Message from the Principal
Photo above: Canberra and Sydney tour.
Dear Parents and Families
Welcome to Term 4 at Kennedy Baptist College. I trust everyone has had a restful break and students are eager to continue embracing our opportunities. It is great to be back after a term of Long Service Leave and I look forward to continue sharing the Kennedy journey with all families. Although the Mediterranean coast was a fantastic holiday it’s always wonderful to return to Kennedy.
Over the holidays Kennedy operated student tours to Canberra and the Pilbara as well as a language immersion tour for our French students. It has been wonderful to hear the great stories of the experiences students were given whilst on these tours. Congratulations to both the staff and students who participated in these extraordinary events. In particular, congratulations to Mr Newell, Mr Dunstan and Mme Henri for their hard work in making these tours so successful.
This term will continue to provide a wide range of opportunities for students across all Learning Areas and culminates with examinations for students in Years 8 to 12. There are also a number of key events next week.
Year 10-12 Award Night: Tuesday 16 October, 7.00pm
Next Tuesday we celebrate and give thanks for the wonderful achievement of our Year 10 - 12 students. I would to remind families that this is a compulsory event for students and it would be wonderful to have as many families as possible joining us on the night for this special celebration.
Year 12 Last Day: Friday 19 October
Next Friday we will honour and farewell our Year 12 students at a special assembly to acknowledge their last official day of classes at Kennedy. We wish them all the very best as a large number of these students commence their final preparations for the WACE examinations which will then be used for university entrance. Year 12 Graduation will then take place on Friday November 16 after the WACE examinations. I hope all of our Year 12 families can join us for both of these special events.
Mr Mark Ashby
You prepare a feast for me
in the presence of my enemies.
You honour me by anointing my head with oil.
My cup overflows with blessings.
Psalm 23:5 (NLT)
I love food. Such is my love for food, when I am asked what superpower I would like to possess my answer is always the ability to eat as much I want without ever putting on weight.
My enjoyment of food comes from the memories it conjures up. My love for dark peppermint chocolate has a lot to do with the fact that my paternal grandfather loved this type of chocolate; my maternal grandfather always had a packet of black and white humbugs in his pocket which he would teasingly pull out whenever he visited and then share with us. Then there were the large (and boisterous) family lunches on a Sunday following the church service, which always seemed to include at least 3 or 4 guests. For our family, hospitality and food were synonymous.
In the Middle East the relationship between hospitality and food is famous and it is this cultural facet that is drawn on in this Psalm. Bang, smack in the middle of all that hurts and all that is going wrong, we see the protection (shepherd) and hospitality (food) that is provided by God and his provision is so lavish that we can invite others to join. Not only do they share in the food, but they are also given the opportunity to be under the protection of God. There is no invitation that we can hand out which is better than this one. Better than any sweet handed out or family meal on a Sunday afternoon, that is a step worth taking and a memory worth creating.
Acting Deputy Principal Curriculum Report
My mentor would often say, “Your best is good enough – only your best”. As the Year 12 students are close to completing their schooling, I would like to wish them all the best in their future endeavours. And thank you Year 12 students for enriching my Kennedy experience.
The Year 10-12 Awards Night is on Tuesday 16 October and the Year 7-9 Awards Night is on Tuesday 20 November. These two nights are an opportunity for the school community to share in the achievements of the student body. Please be reminded that student attendance to the respective events is compulsory.
Year 11 examinations are beginning in Week 6 and concluding in Week 7. All Year 11 students (General and ATAR) are required to attend school on Monday 26 November (Week 8). On that day, all students will be provided with assessment results, final marks and grades. Students who completed examinations will receive feedback on their exam performance. The information and review processes that will occur on this day are essential for all students.
Year 8-10 students will have examinations in English, Humanities, Mathematics and Science from Thursday 15 November to Tuesday 20 November. Examinations will occur after morning form and will be completed by recess. Parents are reminded that examinations are not rescheduled. As some students may experience anxiety during the exam period, please encourage them to take a leaf out of the proverbial David’s book when he took on Goliath. To David, Goliath was not a giant too big to hit; but too big to miss.
