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National Town Hall Meeting ![]() Miami, Florida | February 28-March 1, 2019 No lawyer, law firm, or corporate in-house legal department is immune from mental health and well-being problems. Many courts, law firms, and corporations have recognized the seriousness of mental health and substance-abuse disorders and are devoting significant resources to monitoring and supporting lawyers’ well-being. Are these efforts working? What more should be done? How can we replicate successes and improve systems to support legal professionals? This conference will bring together top medical experts, judges, and legal practitioners from around the country to discuss and highlight these life-threatening issues, to examine the recommendations of the American Bar Association’s National Task Force on Lawyer Well-Being, and to identify the most promising best practices for the bench and bar. Presenters include: Dr. George Koob Director of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism ![]() Hilarie Bass Past President, American Bar Association; Founder, Bass Institute on Diversity and Inclusion ![]() Jeremy Fogel Retired U.S. District Judge, Director of the Berkeley Judicial Institute ![]() Gabrielle Anwar Actress ![]() Patrick Kennedy Former Congressman Also featuring
Special thanks to Adam Moskowitz, topics coordinator for this event. Registration fee of $399 ($199 for medical professionals, $99 for students) includes conference materials, two continental breakfasts, coffee breaks, lunch on Thursday, a reception on Thursday evening, and grab-and-go snacks at the end of the conference on Friday. CLE credits will be offered. Sponsorship opportunities are available. Discounted accommodations available at the Atton Brickell Miami Hotel; call 1-888-402-1260 and mention the Duke Law Wellness Conference for the group rate of $209/night (discount expires Feb. 12). Learn more: Thank you to our sponsors!
Angeion Group
Contributor Friend Adam & Jessica Moskowitz
Cosponsored by Bolch Judicial Institute of Duke Law School