Message from the Principal
Photo above: Students at the Interschool Cross Country.
Our number one priority at Kennedy is to provide a safe environment for all students so that they can strive for excellence. Student safety applies to all aspects of the College environment including our internal roads and carparks. Recently there have been several incidents that could have resulted in injury to students. Everyone needs to be extremely careful and diligent whilst trafficking through the campus. Please be reminded that 8 km/hr is the maximum speed for cars moving through the College. Your patience and courtesy is greatly appreciated.
Interschool Cross Country
It was wonderful to see our Interschool Cross Country team perform so admirably last Thursday at Perry Lakes. Our students worked incredibly hard to represent Kennedy and produce some excellent results. Congratulations to students who achieved outstanding results on a day when thousands of students were competing. An amazing accomplishment by our hard working team.
Exam Results
June is an incredibly busy month for Kennedy. It was pleasing to see students apply themselves so well to their preparation and completion of examinations and staff have now been working hard to mark and process results. These results will soon be reported to families through SEQTA in our semester reports. The review of exams and reports should be an important process for all families. These reports provide information to students, parents and staff regarding achievement so far this year where both strengths and weaknesses can be identified. I encourage families to celebrate the strengths and great achievement across all Learning Areas. I also encourage families to review areas that need to improve and consider strategies to help improve for the future. Kennedy has a range of strategies and services to address areas of concern for students. This
Individual tuition with current class teachers.
Our ongoing tutoring program, as per the weekly roster.
Individual sessions with the Research and Study Centre staff to improve study and learning processes.
Access to Learning Support Staff.
I encourage families to consider all of these options in reviewing semester results and reflecting on how best to improve for the future.
Celebrating Success
Two special assemblies are planned to celebrate the successful Semester One achievement of students. It would be wonderful to have as many families as possible join us for these events. Year 10 -12 students will be awarded academic prizes on Wednesday July 18. Whilst Year 7-9 students will be celebrated on 25 July. Both events commence at 8.45am in our Auditorium. We hope to see you there.
Mr Mark Ashby
Jesus, Christianity, and the New Testament are part of a larger story; that of God’s creation; conflict, his redeeming work, the restoration of covenant relationship, a relationship in which humanity will truly flourish. It is within this larger context that Matthew 5:1-11 must be considered. The Beatitudes are more than an 'attitude' to be adopted or a 'blessing' to be gained. They are part of a much larger story.
So, a quick lesson in Greek (the language in which the New Testament was written). The word translated 'blessed' in Matthew, is the word makarioi. Macarisms, were statements about what flourishing looked like, and were commonplace in the ancient world. The Sermon, which forms the first of the five large teaching blocks within Matthew, begins with nine strong macarisms, but before we understand the term makarioi, we need to understand the place of Torah, because the chapter begins by evoking in the minds of those first readers the story of Moses. (Matthew 5:1-2, Exodus 19:3)
Torah refers to the first five books of the Bible and is translated 'Law' in the New Testament. Torah means, 'teachings, instructions' and let us be honest most people tend not to read law books. Also the first instructions given to Israel by YHWH are not found until 69 chapters into the Bible. Which raises the question. What was the purpose of Torah if we remove the perception that it is 'Law'? Simply, it is the opening chapters of the larger story - that humanity flourishes by being in relationship with YHWH and this is attained by living under his authority (i.e. within the Kingdom of Heaven/God).
Now to return to Mathew 5:1-11. Jesus has ascended a Mount and he teaches that those who will flourish (makarioi), are those who are poor, mourn, humble etc. It is to these people that the Kingdom of Heaven/God belongs. Those who are in relationship with God, living under His authority, reflecting his nature (Genesis 1:27) these are the truly flourishing ones. But not only that. Those first readers would recognise that Matthew is depicting Jesus as one greater than Moses, and this is where conflict will come, and so the larger story continues.
Year 7 Report
The Year 7 students look very smart and grown up in their winter uniforms this term. It has been a busy few weeks with the Year 7s continuing lessons while the rest of the College sat exams during the last two weeks.
