No images? Click here Photo above: Interschool Cross Country.Message from the PrincipalDear Parents and Families, Last week the Head of School and Staff Development, Mr Cricelli, and I attended the Christian Schools Australia Policy Forum in Canberra. In his address to the Forum, the Prime Minister reinforced the importance of independent schools and the way they create community. At Kennedy, we are proud of the way our families contribute to the College community and support our students in their pursuits. As I interview prospective families, I note that they are keenly interested in the ways we foster community here at the College and it is an important factor in their decision-making process. Our Senior School students commenced their semester examinations this week and whilst this is typically a stressful time, it has been particularly encouraging to see our students very engaged in their revision and preparation for these important assessments. We hope this hard work will be rewarded with great results for all. Similarly, we trust Year 9 and 10 students will have the same approach to their examinations over the next week. It was wonderful to see our Interschool Cross Country team perform so admirably last Thursday at Perry Lakes Reserve. Our students worked incredibly hard to represent Kennedy and produce some excellent results. Congratulations to the following students who achieved outstanding results on a day when thousands of students were competing. It was an amazing accomplishment by our hard-working team to place 14th from the 75 schools competing. Some outstanding individual performances as listed below:
Congratulations to our entire team and the Physical Education staff for their commitment to our early morning training sessions leading up to this event. Please click here for photos. Mr Mark Ashby Chaplain DevotionIf you have read previous newsletter articles, you would have seen that the theme of these articles is to look at life from the vantage point of the Kingdom of God. The whole story of the Bible is that humanity was purposed to live in such a flow of life that we can only wonder at what it would be like to live that way. We struggle to imagine the beauty of a life lived from of the Kingdom of God, filled with “selfless extravagant irrepressible love”, “joy that overflows” and free of anxiety and worry. I have come to understand that we live lives so used to brokenness, that we accept that the wonderous life we all long for, is not possible. I long for relationships, that originally formed with such commitment and sacrifice, don’t break down! I long for human hearts to value others, more than valuing self-serving passions. I long for bodies and minds that don’t wear out. Longing for these things, and then continually not seeing them, could lead to the fixed conclusion that this is all there is, and that life is broken and failure. The Kingdom of God that Jesus came to display, and to speak about, ignites that flame of possibility, that life should, and could, be vastly more permanent in many ways. Jesus spoke of His mission to save us from sin. Sin, when viewed from the Kingdom of God, becomes all the brokenness that is seen in lives being lived short of the original purpose. “SIN” can be a word that is thrown around with a very different understanding between the person saying it and the person hearing it. I would like to land the idea that SIN is everything in life that is not flowing from the Kingdom of God. Jesus came to save us from everything that is not of His Kingdom, all brokenness and death, both within us and around us in others. If you long for life to be more of what you hope it could and should be, “Seek first the Kingdom of God” Matthew 6:33. Year 7 ReportAs a year group, things are progressing quite well and the Year 7s are adjusting to life at Kennedy. I have been speaking with many students in these past couple of weeks and talking to them about being kind and thoughtful in our words and actions. As they are becoming more comfortable and relaxed in the Kennedy environment I am noticing some issues arising, and want to encourage all students to speak kindly and be thoughtful of others at this time. I am reminded in Proverbs 16:24 “Gentle words bring life and health; a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.” This is what I will be focusing on with the Year 7s for the rest of the term. During Extended Form, we are doing a range of activities that are active, social and positive. Every week each House group rotates and they do a different activity of either Sport, Board games, writing a letter to their future self and a Positive Education lesson. The students seem to really enjoy writing themselves a letter that we will give to them in their graduation pack at the end of their time at Kennedy. It has been a great Kennedy tradition that I know the Year 12s always look forward to getting back in the future. The Positive Education lesson is focused on positivity and optimism where students discuss and do an activity that involves reframing, which is changing negative thoughts and self-talk to be more positive. They also design a positivity spiral where they focus on writing practical ways they can be positive and hopefully see how it continues to spiral upwards to help build self-esteem and confidence the more positive they are. The student councillors have helped me canvas the year group and we have decided that next term our social will be at Bounce. More information will come out regarding this at