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Latest News from the ISSM - May 14, 2021 Member Login
Most Transgender Adolescents Satisfied With Care, Study Finds

About 75% of transgender adolescents surveyed were satisfied with the care they received at Hamburg Gender Identity Service (Hamburg GIS) in Germany. 

The 75 respondents (age 21 or younger) had sought services for gender dysphoria. About 85% of the group had been assigned female at birth; the rest had been assigned male at birth. 

Participants completed assessments at the time of their first consultation and again at a follow-up point 6 months to 4 years later. 

Adolescents who were further along in their transition process tended to be more satisfied, the authors reported. 

The study was published online in February in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. More details, including participant comments and authors' recommendations are available here. 

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