We have had a varied Extended Form program this term with students enjoying some board games together, writing letters to themselves that they will open in Year 12 when they graduate, enjoying fun activities in the Sports Centre with Nations Youth and this week we had a reptile expert speaking to the students about snakes and addressing the subject of fear and anxiety. She brought some pythons that the students could hold if they liked.
The Year 7 Councillors are working on planning an Extended Form activity for the Year 7s as part of their responsibility as Councillors. We have also continued our Community Service at Lakeside which is very successful at building relationships and understanding between the older and younger generations.
Photos above: Year 7 students enjoying a reptile show during Extended Form time.
Year 8 Report
This has been the Year 8 students' first taste of exams and hopefully it has been a good one. Well done to the Year 8 students for all their hard work and effort. The review processes a student now undertakes to examine their performance in the recent exams is vital to ensure similar mistakes are not made in the next round of examinations and to look at areas of potential improvement. Areas looked at should comprise exam preparation including; study, revising, sleeping habits and access to electronic devices. The exam itself should also be looked at, time management, simple mistakes and recall are all areas that must be managed correctly to ensure optimal performance. Learning from our mistakes allows us to continually improve.
There are a small number of students who are not wearing the College uniform correctly. In any workplace or regimented environment, people are expected to wear appropriate uniforms, and this is what we are modelling at the College. Accordingly, students must wear their uniform with pride and with respect. Boys, please ensure your shirt is tucked in, collar buttoned up and tie done up correctly. Girls please ensure your skirt is down to your knee and you are not wearing makeup. All students are expected to wear their blazers to and from the College and to Form class each day. How you wear your uniform is a message you are sending to those who see you; wear it well, wear it with pride and wear it correctly. How do you want others to see you?
The pastoral focus for the remainder of the term is one of looking forward to the next term, setting goals that are appropriate following our experiences with the exams and examining out long-term goal progression. I would encourage all students to examine their progress and make changes now to help them reach their goals. For students who have not yet set any goals, now would be a fantastic time to make and set goals along with plans on how to achieve those goals. There is a location on SEQTA which is a useful tool in helping students set goals, I would encourage all students to examine and use this tool.
Photos above: Year 8 students enjoying Extended Form time.
Year 9 Report
With exams over, there is now time for reflection in response to student’s achievement. The College offers many opportunities for students to develop their study techniques. This will be a focus in Term 3 for the Year 9 students so they can continue to develop their ability to learn.
The Year 9 students have recently spent time doing some goal setting and I hope they spend some time considering their short, medium and long-term goals over the coming weeks. We also had an excellent presentation from Murdoch University helping the students to understand themselves better in terms of skills, talents and interests so that they would make intelligent and informed choices. Annie from Murdoch will be following up with the students again in Week 9 during Extended Form. We also have Nations Youth completing their series of ‘Strength and Shine’ this term.
Our Community Service at St Bartholomew's House was an eye opener to all students about the plight of the homeless in Perth and we were very impressed by the response of all the students who attended. This opportunity will be extended to all Year 9 students so all may have a chance to attend.
The Year 9s are a very positive year group and I have been very impressed by their growth and development this semester.
I remind you that our students will be eligible to go on the New Zealand ski tour in 2019 during the July holidays. If they are interested it would be good to start saving now. I wish all families a very happy and well deserved break in July.
Photos above: Year 9 students at St Bartholomew's House.
Year 10 Report
I heard a collective sigh of relief from the Year 10 students last Wednesday as the Semester One exams came to an end. I want to congratulate those that worked hard, applied themselves and gave it their best efforts during the exam and also in the lead up with their study and revision. This week our attention in Year 10 turns to next year as subject selection interviews for Year 11 begin. It is an exciting time and I know there are a number of students who are a little nervous about their decision. The interviews are designed to ask all those questions you have in relation to next year and I am grateful that our admin team have these interviews for our students. A reminder that all subject selection sheets for next year need to be returned before the end of term to allow our curriculum team to plan for next year.