the end of this term. If you have any questions, queries, or concerns about your child, please don’t hesitate to contact me. ![]() ![]() Year 8 ReportI have continued to be impressed by how the Year 8 students continue to adapt to the rigours of high school. To that end, we have started to introduce the next phase on self-directed learning, self-reflection. Last week we started a pilot of the iYarn wellbeing self-reflection tool. The Year 8s are using the tool to reflect on their own wellbeing, helping them to recognise if they are feeling ‘down’. When a student gives themselves a low rating then they are emailed some strategies on how to help themselves. In the short trial so far, it looks as this will be an excellent enhancement to our existing programs. As we come up to report time it is the perfect opportunity for students to examine their performance and processes to ensure similar mistakes are not made in the future and to look at areas of potential improvement. Next week we will be having a study skills session run by our Research and Study Centre staff where we will focus on studying and mindset. Please let me know if you would like a copy of the information presented to further highlight these techniques at home. Yesterday we were privileged to have Jade Lewis, a drug awareness educator, come and speak to the year 8s. More information about Jade and her programs can be found at As you can see there is a lot happening with our Year 8s all with the aim to continue to grow then into young adults of substance and value. If you have any queries or concerns, please contact me by direct message or at Year 9 ReportE’Day has arrived! E’Day? I mean ‘Exam Day’. The first exams that the Year 9 students will do at Secondary School have finally arrived. We have spent a great deal of time this term preparing students for this new experience where students have the opportunity to demonstrate their level of understanding on the topics studied in Maths, English, Science and Humanities. Recently in Extended Form, students had a lovely pancake breakfast before exams commence and yesterday, students heard an encouraging talk by Pastor Marcos Torres on identity and purpose. We also went through how to prepare and study for exams with the Research and Study Centre staff. Some of these tips and tricks that were discussed may be helpful as you help your child prepare for these exams.
Exams are a massive challenge but are common practice at all educational institutions. We can all do our part to help each child achieve success, one step at a time. As Thomas Edison once said, “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time”. ![]() ![]() Year 10 ReportThe busyness of Year 10 never seems to cease, with increased load at College, sporting opportunities, co-curricular commitments and for some, casual jobs. Expectations rise and time seems to disappear when distractions of technology, social media, gaming, and lack of sleep accumulate. It is understandable when we find students overtired, struggling and overwhelmed. Therefore, it is crucial we work together to encourage our students, set clear boundaries with technology, encourage routines of exercise and sleep and celebrate their successes no matter how big or small, to reassure them of our support and love. The Year 10 Form teachers and I strive to support the Year 10s by intentionally connecting and building relationships with them, checking in on homework and study, offering tips and encouraging them in future career ideas. Some insight to our Wednesdays in Extended Form have given the Student Counselors and House Captains the opportunity to run an amazing ‘connection’ week where the students nominated for either sports; dodgeball, soccer or volleyball, or card and board games in the Research and Study Centre, as a time to mix with their cohort, outside of their regular friendship groups, and have some ‘down time’ to reduce anxiety levels. The coming weeks for our Year 10s are significant for them as individuals as they study for their exams, but also as they look towards the academic and career direction they want to pursue for their future. I will continue to speak to the students of their importance and value as a whole person and inform them, they are more than just a grade or achievement. Finally a reminder from Philippians 4:7 “And the peace of God, that transcends all understanding, will guide your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus”. We wish them all the best for the coming weeks. ![]() ![]() Year 11 ReportOn Wednesday 19 May, Olympic 800m runner Peter Bol visited the College to speak to our Year 11 students about goal setting, resilience, confidence, consistency and the power of sport psychology. Peter’s story is inspiring. He was born in Sudan, fled the civil war with his family and spent four years living in Egypt. From there, the family moved to Toowoomba when Peter was 10 years old. Peter did not take athletics seriously until he was in Year 12 but soon realised his enormous potential. His ability to focus clearly on his goals and his dedication to constantly improve has provided motivation for our students, some of whom have goals to become professional athletes. Recently one of our Year 11 students, Taj Boland, was involved in coordinating Silly Socks Day, aimed at raising awareness for poverty and homelessness in Australia. Over 2000 pairs of socks were donated, which is an outstanding contribution. It is inspiring to see our students show compassion towards those who are struggling. 