Students will receive feedback on their examinations during Week 7 and 8. The curriculum concludes on the final day of College, Tuesday 4 December.
Deputy Principal Pastoral Care Report
Each year Kennedy presents Community Service Awards to recognise the efforts made by our students. These include the Long Tan Award, the Caltex Best All Rounder Award, the Sportsperson of the Year, and the Community Leadership Award. These are very special awards because they celebrate the contribution of our students both to the College and the wider community.
The Long Tan Award is sponsored by the Australian Defense Forces and recognises students who demonstrate leadership, teamwork, positive values, problem solving, resourcefulness and clear communication. There are 2 awards, and they each involve a monetary amount of $250 for the Year 10 winner and $500 for the Year 12 winner.
The Caltex Best All Rounder Award is presented in recognition of outstanding student achievement in the following areas: sport, academia and community service. Winners of the award must demonstrate a commitment to doing their best in all areas The recipient will have been involved in interschool sporting teams and carnivals, maintained excellent grades, and completed community work both at the College through our Community Outreach Program and in the wider community as a volunteer.
The Kennedy Baptist College Sportsperson Award involves 4 criteria of sporting excellence. The first is that the student should have been involved in interschool sport, the second is to have performed at an excellent level for Kennedy Baptist College, third criterion is positively influencing others through a significant contribution to the Health and Physical Education Department and the fourth criteria is the recipient is to be elite in their own sporting field.
The Community Leadership Award recognises community service both within the College and the wider community. Previous winners have been involved in a wide range of community volunteering including: overseas trips to address poverty, assisting in local church, working in animal refuges, helping with disabled sports organisations and many more worthwhile pursuits.
All our winners will be announced at the upcoming Prize Night and their names will be displayed on our Kennedy Honour Boards located in the College Auditorium.
Term 3 Assembly
We had the opportunity to celebrate and acknowledge student achievements at out final Term 3 Assembly. Students from the Cambodia Mission Tour and New Zealand Ski Tour shared some of their memorable and exciting moments with the rest of the College. Students then enjoyed the final House point draw with a few activities between staff members and students. We congratulate Estelle Celesti-Crosby who won the scenic helicopter flight for three people that leaves from Crown Perth to view Perth from the sky.
Mrs Mandy Beaurain
Public Relations Assistant
Guinea Pigs at Perth Royal Show
Our Kennedy guinea pigs entered the Perth Royal Show and did exceptionally well. With Larry as best boar prize, best cavy and diorama along with Harry who won the prize for best dressed and Barry who came 4th place for guinea pig racing. Our Kennedy students, Christine Gee, Isabella Amey and Paige Pownell worked really hard to get them ready and design the dioramas and costumes. They were there all day talking to the public about our College and our guinea pig program. I would like to thank the students for their hard work and for promoting the College in such a unique way.
Mrs Elizabeth Lourensz
Senior Science Technician
Canberra and the City of Sydney
During the holidays, 29 students from Years 8 and 9, and four staff members embarked on a wonderful educational tour of our national capital Canberra and the city of Sydney.
Our first stop was Canberra where we were met by our coach driver, Carl, a fountain of knowledge and experience who really enhanced the trip.
Over the four full days we spent in Canberra, all of the students had the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational programs with a focus on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy. We managed to pack in visits to the National Museum, the National Capital Exhibition, Australian Institute of Sport, National Gallery, Australian War Memorial, the High Court, Questacon, Parliament House, National Electoral Education Centre, the Royal Australian Mint and the Embassies. In the evenings we played some games as we gradually got to know each other more, played lasertag and enjoyed a quiz night. Perhaps the highlight of the Canberra leg was the laying of the wreath during a beautiful and reflective closing ceremony at the Australian War Memorial by two students, Hunter Taylor and Ella Marshall.
