Crazy congestion
The world’s worst traffic jams might make backlogs experienced during the recent long weekends seem like child’s play. In France in 1980, drivers experienced a 109-mile tailback between Lyon and Paris, caused by Parisians returning from their winter holidays. In Germany ten years later, at Easter, 18 million vehicles waited to cross the East-West border just months after the fall of the Berlin Wall. The worst traffic story ever? In 2010, a 12-day queue extended for 62-miles on China’s G110 (so-called) ‘expressway’ – thanks to roadworks and high traffic volumes.
Diarise Baynesfield
The Safire Baynesfield Classic MTB race is scheduled for September 17 this year, a little later than its traditional date around Father’s Day in June. Luckily, because one of the original events has fallen away, the Safire Baynesfield Classic will again form part of the 2017 ROAG Series and will be the final race of the Series in 2017. Held at the scenic Baynesfield Estate south of Pietermaritzburg, this family-focused event offers route distances for all levels of riders, from the fast-paced and professional to small fry and first-timers.
Cybercrime on the rise
Cybercrime refers to any criminal activity that involves the internet, a computer system, or computer technology. According to a PwC report, the 2016 Global Economic Crime Survey covering 232 organisations in South Africa, almost a third (32%) had reported cybercrimes in the last 24 months, on par with the global average. The report describes cybercrime as the second most reported economic crime affecting organisations. American technology giant Cisco warns that the global cost of cybercrime could reach $6 trillion (R80 trillion) by 2021.