1 Peter 3:8 states, “Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble.” It is a pleasure to work in a school community where people genuinely care for others and want to help those in need. Many of the Year 11 students commenced their exams this week. In preparation for this, last Wednesday in Extended Form, the students took notes on a Study Skills video prepared by members of the Research and Study Centre. Then the students ventured off to a range of Study Skills workshops. Thank you to the teachers and other staff members who ran the workshops. Your efforts are greatly appreciated. ![]() ![]() Year 12 ReportAs you read this the Year 12 students are busy with their exams and I know many students and parents experience high levels of stress and pressure during this time. As we all know some stress is good as it helps us perform at a high level but stress needs to be handled carefully. It is vital that students eat a healthy diet with lots of fruit and vegetables during this time of study and that they limit their consumption of sugar and caffeine-rich drinks. Exercise is often sacrificed at this time, yet it is one of the best ways of dealing with stress. I would encourage thirty minutes to an hour of exercise every day – it is vital to your physical and mental health. Thirdly sufficient sleep is key to performing well. It often seems that during the exams all three of these areas do not get enough attention when they are actually needed most! Please encourage your child to maintain high standards in these areas to ensure their best performance in exams. One of our goals this year is preparing our Year 12 students for their first year out of College. With this in mind, we have used Extended Form time to provide students with good financial guidance for the future as well as looking after their mental health. Students were given guidance on budgeting, dealing with credit, and the consequences of interest when debt escalates. We are very fortunate to have specialists available from outside the College who can give us expert advice on these matters. The students responded well to the guidance and we hope they will implement what was discussed. I believe I am very fortunate to have a wonderful group of Year 12 students and I have been very privileged to accompany them for the last five years. I cannot believe that together we only have 14 College weeks left. We are looking forward to the Spring Fling in Term 3 as a celebration of a wonderful time at Kennedy. ![]() ![]() Kennedy NewsSilly Sock Day![]() On 26 May Kennedy hosted a Silly Sock Day to raise awareness for homelessness in the city of Perth. The College was a buzz as staff and students were invited to wear a pair of silly socks and donate a new pair of socks to One Voice. One Voice is a Christian organization that assists the Homeless, restoring dignity, one life at a time. This event came about when two students Taj Boland (Year 11) and George Uhe (Year 12) completed a project-based learning experience that encouraged them to develop a community event, that would raise awareness and bring about community engagement. The students wrote to the Principal and met with him to propose the event. They also approached the House Coordinators to make the event a College-wide House competition. A goal of raising 600 pairs of new socks for the Homeless was set. With the assistance of the House Coordinators, Taj and George created a presentation and a promotional video. Subsequently, over 2000 pairs of new socks were donated on Kennedy’s Silly Sock day! Taj and George would like to thank the Kennedy community for their generosity and fantastic engagement in this event. Pedal Prix Team Update![]() Last week 16 Year 7 students plus a number of parents came to find out more about the Pedal Prix competition. Both students and parents enjoyed having a ride in the trikes and are looking forward to being part of this fantastic opportunity. We are looking for a few more team members to complete the team. Please contact Mr Gunter via Direqt message if you are interested. We welcome and encourage parents to also be a part of this team to assist on race days. The race schedule is as follows:
We will be having weekly afternoon meetings leading up to our first race, preparing the trike for the race, practicing driver changes, and getting used to driving the trike. More information will be shared at these meetings so it is important that all members commit to attending. Microgrid Excursion![]() Last week our Year 9 CAD class had the opportunity to visit Murdoch University for a fun excursion. Students are currently doing a joint project with Murdoch University and three other schools to design and develop a model of a Power Grid. The students will design and produce a number of 3D printed house/buildings that will have LED lights and even moving parts to replicate real-life buildings within a community. These model buildings, once completed and connected to each other, will simulate the use and supply of power from and to the grid. This model grid will be used as a teaching resource to teach students about the power grid and power consumption in the community. Students are all so excited to be a part of this project. Join the Push-up Challenge![]() On Tuesday, a few staff and students started a push-up challenge to get fit, have fun, learn more and raise awareness about Mental Health. There are over 50 staff and students signed up for the challenge. One of our students has already raised over $100. The aim is to complete 3318 push-ups in 25 days to raise awareness and funds for Mental Health. Alternatives such as sit-ups, squats, or tailored exercises are also welcome! We encourage everyone to challenge themselves and join in. You can do this at your own pace or join us every Tuesday at 7:45am in the gym for 15-mins of push-ups before the day starts. If you would like to donate towards this worthy cause. Join the challenge and donate here. Password to join: Push VET Voice - Daniel Parker![]() Year 11 and 12 students at Kennedy have the opportunity to enhance their education by engaging in Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses while still at school. VET students do off-campus studies in training organisations such as TAFE and some are required to do work placements. In this issue, we feature Daniel Parker, a Year 11 student enrolled in the Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation at South Metro TAFE. Mr Ernesto Ramirez took the time to interview Daniel. Daniel said that he has always been a hands-on type of guy and always been interested in different types of vehicles, he is excited that he now has the opportunity to train to become an automotive technician while still completing College. Read Daniel Parker's full interview with Mr Ernesto Ramirez below! Celebrating WA DayWA Day is held each year on the first Monday in June. Historically it was known as Foundation Day and recognised when the merchant vessel Parmelia with civilian settlers on board arrived on 31 May 1829 and sighted the coast on 1 June to start the Swan River Colony. In April 2012 with bipartisan political support, Foundation Day was formally changed to WA Day emphasising that the new ‘State Day’ was to be inclusive of all people. It is a day to celebrate our great state and all Western Australians, recognising our Aboriginal history, early European settlers and the many people from all over the world who have made, and continue to make, Western Australia their home. Click here for more details. College NoticesMusic Ensemble Night![]() On Wednesday 16 June Kennedy is hosting its annual Music Ensemble Night. Our music students will perform some entertaining pieces in the College Auditorium from 6.30pm - 8.00pm. Everyone is welcome to attend and be entertained by all our Music Ensembles, including our new Orchestra and Fusion Band! Please note that entry is by gold coin donation. Invite your family and friends and join us - we look forward to seeing you there! Photography Showcase 2021![]() If your child likes taking photographs, then submit a unique photo and they could win a great prize. This year, there are three categories: black and white, portrait, wildlife, and Photoshop edited. Entrants need to have taken the submitted photographs themselves. The competition closes on Thursday 24 June. You can submit your entry by clicking the following link here. Bicycle Security Alert![]() All bike riders are required by law to wear a helmet. Bikes must be left secured with a strong padlock to the racks provided at the rear of the College. College Photo Day![]() Individual College photos will be taken on Monday 21 June and Tuesday 22 June. Please ensure your child is wearing their full Winter Uniform and is presented according to College standards. Please see the uniform policy here on page 29. 2021 Kennedy Community Open DaySaturday 21 August from 11.00am - 3.00pmPlease look out for the next P&F Connect newsletter for more details regarding Open Day and how you and your child can get involved. Join the Open Day Team!Be part of the P&F Open Day subcommittee team this year - our Parents and Friends Association is currently looking for coordinators to assist with the planning, preparation, and overseeing of a stall on the day. If you would like any more information, please contact the P&F via email here. The next Open Day meeting will be on Wednesday 23 June at 5.00pm in the College Boardroom. ![]() AbsenteesParents and guardians are asked to notify the College before 9.00am on the morning of absence via the absentee form on the Kennedy App under Parent Lounge, by phoning the College absentee line (08 6188 0698), or via email. For any other student matters or information, please feel free to email Student Services or stop by to talk to one of our staff. ![]() Uniform Shop – Term 2 Opening HoursThe Uniform Shop will be open on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 8.00am to 3.45pm. * Please note that the Uniform Shop is closed for lunch 12.30 to 1.00pm. For more information, please email the Uniform Shop Manager via the link below. ![]() Term 2 Cafeteria MenuThere are delicious items available in the Cafeteria such as fruit salad, sushi and freshly baked muffins and chocolate croissants each day! There are also some great online lunch options such as Butter Chicken & Rice, baguettes & wraps to order via our online ordering system at ![]() Volunteering OpportunitiesWe value the support of Our current volunteer opportunities are:
![]() Student WithdrawalOne term (10 school weeks) notification in writing is required if a student is being withdrawn from the College. Failure to give 10 school weeks’ written notice will attract a fee of 25% of the total annual fee. Please address a written notice to Mr Mark Ashby via the Registrar. We are always looking to improve our College and take care of our community. Will you please tell us how we are doing and review us on Google? Submit your review here. The next newsletter will be published on: |