We then drove on to Sydney where we stayed at the Sydney Harbour Youth Hostel. The view from the top to the Sydney Opera House and the Harbour Bridge was awesome and being an actual dig site for archeologists made it even more interesting. Whilst in Sydney we explored the Sydney Opera House, Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Rocks precinct. We also managed to have a drama class at the National Institute for Dramatic Art (NIDA), a visit to the Maritime Museum, some time to shop at Darling Harbour, a trip to Bondi Beach and we finished off our tour at Taronga Park Zoo and the Powerhouse Museum. It was certainly a busy week together but the opportunity to be immersed in so much culture and history of our beautiful country was well worth it and I am sure lifelong friendships were formed.
The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the national capital as part of their Civics and Citizenship education. To assist families in meeting the cost of the excursion the Australian Government is contributing funding of $240 per student under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program towards those costs. The rebate is paid directly to the school upon completion of the excursion.
Mr Greg Newell
Canberra - Sydney Study Tour Coordinator.
Newman Indigenous Tour
On Monday 17 September, nine Year 11 students and three staff members boarded a plane to Newman for this year’s Indigenous Tour.
After arriving in Newman, the group hired a bus and headed to Jigalong, where they engaged with Martu students at Jigalong Remote Community School. This included spending time in the classroom as well as participating in a fun mixed basketball match. The next day, the group met Darryl Jones, an indigenous man whose grandmother, Daisy, famously walked back from Moore River settlement along the Rabbit Proof Fence. It was an honour to meet DJ and hear about how his grandmother made it home.
The tour group then headed back to Newman, where they would spend time helping at a Martu Farm nursery, including running a successful Community Garden Day event. Whilst also in Newman, the students met with Martu people at Ophthalmia Dam, where they enjoyed eating kangaroo tail that was cooked traditionally in the ground, as well as having great conversations and providing a gift to each of the Martu people who attended the visit to the dam.
The students also visited the picturesque Karijini National Park, enjoying a dip in the magnificent Fern Pool in Dales Gorge as well as a visit to Hammersley Gorge. The weather was ideal for swimming and it was a great way to end the trip. It was a pleasure to spend time with such a wonderful group of young men and women. I’d like to thank Mr. Ilchuk and Ms. Davis for their assistance on this trip.
If your son or daughter is currently in Year 10, please consider this tour for 2019. The opportunity to visit a remote indigenous community and to learn about indigenous culture is invaluable.
Mr Murray Dunstan
Newman Indigenous Tour Coordinator
Delicious Treats to Celebrate Reading
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The Research and Study Centre strive to encourage a reading habit within students and run several reading programs. Two of these, the 11 in 7 and Double 8 reading programs for our Year 7s and Year 8s respectively, culminated in the last week of Term 3 with some delicious treats!
In Year 8 approximately 64 students who successfully read 16 books or more, received their reward on Monday afternoon, 17 September. They participated in a special incursion in the Auditorium to view the film, A Wrinkle in Time complete with intermission for the consumption of Krispy Kreme donuts!
In Year 7, 89 students accomplished reading at least 11 books over the year. They were rewarded with a special pizza lunch hosted in the Research and Study Centre on the final Wednesday of Term 4. A huge number of pizzas and cans of drink were eagerly consumed!
Champions Read
Champions Read starts this Thursday 11 October and runs for the next four weeks! This is a school-wide reading program where students earn one house point for every 15 minute block of reading they complete. These house points contribute towards the Kennedy Cup. So please ask your child on Wednesday evenings how much reading they have done the previous week – they can note that down and tell their Form teacher on Thursday. Every 15 minutes counts!!
Music Department Information
Music Ensembles Night
Monday 29 October, 6.30pm to 8.00pm. This will be a night to feature Kennedy’s Ensembles - Vocal Ensemble, Guitar Ensembles, Stage and Contemporary Bands, and the ATAR and VET Bands. Please note the date change due to student and venue clashes – it is now on Monday 29 October. This night is shaping up to be a great night of music performances in the Auditorium. We look forward to seeing you there!