This Wednesday half of our Year 10 students were given the opportunity to go on community service to Bibra Lake where we assisted in the Black Cockatoo revegetation program where we planted trees and helped restore their local habitat. Students worked in their house group and in our two hours there were able to plant 1000 trees and then were given a tour of the area by a local guide. It was a great time spent working together and being able to assist and give something back within our community. The other half of the Year 10 students go on Thursday.
This Friday we are going ice skating as our social for this term and I am looking forward to unwinding with the students after a busy period. I also wish the students going on New Zealand ski tour a safe and enjoyable time over this holiday break and all other Year 10s a safe and enjoyable mid-year break.
Photos above: Year 10 students at their Community Service event.
Year 11 Report
I know that coming up to the reporting period it can be an anxious and busy time, with exams for ATAR students and major assignments for General students. I would firstly like to say I am proud of the efforts everyone has put in - students, parents and families alike. Well done on getting through it.
With Semester One of Year 11 over, now is the time for a quick reflection of students’ efforts and an evaluation of where improvements can be made. After evaluating, plans should be made and put into place. For some students that may mean changing subjects, others enacting a more rigorous study program and for some it may even mean a re-evaluation of their health and lifestyle habits. Whatever it is, remember that at Kennedy we have the facilities to support and offer advice for all these things. The first port of call is either the Form teacher or myself. Remember, “The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power.” (Anon)
During Wednesday Period 1 for the rest of the term we will continue to focus on self-improvement with sessions on self-esteem, first aid and a talk from Josh Bond on the Initiate Scholarship Program.
The Year 11 River Cruise, which is our next social event for the year will be held on Friday 14 September. Permission slips will be distributed out early next term.
If you would like any information on the above or anything else, please do not hesitate to contact me at the College or by email at gtyrie@kennedy.wa.edu.au
Year 12 Report
Term 2 has been a very busy time for our Year 12 students with the preparation for both the ATAR examinations and externally set tasks. As Head of Year, I was very proud of their preparation and ownership of their revision programs. Our core values for this term are faith and integrity. As students begin to resume normal classes and receive their results I would like to encourage them to adopt these attributes. May they have faith in their own gifts and talents as well as reflect on the resources needed to achieve personal excellence. Once again, I would like to encourage our students to maintain constant communication and regularly seek assistance when in doubt or needing extra support from their teachers or staff in Administration.
During Extended Form this term we have been focusing on the balance between academic goals and student well-being with a series of activities focusing on study skills, industry skills in financial awareness and relaxation techniques such as pilates, sport and bushwalking. During Week 3, our Year 12 students elected to attend two tertiary information sessions. This was a wonderful opportunity for all students to discover the requirements needed for courses they were interested in as well as alternative pathways into university. Students said that they felt empowered by having this information before graduation and they were very excited with the freebies they collected (pens, highlighters or post-its).
I have been particularly impressed with the way our students have presented themselves in their winter uniform. The Leavers jackets look very smart and allows the rest of the College to see the cohort as leaders. With this role modelling of leadership, it is also timely to encourage our students to remember the responsibilities and care that needs to be considered with the way in which they conduct themselves around campus with other students, each other and staff. As their final semester of schooling unfolds it is the small moments that will create lasting memories. With this in mind, let us be kind and considerate individuals as well as seize every opportunity with an upbeat attitude.
Sport At Kennedy
Interschool Cross Country
Kennedy Baptist College was one of 69 schools who competed at the 2018 Interschool Cross Country Carnival at Alderbury Reserve, Mount Claremont. The weather was stormy and the track quickly become soft and muddy for all competitors.
Despite the challenging conditions, the students kept in good spirits and competed incredibly well. It was wonderful to see the Year 7’s who after completing their races, stood in the mud and rain and cheered on all the competitors until the last one had finished the race. The students should be proud of their achievements and the way they represented Kennedy Baptist College. Congratulations to the impressive results of the following students.
U/19 Male - Luke Shaw 5th
U/16 Male - Daniel Kempson 2nd
U/15 Male - Zac Reed 7th
U/14 Female - Tara Reed 12th
Photos above: Students at the Interschool Cross Country.
