!
Congratulations to all the Kennedy students, staff and families who were involved.
Miss Katie Hair
Health and Physical Education Teacher
2017 USA Trip - Expression Of Interest
Parents/Guardians of current Year 9 and 10 students, unbelievably, there are still a few spots remaining on the USA International Study Tour taking place in April 2017. The trip costs $7,800 (payed in three installments throughout 2016) and will cover everything (travel costs, accommodation, all activities, insurance, etc) for approximately 17 amazing, life-changing days.
For more information please contact the tour coordinator, Rick Cricelli rcricelli@kennedy.wa.edu.au.
Mr Rick Cricelli
Head of School and Staff Development, US Tour Coordinator
Other Trips & Tours offered at Kennedy Baptist College
Find out more here.
College Fees
Unknown Deposits
The following deposits have been made to the College's bank account. Details are as below:
If you have made this deposit please contact Mrs Michelle Willans in our Finance Department on 9314 7722 or email mwillans@kennedy.wa.edu.au
Fee News
Thank you to those families who have been paying their fees promptly.
URGENT ATTENTION: For those families who may be having difficulty meeting their financial obligations please contact Mrs Michelle Willans in our Finance Department on 9314 7722 to discuss payment options.
Please note, it is a condition of enrolment that fees be paid promptly so as not to jeopardise your child’s enrolment.
Parents & Friends Association
Kennedy Community Open Day
On Saturday 27 August, the College will be open to the community and current families to come and have a look at some of the work in which students at Kennedy have been doing in classes. The P&F run various stalls on this day which is also our major fundraising event for the year. It is a wonderful day and an opportunity for families to come together to help promote and support the College. The P&F are looking for people to help in various ways on the day itself and with the planning in the early stages of this event.
We are keen to hear from you if you are able to help in these roles:
Volunteer Coordinator - Someone who is able to collate emails from all the offered help, organise them into preferred shifts and inform volunteers and the stall holder of their allocated stall and time.
Brownie Coordinator - We sell very popular premixed dry ingredients as ‘brownie in jars’ - and we need someone to co-ordinate this. After a request for the donation of ingredients has been publicised in the newsletter, the coordinator will need to contact each offer of donation and arrange pick up/collection of these donations. Then the coordinator will weigh, pack and lable the ingredients into jars and deliver to the College for the Open Day. You may want to help on the stall on the day – but this is optional.
Activities Coordinator - We are planning some organised fun games and activities for the parents, students and teachers to join in - formatting ideas are still being discussed. You will coordinate the activities and resources required and you will have extra help for this.
Email the P&F on pandfkennedybaptistcollege@gmail.com to express interest or offer help for these positions. Other positions and donations will be requested nearer to the time of the Open Day.
P&F Facebook Page
If you are looking for second hand uniforms or text books, or want to know what is happening with the P&F, an easy way to do all this is through our Facebook page – Kennedy P&F. This is updated regularly and is a quick way of hearing about what is being planned between the fortnightly College newsletters.
While you have been Facebooking, you might have realised that the College now has their own Facebook page. Do 'like' the page and provide some review for our College. Find Kennedy on Facebook.
The Year 8 Parent Dinner
Following the success of the Year 7 Parent Dinner a dinner for the parents of Year 8 students is now being organised. This is a great opportunity to get to know other parents in your child’s year group. An email with the invitation will be sent soon and you can keep track of this on Facebook.
Entertainment Book
The Entertainment Books have arrived and you will receive an email when your book is ready for collection. There are still books available, please click here to order!
Apple Day at Beedawong
Every student will receive a free apple on Friday 27 May if they come to the front of the cafeteria at recess. This initiative is supported by the Kennedy Baptist College P & F.
Facts About Greenstar Apples
The Greenstar apples are green, sweet, juicy, and have a thin skin. Their high vitamin C content and resistance to oxidation helps keep them naturally white for days after cutting.
The flesh of a Greenstar apple will stay white after being cut open or bitten into for hours afterwards. This makes it a perfect addition to children’s lunchboxes, a salad or a cheeseboard.
On Sale at Beedawong
During the winter months Beedawong Cafeteria will be selling the apples for 80c each.
Celebrating Student Achievements
Hayley Vezich
Congratulations to Hayley Vezich. Hayley has been selected as a member of the Western Australian Women's Gymnastics State Team for 2016.
Hayley will be attending the 2016 Australian Women's Gymnastics Championships from 22 to 28 May at Hisense Arena, Melbourne VIC.
We wish Hayley a successful and memorable tour.
Douwtjie Hoogenboezem
Congratulations to Douwtjie Hoogenboezem who is a Year 7 Student here at Kennedy Baptist College. He is part of the cricket program and has recently been selected in the initial winter training team for Boys Cricket 12 Years and under age group. Douwtjie will have the opportunity to be selected for the final squad later in the year.
Jai Evans
Congratulations to Jai Evans who has been selected to represent Western Australia in the 2016 12s AFL Team. The team will be competing at the School Sport Australia National Championships in Maroochydore, QLD from 22 July to 30 July 2016.
Community Events
To young athletes interested in basketball, soccer, netball, football, hockey and tennis: Why not come along to a 6 day residential, specialist sports coaching camp for College Year 7 to 12 students? This is for young people who love competitive sports and you will have the opportunity to explore the Christian faith. It will include top level coaching in your sport, various sporty team challenges. Kennedy Physical Education teacher Mr Miles is one of the leaders of the camp, and loves to engage in plenty of fun sports banter.
When: 10 July to 15 July 2016 during the 2nd week of the College holidays
Where: Guildford Grammar School sports facilities
More info about the specialist coaches, camp information and sign up can be found at www.sportsplusperth.com
Thursday 26 May
International Future Student Information Evening @ ECU Mt Lawley
Tuesday 31 May
Computing Information Evening @ UWA.
Scholastic Excellence is reputed for providing quality academic tuition for students ranging from Year 4 to 12. Our Accelerated Program has given advanced students the competitive edge in NAPLAN and WACE exams. Our students' improvements and results in the NAPLAN and TEE/WACE are testament to our success.