Instrumental Music Recitals
Tuesday 6, Wednesday 7 and Friday 9 November, 5.30pm to 7.00pm. Kennedy Music teachers and Instrumental Tutors will be hosting a Recital Series to feature the talents of our instrumental music students who diligently attend weekly music lessons. The series will be run over the following three nights, featuring the following instruments:
Tuesday 6 November - Students of Miss Igglesden (Voice), Mr Keesing (Guitar), Mr Salisbury (Piano) + Mr Pavitt (Drums/Percussion)
Wednesday 7 November - Students of Mr Keesing (Guitar), Mr Quartermaine (Drums/Percussion) + Mr Waddell (Trumpet/Guitar)
Friday 9 November - Students of Ms. Agenbach (Clarinet), Ms. Burke (Flute/Saxophone), Ms. Porter-Langson (Violin), Ms. Ryan (Voice) + Ms. Wood (Piano)
Parents are warmly encouraged to attend these concerts to support the progress of their children and also to meet the instrumental tutors on the allocated nights. The Recitals will be held in the Drama Room which is upstairs from the Auditorium. If there is a clash in the allocated date, please contact Janelle Anthony (janthony@kennedy.wa.edu.au) to arrange a different date, by Friday 26 October.
College Notices
Hayfever Season
Hayfever season has arrived. Kennedy Baptist College can only administer paracetamol to students with parental consent. If your child has a condition requiring medication (e.g. hayfever medication) and you wish them to take the medication at College, please complete a medication form which is available from the Sick Bay. They will then store your child’s medication under lock and key. Please make sure all medication is in the original packaging as we can not accept medication provided in zip lock bags etc. Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
Term 4 P&F Meeting
Meeting will be on Monday 15 October at 6.30pm in the Staff Lounge.
State Representatives
Has your child represented WA in sport this year?
We would like to acknowledge students in the 2018 Yearbook who represented the State in their chosen sport. If your child has represented WA this year please send details of the sport, the competition, the result and any other pertinent details to Mrs Mandy Beaurain by email by 31 October. Thank you.
Awards Nights
Year 10-12 Awards Night will be on Tuesday 16 October at 7.00pm in the Auditorium.
Year 7-9 Awards Night will be on Tuesday 20 November at 7.00pm in the Auditorium.
For more details on upcoming events please click here.
Term 4 Uniform Shop Hours
Monday to Thursday 8.00am to 3.45pm
* Closed for lunch 12.30-1.00pm
* Closed on Friday. For more information please email Mr Kerry James here.
Tutoring Timetable Term 4
Please click here to see the Tutoring timetable for Term 4. Please contact individual teachers for more information.
Beedawong Volunteers
We are looking for volunteers to help us in the Beedawong Cafeteria. Please drop in and see our fabulous facilities and meet the staff.
Please email Mrs Renee Anderson here if you are interested.
Term 4 Cafeteria Menu
With summer here, Beedawong has spiced up their menu! With so much more to choose from, please click here to see the menu for Term 4.
Celebrating Student Achievements
Derek Igbenoba
Congratulations to Derek Igbenoba who has been chosen to represent the ACC boys’ team in the All Stars Basketball Match against the combined government schools team (SSWA).
Courtney Green
Congratulations Courtney Green who has been chosen to represent the ACC girls’ team in the All Stars Basketball Match against the combined government schools team (SSWA).
Luke Shaw
Congratulations to Luke Shaw on being awarded the ACC Letters in the sixteenth round of qualification following the 2018 Athletics carnivals. To achieve letters a student has to be selected in the ACC All Star team for Swimming, Cross Country or Athletics for at least 4 years. Students who are awarded letters will be presented with a framed "ACC Letter" as a memento of their outstanding achievement and will also become members of the exclusive ACC Lettermen Club. Luke has had an exceptional 4 years at all Interschool Athletics Carnivals and is a well-deserved recipient of this award. Congratulations Luke.