College Notices
Music Night at Kennedy
The Arts Learning Area is showcasing their talent on Tuesday 26 June in the Kennedy Auditorium, entry by donation. Light refreshments will be available in the Lower Foyer before the concert begins at 7.00pm.
Featuring: Internationally Acclaimed Concert Pianist Jovanni-Rey De Pedro, Vocal Ensemble ‘Rhythm’, ATAR Band, Contemporary Band, Stage Band, Guitar Ensembles, plus Solo and Small Group Performances from our Instrumental and Vocal Students.
Unknown Deposits
The following deposit has been made to the College's bank account. If you have made this deposit please contact Mrs Michelle Willans in our Finance Department on 9314 7722 or email her here. Details are as below:
Kennedy Community Open Day
Community Open Day will be held on Saturday 25 August from 10.00am - 2.00pm.
Japan Tour Information Evening
Experience Japanese history and culture from 11-23 April 2019.
Open to current Year 9 and 10 students. You are welcome to find out more at our information session on Monday 25 June 2018, 6.00pm in the Staff Lounge. Please click here for more trips & tours.
Kennedy App & Absentees
Please be informed that the current Kennedy College App, Appademic, ceased trading. Please note that the use of a College App is under review.
Please direct all absentee communication to this email or please fill in the online form here. If you need any other assistance please feel free to contact the College.
P&F Parents Connect Newsletter
Please click here to read last week's P&F Newsletter.
Community Events
Term 2 holiday revision classes from Monday 2 July to Friday 6 July. Year 11 - 12 ATAR Maths, Physics & Chemistry and Year 4 - 10 Maths and English.
Please click here for more information.
Curtin Open Day 2018. Explore the Curtin campus, learn about courses, speak to lecturers and current students, participate in activities and have lots of fun. On Sunday 29 July 2018 at 10.00am to 4.00pm at the Curtin University, Bentley Campus. Please click here for more information.
Join us for a guided tour around our Perth campus on 13 July. Please click here for more information.
Year 12 Individual Advisory Sessions will also be held on 10-12 July. We will be discussing UWA courses, admission requirements and more. Please click here for more information.
Please join the Murdoch School of Education for a seminar
presented by a panel of Penrhos College STEM educators. On Monday 25 June 2018 from 4.30-5.30pm at the Hill Lecture Theatre, Education & Humanities Building (bldg 450) Murdoch South. Free entry.
Please click here to register and for more information.
We know that choosing a university is a big decision – especially if it’s interstate. Get more information about Monash University by clicking here.
If you are looking for a change of scenery, then please visit The University of Notre Dame Australia's new website – notredame.edu.au.
WAAPA at ECU is offering an exciting performing arts program for young people this July school holidays. For the first time, we are including courses for students from Years 1 to 12. The Winter School includes classes in drama, acting, screen acting, dance, musical theatre and RAP.
For information about the many courses on offer please click here, visit Winter School or contact Gabrielle Metcalf at g.metcalf@ecu.edu.au or 9370 6775.
Designed to develop athletics' skills and techniques for boys and girls aged 8 to 16 Years.
On Tuesday 10 and Wednesday 11 July from 9:00am to 3:00pm. Cost: 1 Day $90. Includes Hat or Shoe Bag.
For more information or to register please click here.
Learn new skills and improve your game! Quality sports coaching for 6 - 16 year old’s. Please click here for more camps details.
Australian Sports Camps will be using the Kennedy basketball facilities for their basketball camp from 2-4 July. They are giving a 20% discount for Kennedy students to attend this camp. By using the following code: tm20win18. Please click here for more information.
Join Dr Patricia Weerakoon on a talk about sex, sexuality, gender and identity are major issues facing Christians today. This talk is to help parents and staff understand these issues from a Christian perspective.
18 July from 7:00pm - 8:30pm at Rehoboth Christian College.
Please note that this is strictly an “adults only” event. Please click here to buy tickets.