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Brownies and Girl Guides at the Station

Brownies in 'Our Natural World'

The Girl Guides and Brownies came to museum on the 20th and 21st to work towards their community badges. More than 40 people attended the two nights. The girls were very inquistive of the animals and train paraphernalia and  asked lots of great questions to the staff at the Galloway. The girls learned about native animals, the trapping and industry and also played two games, I Spy  and a "Guess What" game. 

Good luck earning your badges in the future!

Brownies and Guides on Facebook

Travel Local-Chip Lake Park

Chip Lake is located 18 km off of Highway 16, just north of Wildwood. The lake is shallow which provides an excellent home to more than 125 bird species. The endangered Whooping Crane as well as the Osprey choose the lake as nesting grounds. 

The lake also holds 7 islands, each with a unique aspect; Big Island, Spruce, Spud, Hat, Poplar, Archie's and Gravel. One Island holds an impressive blue heron colony. 

The lake was once a low lying meadow where bison would graze. One year the meadow flooded creating the lake we know now. The earliest recording of the lake is in 1865. 

'The lake is shallow, muddy and generally full of weeds, but on a still day in late fall, the water looks like a slab of polished green jade. This lake, in the golden hush of Indian summer, recovers something of its ancient glory as the first frosts on the foliage changed at one sweep, green hillsides to gold.'

- Jim Gilroy

The campground has 22 unserviced sites, with a playground, boat launch, gazebo and free firewood. $20.00 per night per sleeping unit. 

Chip Lake Park

From the Galloway Collection: Lucky Charms

This is a horse brass. Take a long look at it and try to figure out what it could be used for. Stumped? Don't worry you aren't the only ones. 

Horse brasses are decorative additions to heavy horse harnesses that attach to a martingale (a strap that prevents the horse’s head from getting too high) that hangs down the chest of the horse. Originally used as amulets to ward off the 'evil eye' which brought bad luck they have now been used as decorations for heavy horse parades and are a common decoration in English and Irish Pubs.

Donated by Jesse Smith
